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You mean to say that the arab world is treated by the same parameters as the rest of the world is?
The parameters being Freedom of Expression/Religion and rights for minorities? You're kidding right?

Actually the best part is, no one questions those things because that's the law of the land. And people go there for easy money.
However, the moment Muslims leave 'that' part of the world, they become champions for these very issues, becoming staunch advocates for this. That's perfectly fine, they have that right as well.
But, the way they do it, is with a victim mindset. With cursing everything, and any questions being raised as 'Islamophobia'.
Hate crimes and persecution exists all around the globe and it affects Muslims too, but that shouldn't be the only argument always.

They do not realize that at one moment they are champions of freedom, but at another moment, a sizeable chunk of them crave for issues such as sharia law. And these aren't the poor immigrants who want this, they are 2nd or 3rd generation, sons/daughters of immigrants, born and brought up in the western world who're championing this cause. If one wants sharia law, then go to a place that already has this. If nobody has the right to change the law to suit thier conveninece there, or even ask for equality, then why should someone want to change the law in a country where the law is equal for all anyway, to make it more skewed.

There have been so many instances when some hairbrained imam in the West has justified barbaric practices like Child marriage saying that it fine if she was 9 years old, but she was a 'woman'.This is disgusting and barbaric. And not all muslims support his. My problem is with the 'confused liberal' muslims who don't claim to openly support this, but term this as 'freedom of speech'.

A humble request to the muslim community globally is, JUST. STOP. BEING. HYPOCRITICAL.

Nobody is saying all Muslims are terrorists (except Trump), but a constantly growing chunk are. And till we just claim it to be a 'person filled with hate' instead of 'radical islamist' or say that 'Islamic State' isn't following islam, we're kidding ourselves.
Islamic state is islamic. They're following a barbaric, perverted version of islam, a version that isn't the original pure thing that islam was and still is in a lot of places.
But they're muslims. When the hell will everyone accept it and try to deal with the problem.
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