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Ancient Era Mapgame
This is an Era mapgame,which means the technologies will be discovered turn by turn.

Getting started
To play,you first need to select(found) a civilization.
The following must be provided
-Name ( MUST be more than 50% historical)
-Location (show on map) –Must be a historical location for your country, IN ANCIENT ERA . So you cant be Bulgaria till people reach medieval age
You start as the leader of a small tribe, about 5 provinces and 2000 population.
To conquer a region you have to wage war against nearby tribes (unlike other blank map mapgames, the territory is actually inhabited by filthy barbarians awaiting to be civilized by your sword)
For this, you have to send 500 people (peasants) , or some total attack of 500 ,per province you want conquer.After this,you will get 300 bonus population and 5 income.(Each province gives 100 to 500 bonus pop,depending on how much you send.Sending less than 300 peasants means you might even lose).Sending army (clubmen n shites) is more effective,but you have unit casualties meaning u lose untis and money).

Player rules
1.Dont swear too much.
2.Admin is always right.
3.If you notice admin abuse, report to owner or to anotehr admin.
4.If you think there was a mistake with editing your turn, inform the Admin that did your turn.(You know admins by signature)

Admin rules :
1.You can't edit your own turn. (Applies to owner too).
2.You can't favor anyone directly .You can help anyone you want tho,but you must respect game rules.

Ages and Technology :
Prehistory (Tool Age)

-Mil tech LVL 0 Peasant : 0g
-Adm tech lvl 0 : Base expansion : 5 provinces/turn.
-Mil Tech Lvl1 Clubman: 5g ;Slingshoter :5g
-Adm tech 1:Adm tech 1. Farming.(Allows you build farms) . Max . Expansion increased to 10 provinces per turn
Lvl 1 of any tech costs 30g.

Bronze age -125G to research.Allows you change gov form,which doesnt do anything but it looks cooler.Allows you research adm 2,3 and mil 2,3
-Mil tech 2 : Swordsman,Archer,Peltast,Siege Rammstein
-Adm tech 2: The wheel.+2g income from farms(total 6) More expansion.allows you expand maximum of 17 provinces per turn
-Mil tech 3: Balista,Light cav,Chariot Archer.
-Adm tech 3 .Mining. Allows you build mines. +2 farm income (Total 8) Max expansion=25
Adm/Mil lvl 2 cost 60.
Adm/Mil lvl 3 cost 100.

Farm .
[Building desc]
After a long period of migration , the mankind realsed the importance of agriculture because of it’s capacity to sustain them without needing to be on constant move for food.This allowed people to settle and found the first civilizations
[Building info]
Cost: 40g
Workers : 200
Income: +4/turn
Bonus:+100 pop/turn , +500 pop limit

[Building desc]
The coming of the metal ages changed dramatically history, allowing people to have to forge new and more lethal weapons , and use new metal tools for improved efficiency.We shall build mines to extract precious metals for the good of our civilization.
[Building Info]
Workers: 400
Income :+15g/turn

!You can UpgrayeDD your units by paying the difference income!
!only similar untis can be upgraded (clubman into swordman).Archer cannot into spearman!
[Unit desc]
Weak against everyfckingthing. Peasants with forks that can be summoned to defend your country or take careful,they diedie fast
[Unit info]Cost :0g (all your free pop can be transformed). Damage:0.5 .No armor.
SPECIAL : When conquering white provinces, Dmg increases to 1

[Unit desc]
Weak against most stuff,except peasants.has a nice club with him whim which he uses to hit ya rite in da head ,killing you to death .First type of soldier.
[Unit info] Cost:5g; Dmg:3 ;Melee def : 0 ; Ranged def : 0

[Unit desc]
basically the David who killed Goliath. Goyims that use improvised slingshots to throw rocks in your head
[Unit info] Dmg:2 ; Melee def:0 ; Ranged def : 0

Short swordman 7g
[Unit desc]
Better than his precedessor , the swordsman has a nice bronze sword that can make ya severe injuries and even cut a club in two kek
[Unit Info] Dmg:5 ; Melee def:1 ; Ranged def : 0

Archer -7g
[unit desc]
This pew-pew guy shots arrows at a bigger distance (obviously) than the slingshot .
[unit info] Dmg:3 ; Melee def:0 ; Ranged def : 0

Peltast 7g
[Unit desc]
Ancienter Ancient version of ancient spearman. Good in ambushing enemies ,attacking them when they don’t expect.Usually they shout : “WE ARE NOT GOING TO ATTACK”,before actually attacking, to produce massive confusion
[Unit Info] Dmg:4 ; Melee def:0 ; Ranged def : 0

Siege ram 30g
used to destroy forts.
Special: Breaks down walls (Damnit mongorians)

B A L I S T A -40g
[Unit Desc] This shit launches huge ass arrows or bolts of fire that pierce enemy lines reking them at a new level
[Unit info] Dmg:5 ; Melee def:0 ; Ranged def : 0 Special : Bold attacks in a line and strikes up to 8 soldiers.

Light cavalry : 15g.
[unit desc]Cavalry with swords that attack enemies. (theyre not gonna attack allies ,no?)
[unit info]Dmg:10 ; Melee def:1 ; Ranged def : 1

Chariot Archer 20g
[Unit desc] Invented in bronze age’s Egypt,chariots served an important role until theystopped do so .
[unit info] Dmg:4 ; Melee def:2 ; Ranged def :2

Chariot -20g
[Unit Info] Dmg:12 ,melee def : 2 ;ranged def :2

!A regiment(the thing you recruit) equals 50 soldiers (so when u send 500 peasants u actually sending 5 regimetns of not-so-well-trained peasants).
Wars(Availble after Turn 3):
Cavalry deals double damage to swordsmen and archer.
Swordsmen do double damage to archer
Archer do double damage to pikemen.
Pikemen do triple damage against cavalry.
Each turn you can ocupy (not take) an amount of land.You plunder cupied provinces and get +5 gold as plunder income,while other player loses 5 gold .(stacks for more provinces).Your demands need to be resonable,therefore i added warscore cost.Warscore varies between -100% decisive defeat and +100% (decissive victory).Each province worths 2%warscore ,meaning in a war you can take max 50 provinces.Countries bigger than 50 have provinces costing less so you can take more .
To declare war you must either share coast or provinces.Notice that if your country is line-shaped its lot easier to conquer.
Peasants can only be used in defense,never in offense.
More than 20 regiment son a provicne cause atrition

Adm tech 1 - Transport Ship 5g .Transports 200 soldiers (4 regiments)
Mil tech 1 - Scout ship-15g Atk 4,Ranged def 1 ,transports 300 soldiers
Mil tech 2 - Bireme 20g Atk 6,ranged def 2 ,tarnsports 300 soldiers
Mil tech 3 - Fire galley 25g Atk :4, Ranged def 3 ,Transprots 200 soldiers , SPECIAL :Double dmg to Scout Ship,Bireme and New unit that will come
Mil tech 3- catapult galley. 25g atk:8,ranged def:2. Special : Attacks on shore 2 province range. .500 soldiers transported
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