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Daily life for Roman women was very different to life for women nowadays. There were many restrictions that were placed on Roman women and they did not get the freedom that we take for granted nowadays. Open the books to see typical daily schedules for a rich Roman woman and a slave girl.

Growing up & Marriage
Slave girls that had been born or purchased into a family would not receive an education and would start working for the family at a young age, whereas girls with rich upbringings would receive a schooling at the equivalent of primary school (ludus). They would often learn to read and write, however they would never receive any further education as women were not often valued in the academic world of Rome and only selective girls would continue learning at home. Women were forced into marriage at ages as young as 12 as marriage was seen as an asset to ameliorate the family's social status. Marriage was inevitable and every woman was expected to marry except the Vestal Virgins. The Vestal Virgins were a chosen group of girls who worshipped Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. They were not allowed to get married. A dowry was given to the man's family as a reward for marriage. Similarly to nowadays' traditions, a ring was given for marriage which was worn on the ring finger (or your third finger) on the left hand.
Women were expected to be loyal to their husbands, and even if the man cheated, they couldn't have a say in the relationship. The mother-in-law of the new wife would always have the final say in matters.
Divorce was not a rare aspect of life, as women were frequently divorced due to their inability to bear children. A woman could not instate or request a divorce, this was only able to have been done by men, byt widows could remarry since they were no longer affiliated with their husband's family (unless he stated so in his will)
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