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// iChat by Kid //
// //
// Put iChat.amxx on the last line of your plugins.ini //
// Except if you want to use AllChat, more info below. //
// Don't use any other chat related plugins! //
// Or conflicts might appear! //
// Version: 2.3.0 //

// Format configs //

// You can use colors:
// Colors: <default>, <green>, <team>, <blue>, <red> and <grey>.
// WARNING: You can use only ONE 'Team specific' color on one format line!
// 'Team specific' colors are <team>, <blue>, <red> and <grey>.
// If you use more than one, the color will be the one of the first color used!
// For exemple, FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<green>Kid <grey>is <default> happy<grey>!" will work,
// But not FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<blue>Kid <red>is <grey> sad<grey>..."! Here, the color for all 'Team specific' colors will be blue (the first, as said before).
// So FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<blue>Kid <red>is <grey> sad..." is the same as FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<blue>Kid <blue>is <blue> sad...".
// If no colors specified, it will be <default> color.
// You can also change the default color to whatever YOU WANT (pink, violet, black, white...)!
// It will just ask to players if they want, and if they won't, you can choose their punishment (kick or not).
// See below, on 'Config' part to configure that.

// Tags are the most cool feature on my plugin! You can put some data on your messages!
// Tags: %NAME% -> Replaced by User name
// %MESSAGE% -> Replaced by User message
// %STEAMID% -> Replaced by User Steam ID
// %LIFE% -> Replaced by User life
// %TEAM% -> Replaced by User Team (see iChat.txt. You can modify Team Names)
// %POS% -> Replaced by User Location, like 'Bombsite B'... (WORK ONLY ON CONDITION ZERO)
// %TEAMTAG% -> Replaced by User Team Tag (see 'Config' part, avaible for CT, T and SPEC, alive and dead)
// #CUSTOMx# -> Replaced by User custom data number x. You have to enable CHAT_USE_CUSTOM_TAGS below. This is for developers. As you can see, '%' have been replaced by '#', this isn't an error.

// And don't worry, a player who write '%POS%', or '%NAME%' on the chat will not be replaced by the data.
// Same for names. If a player says "%NAME%" this will not be replaced by his name, for exemple.
// For exemple, if i want my chat looks like Minecraft's (really cool with CHAT_DEFAULT_COLOR "255255255" (white), or with <grey> tag):
// Counter Strike Condition Zero's default is (%POS% can only be used on Condition Zero):
// FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// FORMAT_DEF_DEAD "<default>*DEAD* <team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// FORMAT_TEAM_DEF_ALIVE "<default>%TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> @<green> %POS% <default>: %MESSAGE%"
// FORMAT_TEAM_DEF_DEAD "<default>*DEAD* %TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// You can also use specific formats for Admins, like:
// FORMAT_ADMIN_ALIVE "<green>[ADMIN] <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// There is also a VIP support! Use:
// FORMAT_VIP_ALIVE "<green>[VIP] <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// Flags are explained below.

// Default users (no flags) -> Default CS Chat (not CZ)
// General Chat - Alive
FORMAT_DEF_ALIVE "<team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// General Chat - Dead
FORMAT_DEF_DEAD "<default>*DEAD* <team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Alive
FORMAT_TEAM_DEF_ALIVE "<default>%TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Dead
FORMAT_TEAM_DEF_DEAD "<default>*DEAD* %TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : %MESSAGE%"

// Admins (flag CHAT_FLAG_ADMIN, configurable below) -> Default CS Chat (not CZ) with [ADMIN] tag and message in green.
// General Chat - Alive
FORMAT_ADMIN_ALIVE "<green>[ADMIN] <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// General Chat - Dead
FORMAT_ADMIN_DEAD "<green>[ADMIN] <default>*DEAD* <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Alive
FORMAT_TEAM_ADMIN_ALIVE "<green>[ADMIN] <default>%TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Dead
FORMAT_TEAM_ADMIN_DEAD "<green>[ADMIN] <default>*DEAD* %TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"

// VIP's (flag CHAT_FLAG_VIP, configurable below) -> Default CS Chat (not CZ) with [VIP] tag.
// General Chat - Alive
FORMAT_VIP_ALIVE "<green>[SLOT] <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// General Chat - Dead
FORMAT_VIP_DEAD "<green>[SLOT] <default>*DEAD* <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Alive
FORMAT_TEAM_VIP_ALIVE "<green>[SLOT] <default>%TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"
// Team Chat - Dead
FORMAT_TEAM_VIP_DEAD "<green>[SLOT] <default>*DEAD* %TEAM% <team>%NAME%<default> : <green>%MESSAGE%"

// Printed when a client put "!me" behind his message (configurable below).
// So this line ( FORMAT_ME "* %NAME% %MESSAGE%" ) replace:
// "say !me is cool" by "* Kid is cool" if ME_COMMAND is "!me" (default)
// You can use colors and tags, of course.

// To change the "!me" command.
// If you're not using statsx, you can replace this by /me for exemple!

