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Vien Carillo - there have been constant raids on this defenseless village, since this is the only place in the north with fertile grounds... the peasants have decided that they want to hire someone to get rid of the troublesome bandits once and for all!

Pavel/long-name - they have arrived at the Bandit Burrows at the worst time possible: due to recent succes attacks on valuable caravans, the bandits are now a big concern for even bigger, rich cities. Though most Bandits are forced into hiding, there are still some brave bandits looking forward to their next attack, which will be the biggest: they plan to take on Midstone Keep to leave Kolligam defenseless, due to it being weakend by the earthquaqe, and they are looking to recruit as many man as they can.

Teddy - due to the recent earthquaqe, the High Mage himself offers training to the young, talanted minds there, in an attempt to stop them from causing unwanted trouble with the humans, he will train his students on how to better connect with nature, the more talented ones even being able to explore the Seventh Mountain from afar, by looking through the eyes of an owl, perhaps. Some adventurous and curious young mages, with some old but fearful masters of different schools of magic have formed a group that will go at the Seventh Mountain to find out what caused the earthquaqe, but the High Mage fear they will fight and anger the humans, possibly causing an uneccesary, unwanted war.

Van blah - The Miaerum mages are having some kind of competition, in which some promising students will attend the expedition to the Seventh Mountain, to be able to see some of the most experienced mages in action. Some of the best warriors are also being recruited to guard them to their locations, with there being a tournament, in which the best 5 fighters will be taken on the expedition, and if they survive, they will have a great life ahead of them, serving the king himself.

Petr - due to the earthquaqe, there are now cracks in he keep's wall, and everyone there is required to help, be it by carrying supplies around, to donating food or even gold, to simply putting brick to brick to help rebuild the wall.

Bartender - thanks to the earthquaqe, a decent number of slaves have escaped and are now on the loose. Some new, shady customers have appeared at your bar, where they spend most of their time togheter. Rumors start circulating quick about them being the slaves in disguise, but noone has called the guards yet, since they are still uncertain. When you were serving drinks to them, you heard them talk about how they will escape the city... and now, their fate is in your hands.

void - the crystal cracked due to the earthquaqe, all void servants are actively looking for a way to make a new crystal or to seal the damaged one. there is high chaos circulating in Pontus, and all the mages and people of importance are where the crystal is kept, the outside becoming a field for crime.

Tauren - as of late, there has been quite a few attacks at night, it is rumored tauren are rising from their death by necromancers. With the recent earthquaqe... and victims, the attacks are becoming bigger and more frequent... it is rumored that there is a band of necromancers hidden in the city, causing all this chaos, and the Tauren won't rest until they find and kill them.
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