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Looks/features - He's very tall, muscular, popped out veins on his arms a little (And other places that I don't need to say, its easy to guess), he has black fluffy hair like my avi and greeny blueish eyes. He has a deep voice.
Piercings/scars - He has a split tongue and a prince albert piercing, he has scars on his chest.. arms.. back.. legs.. big one on his neck.. one over his lip that's on the left side and not very visible (all the scars are from fights hes got into)
Personality - He's nice and caring but he can also be very very aggressive and pissy, he has a short temper and its not that hard to get in an argument or a full on fight with him, he's not scared of putting people in hospital either. He's very protective over you. He can be very scary if you get on his bad side.
Past - He has 3 sisters, two are younger and ones older. His dad died from a heart attack when he was 14, once his dad died he became very snappy from the lose and that was the reason he got so protective over his sisters an mother and also got into a lot of fights.
Other - His girlfriend is you and has been with you for 5 years, he's thinking of proposing but isn't sure if hes ready or you're ready to get married. He doesn't want a family (he will in the rp when we decide) but until then he's gonna be very stubborn about the idea of a family if you bring it up. Where they live he's known as the "tough guy/badass" and he rides a motorcycle. most people in the neighbourhood or the people who know what he's like so they try not to piss him off but they also know he's caring and nice, they also go to him if they need help beating the shit out of some cunts. He's also known to be able to take on gangs (Maybe your character could of heard about this so she fell in love with him cause she felt safe and loved around him? and maybe a she Admires him for being fearless?) His nickname people in the neighbourhood call him Big C (That's what Willow and Kait call me) or people in the city who know him. He has a lot of money due to the fact people come to him like I said before and sometimes they pay him a lot to make sure they fuck off. A lot of girls in the city like him but they know he's off limits.
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