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1. Working on School Projects
--Why I haven't taken action? I don't like writing or reading. I don't like working.
--What pain have I linked to taking this action? The pain of having to write/read/work.
--Pleasures: I get to read sports news, watch YouTube Videos, futbol games
--Potential Cost? I will not be able to finish everything I need to complete before the deadline; I will end up doing everything at the end. Feeling bad about my work ethic. I will let down my advisor. I will look bad in front of my peers. I will be behind. Work will continue to accumulate. It could lead to not meeting my deadlines. It could cause me to have to ask for extensions; I could spent more years finishing my masters and my PhD. I will be older when I graduate.

****Pleasure: I will feel productive; I will have more time to enjoy fun activities without guilt; I will submit alla my documents on time or even before; I will submit better drafts; I will feel intelligent; My advisor will feel proud of me; I will feel proud of myself; I will have time to work on other things; and, most important, overall I will like a bad-ass student! I'll gain the feeling of really being in control of my time, my studies, and my life!
More confidence! It will help me meet my deadlines and get my masters and PhD on time. I will be able to publish multiple papers early on. This could really help my career as a student and as a professor. This is key to my life success!

2. Working Out
--Why I haven't taken action? I'm too lazy to do so.
--What pain have I linked to taking this action? Physical pain/wasting time
--Pleasures: I don't have to work out; I can waste time at home
--Potential Cost? I don't look good; my dress clothes won't fit properly; I will not be able to take of my shirt at the pool or beach. I will not be able to buy clothes that I like.

****Pleasures: I will feel good about myself; all my clothes will fit; I will be able to buy all the clothes that I want; I will look MUCH better; I will impress others; I will feel healthier; I will feel more confident; I will feel stronger; I will de-stressed. It will help me get through graduate school successfully. I will have better health in the long term. I will gain a lot of confidence

3. Waking Up Early
--Why I haven't taken action? I'm too lazy; I want to sleep more.
--What pain have I linked to taking this action? The pain of feeling sleepy and tired
--Pleasures: I get to sleep more
--Potential Cost? Wasted time. I will not have as much time to work on things that I want to work on. It makes me feel unproductive and tired.
****Pleasures: I will feel productive; I will have more time to do things; I will feel refreshed; I will feel good about myself; I will have time to enjoy the morning; I will not feel bad about sleeping too much. I will gain will-power which I can use in other areas of my life. I will be able to complete a lot more and develop more. I will gain a sense of control over my life.

4. Eating Healthier
--Why I haven't taken action? It's difficult and I'm too lazy to prepare healthier meals
--What pain have I linked to taking this action? The pain of being hungry, not liking my food, the pain of missing out on more delicious alternatives.
--Pleasures: I enjoy unhealthy foods; don't have to waste time preparing healthier alternatives.
--Potential Cost? Getting fatter/ not losing weight. Feeling worse about my body. It could have detrimental health effects in the short- and long-term.
****Pleasures: I will be healthier; I will feel better about myself; I will have better health down the road; I will have more energy; My body will look better; I will feel better about my eating habits; I will have a nicer body.

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Regards; Team

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