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The Tassel Was Worth the Hassle

Good morning everyone! I’m very pleased to have been invited here to speak today on what I know is a very special day. It’s special for the graduates, for their proud parents, and for their very relieved teachers. I have to say, I think the best speeches are those with an enjoyable beginning, a memorable end, and not much in between…
Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate achievements, perseverance, and successes as we grow up. Graduates, you should know that your mom and dad are very happy today. They have high hopes for you, they believe in you, and you are making them proud by showing off your talents and skills. Take a look at them now, and you can probably see them smiling and taking pictures. Today would be a great day to ask for a raise in our allowance, because we’ve been working hard here, am I right? The tassel was really worth the hassle! Today’s also a great day to hug them and thank them for supporting you, because as much as this is your moment, it’s your family’s moment too. (look around)
With every year, our class as a whole has become increasingly independent. 6th grade was where we were dependent on our teachers and parents, as well as getting used to switching classes almost every period. You were excited and also intimidated. 7th grade was where we were used to the environment, and it was more of a “meh” kind of year. 8th grade was one of the best years of my life so far. I made a lot of new friends, strengthened the bond with old friends, and had a TON of fun. Some of the stuff that happened this year was Great America, Sparta, spirit weeks, the dances, and a whole lot of stuff that I don’t have time to list here because I have a 2 minute limit.
Graduation is like an official way of recognizing your entrance into the next level, like a video game. We’ve made it to the next level! High school will be filled with mountains of assignments, finals stress and loads of fun.
Now, this’ll be cheesy, but bear with me. Remember to be yourself, and that you don’t have to follow the crowd, because if you do, you end up losing yourself. Study hard and remember that you’re investing in yourself with every test you take and every book you read. And finally, don’t be in too big of a hurry to grow up.
Now, as a future 9th grader, let me offer you some free advice. Talk less. Smile more. Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for… No, I’m just kidding! I’ll leave you though with a quote by a great author: Dr. Seuss. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.” Now that I’ve told you the cliché quote, congrats to the grads, congrats to the parents, and most importantly congrats to everyone that helped you get here, be it teachers, family or friends. Before I present the next speaker, I’d like to thank the PTSA for the amazing party last night and the delicious brunch that I woke up for this morning. Oh, and here is Jenny Tang with her speech. (Sigh of relief)
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