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Tigers (not my organism)s
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are known for their power and strength.
The tiger is capable of killing animals over twice its size. It is one of nature’s most feared predators.
Like its ancestor, the sabre-tooth cat, the tiger relies heavily on its powerful teeth for survival. If it loses its canines it's tearing teeth, through injury or old age, it can no longer kill animals and is likely to starve to death.
Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away.
They are powerful nocturnal hunters that travel many miles to find buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals. A Bengal tiger can eat 21kg of meat in a night and can kill about 30 buffaloes a year.
The roar of a Bengal tiger can carry for over 2 km at night.
Although tigers are powerful and fast over short distances, the Bengal tiger cannot outrun fleet footed prey such as deer. Instead it uses stealth to catch its victims, such as attacking the animal from the side or the rear.
Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (none have exactly the same stripes).
If the animal they are about to kill is large, the tiger may drag the remains to a dense group of bushes or trees and loosely bury it with leaves, then return to it later.
As well as game animals, it preys on wild boar, monkeys, lizards and occasionally porcupines.
Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male. Cubs cannot hunt until they are at least 18 months old and remain with their mothers for two to three years, when they leave to find their own territory.
Like domestic cats, all tigers can purr. Unlike their tame relatives, which can purr as they breathe both in and out, but tigers purr only as they breathe out.
Unlike other cats that hate water and cant swim that well, tigers are really good swimmers and often cool off in lakes and streams during a hot day.
Tigers lives up to 20 to 26 years old in captivity.
Even though tigers belong in the wild they are still used by travelling circuses in the UK.
Tigers mainly eat ambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and antelope. Tigers are also known to hunt sloth bears, dogs, leopards, crocodiles and pythons as well as monkeys and hares.
Tigers are completely blind for the first week of their life. About half do not survive to adulthood.
Tigers are nicer than lions. Unlike lions, who would fight to the death over a kill, when a tiger crosses paths with another tiger while hunting, they often share the meal together. When several tigers are present at a kill, the males will wait for females and cubs to eat first, unlike lions, which do the opposite. Tigers rarely argue or fight over a kill and simply wait turns.
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