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(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas.I have more if you would like to read them)You and my brother have been best friends since I was two years old. You guys are close and you are always at my house, when I was younger we never got along. You and my brother would tease me, make fun of me, push me in the pool or do things to piss me off. I hated you and always have, except for opposites attract. We are complete opposites, I have a crush on you but I hide it easily so nobody notices. It's break, it's you, my brother, and I downstairs watching a football game. I'm sitting on the couch wearing: , watching the game. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas.I have more if you would like to read them)It's afternoon at our house- my father's house, that you and your mother moved into after she married him. They're both out, my dad working, your mother socializing or shopping or who knows what. We've been in our separate rooms all morning, and my speakers have been on, so I don't notice the noise of the shower. I step into the bathroom and look up, immediately seeing your naked body finishing up behind the clear curtain. "Whoa, sorry" I say as I start to walk out of the bathroom. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas. IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS ONE I HAVE MORE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THEM!) We live in a world, where werewolves exist, but they exist along side humans. The humans don't know what they are though, since they can't see the signs. Only specific humans can, the werewolf hunters. Only they can because their ancestors trained themselves to. You, are one of them. You and your little group of friends. The hunters goal is to capture werewolves, to keep them out of the public. There is no specific way to identify a hunter, except for the tattoo on the arm, which you and your friends have. I am a werewolf and my sign is that my eyes glow bright blue, only to a hunter. I am wearing: . I walk into my new school and look around with soft eyes, that glow blue only to certain people, and it just so happens you and your friends are standing next to my locker. I walk up to it, coming eye to eye with you. "Um... Please move?" I ask, my eyes glowing. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. I am wearing: . Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas. I have more if you would like to read them)We've known each other since middle school and were always in the same friend group, but we never liked each other. We were always fighting and getting arguments with each other, trying to one up each other. One day we all went on a vacation and we were fighting in the car when our friend interrupts and says "Guys! I have a bet, for the rest of our vacation, you guys have to act like a couple, kiss, hug, snuggle, sleep in the same bed, all that stuff, and whoever survives it without yelling at the other once, wins 50 bucks and bragging rights" (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. I am wearing : . Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas. I have more if you would like to read them) You and my brother have been best friends since I was two years old. You guys are close and you are always at my house, when I was younger we never got along. You and my brother would tease me, make fun of me, push me in the pool or do things to piss me off. I hated you and always have, except for opposites attract. We are complete opposites, I have a crush on you but I hide it easily so nobody notices. I walk into school and go towards my locker, it just so happens you, your friends, but my brother isn't around, are standing next to my locker. I walk up to it, coming eye to eye with you. "Um... Please move?" I ask, as I look at you and try to push past you. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. I am wearing dark high waisted jeans, a white top, and black converse. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas. I have more if you would like to read them) You're soon to be the heir of one of the biggest companies in the city. You're overprotective, have a short temper, and can be possessive. I'm the daughter of the CEO of your rival company. Being the quiet girl I am, I cannot stand your domineering personality. We're practically enemies. But looks like fate isn't in our favour. Due to the competition between our businesses, the only way to save them both would be to merge them. And to hold them together, there has to be some sort of legal bond between the families. Therefore, we're both being forced into marriage. I never wanted to do this but my father gives me no choice. It's our engagement party, our fathers have announced our engagement to the world, and have gifted us an apartment in the center of the city to which we're supposed to go to right after the party, so that people are convinced we're in love. After the announcement, I walked out to the balcony to get away from the facade inside, leaning against the railing with my hands on my head. I'll be wearing: and my hair in waves around my shoulders(If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue)

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas.I have more if you would like to read them ... I am wearing: ) We have been best friends since first grade. We were each others first kiss because we wanted it to mean something even if we were just kids. You are protective over me, but you always like to pick on me. I have liked you since we were kids ,but I never told you because I was scared of how you would react. We have been having movie nights every Friday night. This Friday we are having it at my house. I am at my apartment when I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see you. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue, )

(I am Kate. I'm 19.I have long brown hair with hazel highlights and blue eyes. I am 5'6", slim, tan, and athletic. Please say if reading!!! If you don't like it I am open to all ideas. I have more if you would like to read them ... I am wearing: ) You and I have been best friends ever since we were kids. Considering our parents are friends and we live right next door to each other, we've always been attached at the hip. People, usually our parents, often tease us about how we'd make a cute couple. I always insist that we're just friends, though I've had a crush on you since we were fourteen. Throughout the years, I've been your shoulder to cry on whenever things didn't work out with a date, while you've always been the one to chase away the girls or guys who might possibly like me. It's a Saturday morning, around nine. I slide the glass door in my bedroom that leads to my balcony open, stepping out and sliding the door closed behind me. I climb over the balcony, stepping out onto the tree between our houses. I swiftly climb around the tree and over your bedroom balcony, sighing as I run my fingers through my long hair. Surprise, surprise; your curtains are still closed and you're probably still asleep. I knock a few times, using our secret knock, just so you know it's me. (If you like please state name, age, what you are wearing, a description of yourself, and continue, )

I'll just give you the quick version, my parents work caused them to go on business trips. Well I had to stay with my uncle while they were gone. I lived with him from ages 7-12. He got married when I was eight and his wife's daughters would tell him I did things to them to get me in trouble which I never did. He would hit me and tell me how worthless and ugly I was. When I was ten he was drunk one night and came into my room and made me do things to him and he did some to me. It kept happening till I was twelve and he passed away in a car wreck. Then I went to live with my grandparents and I didn't tell anyone what happened till I was sixteen

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