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dear eyll,
i dont know apa dalam otak u right now, haven't u give him chances after chances?
di blakang u ya masih sma farah u bg ya chance 1, then ya cakap sayang sama farah n jumpa
2nd, then u find out ya sex sma farah masa u vacation ya nyampati kononya kn nyelesaikan
masalah?? 3rd, then u marah u cakapi suruh pilih n ya eksen2 pilih u but kdptn ya sma farah 4th
, skli ya jnji nda buat lg ane but still ya nyampati jumpa farah?? 5th, chance ke 6? isnt it too much stop being stupid i know its ur decision but think smartly adil ka perbuatan u?? be sabar n sabar
u nda bg be pluang at all lapas putus, nda gila dri mana? be mau u bahagia sbagai bestfriend u be
jua sayang kn u, imagine u ada abang mana ya kn allow tu, or u gtau mama u mana ya kn suruh tu, n i know u nda gtau c nesh jua u lie about that rasa bh bnr2 nda lg pdulikn prasaan u saja, im always there for u but u not even once there when i need u mun be ckp pasal my feelings u will marah sasak n so on, i know its hard for u to love me lg but be diam saja be nda paksa u mencintai be, be cuma mau ada untk u slalu, salah ka? mngapakn be marah when u cakap chance lg?? pasal i never get that chance banci be tau u,bnr2 urang mcm kna pukau, be iklas buat apa saja demi u bahgia but when u kna sakiti bhapa be kn diam banci be bnrth, its true be support u apa saja u buat pasal br bestfrend u but be jua ada prasaan be dah cakap yang be ane ndakn stuju ngan smua ane pasal atu logic, but regardless decision u be harap u pilih dgn pikiran u patutkab u buat mcm atu bukan pasal cinta u kn pcaya cmatu saja, no matter how it hurts me slama ane i just want to be with u jd bestfrend u ka im ok, its always about u jua, so my pain dont matter as long as i can see u i can be with u 😭😭😭

Love Azy
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  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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