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Write a note in this area. It's really eIn response to the announcement

I find this extremely unacceptable and childish. In the announcement, you're pointing out the Rules & Guidelines article against several organization "Artificially manipulate the User Review system or voting/rating systems" But mind you,

Do not do any of the following:
Flame or insult other members

That can be seen in the article as well. You're making a harassment announcement against someone, flaming and insulting them which is clearly the first point of the guidelines, and yet you're using it against others?

A game developer himself has confirmed, he's obviously more capable in understanding how Steamwork works and how Greenlight works. Under their FAQ - You can see the point

Can I give away copies of my game in exchange for votes?
We don't think that giving away copies of your game in exchange for votes accurately reflects genuine customer interest. That is something we continue to take into account when evaluating titles to be greenlit

Hence, them asking for keys is not wrong, and it's not wrong for them to be using keys to promote the game. Is it not encouraged, but at the same time it's not a rule. Valve takes it into consideration, but they are games that still got greenlit despite being in 100K key giveaways. Not to mention, When in Greenlight, you need to be marketing your game. Marketing is what drives up awareness, something kids like you won't understand, only working professionals. Marketing involves the process of being involved in giveaways, and hosting giveaways. Being involved gets community traffic while being involved gets community establishment. Again, these terms are obviously unfamiliar to you since kids these days think Steam is just a regular playground for 9 year olds and they can be here to disturb working professionals.

There are over 30 organizations doing this. And yet you only point on the ones you know based on your limited knowledge? Why? Since kids find it fun?

Your announcements has been reported to Community Moderators for harassment. People like you whom has behaviorally issues shouldn't be on Steam.asy to share with others. Click here ...
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