// Players can toogle on or off their chat with this command

// General Configs //

// Prints a little thing, with my name in! This can motivate me to keep working!
// But if you're not cool, set it to 0 to disable...

// Allows iChat to stop itself. Change this is you are using map specific plugins, or other plugins files than plugins.ini.
// In others cases than thoses listed above, check your logs before turning this to 0!
// Note: if set to 0, some plugins may not recieve their chat commands (/shop...)

// Prints a messages to all Admins and logs a message if iChat is outdated.
// * SOON *

// Defines if wether or not the ADMIN rank overrides the VIP one.
// For exemple, if set to 1, and if you're VIP and ADMIN, you will be considered as an ADMIN in the chat.
// But if set to 0 and if you're VIP and ADMIN, you will be considered as a VIP in the chat.

// Change here the acces flags. Avaible flags are: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" (like in users.ini)
// You can also use "ALL" for everyone.
// You can use multiple flags.
// Flag to reload the config file
// Flag to see all messages (teams, radius...).
// Flag to see chat
// Flag to use chat
// Flag to be Admin and be able to use "FORMAT_ADMIN_*" formats.
// Flag to be VIP and be able to use "FORMAT_VIP_*" formats.
// There is an other way to set users VIP (for developers): you can use functions:
// iChatIsUserVip( index ), iChatSetUserVip( index ), iChatRemoveUserVip( index ). You have to include <ichat>.

// It's sv_alltalk for iChat (Deads players can see others dead messages, and alive players can see other alive players messages).
// You can also use iChatManagement to manage this. More informations just below.

// Team Tags
// Colors are allowed in Teams Tags!
// Should be cool on a BaseBuilder, with:
// CHAT_TEAM_TAG_1_A "<green>[ZOMBIE]<default>"
// CHAT_TEAM_TAG_2_A "<green>[BUILDER]<default>"
// And in default when dead
// Team Tag for Alive Terrosits
CHAT_TEAM_TAG_1_A "<green>[T]<default>"
// Team Tag for Dead Terrosits (Ahmed!)
CHAT_TEAM_TAG_1_D "<green>[<default>T<green>]<default>"

// Team Tag for Alive Counter-Terrorists
CHAT_TEAM_TAG_2_A "<green>[CT]<default>"
// Team Tag for Dead Counter-Terrorists
CHAT_TEAM_TAG_2_D "<green>[<default>CT<green>]<default>"

// Team Tag for Spectators
CHAT_TEAM_TAG_3 "<green>[SPEC]<default>"

// This is the '<default>' color. "-1" to use client's default color.
// Else, "RRRGGGBBB". For exemple, black for the <default> color:
// CHAT_DEFAULT_COLOR "000000000"
// Or white:
// CHAT_DEFAULT_COLOR "255255255"

// Punishment if client won't set his color to default color.
// It's a menu. It's only displayed on first spawn.
// 0 - Let him play!
// 1 - Kick him as long as he deny.

// Admins with CHAT_FLAG_SPY flag (configurable above) can see all messages (teams, radius...).

// Remove all chat message wich begins with '/', '!' and '@' (like /top15, /rank...).

// Remove notice when a player change his name. 0 to disable.

// This prints the message only to players on the sender's radius. 0.0 for dislable.
// General Chat
// Team Chat

// Force chat to be a simple print. Use this if your game doesn't support colors,
// Or if you simply doesn't want colors in your chat. Change only if you know what you're doing.

// Allows you to use custom formats for the Steam IDs stored in 'ichat_custom_formats.ini'
// You need Steam. This plugin doesn't support and won't ever support custom format by name or IP.

// Enable custom data. This is for developers, but it's easy to use.
// This allows you to send custom data from your plugins to iChat, to put it in your chat.
// This is how to send data:
// First, include <ichat>. Then, you can use native iChatSendCustomData( iIndex, iTagNum, szData[ ] );
// iIndex is the player's index.
// iTagNum is the index of the custom tag, the 'x' in #CUSTOMx#.
// szData[ ] is the data. Must be a string, 16 chars max, changeable in iChat source code.
// You can use 2 custom datas (0, 1) maximum, but you can change this value in iChat source code.
// You have to use iChatSendCustomData( ) each time that your variable is changed (connect, disconnect...), because iChat won't reset it.
// Finally, put #CUSTOMx# in your chat formats like others tags, where 'x' is cutom data id.
// For exemple, to send iLevel[ id ] var to iChat, each time that iLevel[ id ] is changed, I'll do:
// new szLevel[ 16 ]; formatex( szLevel, charsmax( szLevel ), "[%i]", iLevel[ id ] );
// iChatSendCustomData( id, 0, szLevel );
// And in ichat.cfg formats, since I used the id 0 for custom data ( iChatSendCustomData( id, 0, szLevel ) ), I'll put: #CUSTOM0#
// If I want to send another data wich the id 1 for custom data ( iChatSendCustomData( id, 1, szData ) ), I'll put: #CUSTOM1#
// This is actually very powerful, isn't it?

// Congratulations, you have reached the end of this config file! You just have entirely modified the CS chat!
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Regards; Team

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