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Main value in colonization are Colonial Points (CP). You can upgrade your colonial index with CP.
CI adds colonizers, increases Colonial Range and allows you to hire explorers.
To get CP, you need to convert them from Influence Points (1:1) or you can get them for fully colonizing province and funding a colonial nation.
To colonize province, it has to be within radius of your colonial range.
Time for colonizing:
- province more than 0.5 CR away from your core province - 5 turns
- less than 0.5 CR - 3 turns.
- neighboring province - 2 turns.
To fund a colonial nation, you need to colonize at least 5 prov. in the area. It needs to give you some money and share 0.5 of your trade power.
You can control, how much money will you get from them, but demanding too much will result in high Liberty Desire.
You need 50 CP to get Col. Index.

Your Base Tax depends of province development.
Red - 100g.
Orange - 200g.
Yellow - 300g.
Green - 500g.
You can increase your taxation by improving Administrative Index, building special buildings in each province and roleplay. All these things are counted from Base Tax.

Administrative Index
Adm. I. costs gold and increases your tax income, unlock some buildings and new government forms.
You need to pay 3xTax Income to get 1 Adm. Index.

Influence Points
All of your diplomatic actions give influence points, which are used to improve Diplomatic Index. You can use them also to sign a treaty, fabricate claims on provinces, supporting rebels in other country or increasing prestige and trade power.
IP can be earned by diplomatic relations. For each turn you earn them:
+1 for each enemy (person, which set you as rival)
+1 for each vassal
+3 for each personal union
+1 for each alliance
+1 for each Royal Marriage
+1 for membership and +2 for leadership of Trade Company
+ X for Dip. Skill of a ruler

At the beginning everyone has 4 free diplomatic relations with each country (having 2 or more relations with one country also consumes 1).
You can set max three countries as rivals - you will have military power benefits, less aggression penalty and more prestige from wars.
You can form a miliary coalition against country if at least 3 people join, what consume only 1 dipl relation.
Each Dip. Rel. not within free limit costs you 2 IP.
You can improve your Diplomatic Index by cost of IP. DI gives you new dipl. relations, improves your navies, trade and gives you merchants.
Diplomatic Index costs 50 IP
Fabricating Claim costs 25 IP
Each province taken and treaty annulled in sued peace costs 5 IP.
Each vassalization costs 10 IP in a peace treaty.
Use 50 IP to double your trade efficiency for 5 turns.
(You can vassalize max. 2 times smaller country)

Trade is second part of income. It tells how much money you get from trade region. This is sum of dev. of all provinces in this region + bonuses like sea-provinces, historical bonuses at important trade center and base trade region value. This all makes a Trade Value of each region.
TV is splited between players by Trade Power. It's sum of province development in region, is capital inside trade region or is trade region center within country and number of Trade Ships and Caravans inside.
Stat telling, how much you can take from your TP is Trade Ability. Your income from trade region equals: TradeValue*(YourTradePower/SumOfTradePowers)*TradeAbility.
You can only earn in trade regions, you have your Merchants in.
You can send your ships as pirates to steal players' Trade Power, however it gives them Casus Bellis on you.

Electors in HRE choose emperor within or outside the Empire (AI more willing to vote Emperors from HRE). On choices of AI depends RP and certain historical facts.
-has to defend its members;
-can make reforms (when most of members are positive about it, last is to form Germoney);
-demand unlawful teritories from HRE attackers. Decline will result in growth of unrest and decrease of prestige.
Every new reform will be shown in STATS

It borns with random stats, eventually improved with stong roleplay. Chance of getting heir is base 5% each turn + 5% for each Royal Marriage.
If ruler dies without an heir, countries with Royal Marriage can end in Personal Union with this country, when they do Claim for Throne action. However choosing this option can hurt relations with its object greatly. If more than one person does this action, a war starts. The first one, who conquers object's capital, ends in Personal Union. Members can fight with each other.
The life of a ruler is randomly generated at the beggining, but player is not informed certainly, how long it'll live. Admin can share a part of mystery, telling, that ruler is healthy or weak. Some RP actions can short or expend life of ruler (e.g. obesity). In modern ages, rulers live longer than in medieval ones.
Ruler's Power - *1.X gold income (Adm. skill), +X Infl. Points (Dipl. skill), +X Power points (Mil. skill).

Stability - Happiness & Unrest
Scale of Stability - Happiness & Unrest
Un. high______med_____low_____0_____low_____med_____high Hap.
Stability is additive of Unrest and Happiness.
Happiness is effect of: Prestige, Trade agreements (e.g. Portugal sells chocolate to Muscovy (Musc. gains Happiness)), adm. index and RolePlay.
Unrest is effect of: negative prestige, dependence from other countries (especially forced vassalization), raised taxes and tech retardity.
Unrest gives the possibility of starting as rebel in country and raises the possibility of civil war.
Each 3 turns of high or 5 of med unrest 10 rebel reigments spawn. Beating 50 reigments of rebels boosts stability by 1.If rebel control at least 2/3 of country it wins, giving you 50% autonomy in every unsieged and 100% in every sieged province.
Happiness gives bonuses to trade power, colonize speed and gives population growth boost (+5% for low, +10% for med and +20% for high happiness in TP, Pop. Growth, and -1 turn for Colonize Speed in med+ happiness).
You can decrease unrest (but NEVER increase happiness) with Voilence. It temporarily decreases unrest (10 turns), but gives "Stopping Cruelty" Casus Bellis for neighbors and boosts unrest when humiliation effects end.

Population growth depends of RP, years of peace, happiness and Mil. Index. You need 1000 people to build a reigment and may be required in some events.
+10 men for red provinces
+20 men for orange
+30 for yellow
+50 for green

It depends from Power Points, which are gained each round and cannot be bought. Power Points are earned by Ruler's Military Skill, war actions (+2 PP for each war) and number of long-time rivals (+1 for <5 turns, +2 between 5-10, +3 >10).
For PP you can reduce Unrest Voilent way, exchange them for prestige (2:1) and increase Mil. Index. It unlocks new units, improve morale or combat ability and unlock new military buildings like forts or barracks.
Mil. Index costs 50 PP.
Violent way of decreasing stability cost 25 PP.

Casus Bellis
To declare war you need to have Casus Bellis. Declaring war without having Casus Bellis costs you 2 stability and 20 prestige. However declaring non-Casus Bellis war on people with negative prestige gives you no effects.
Examples of Casus Bellis:
- Conquest (spend your Infl. Points to Fabricate Claim on province)
- Reconquest (it lasts 100 years after losing some lands to enemy)
- Stop Cruelty
- Colonialism (activates when you have colonies neighboring other's colonies)
- Coalition
- Diplomatic insult (when other player insults you publicly)
- Trade Protection (when other players use Piracy on you)
To form a Coalition at least 3 countries has to have negative effects from other country's aggresive expansion (e.g. you're Pomerania and Poland's just conquered half of Teutonic Order). When one person declares war with this Cas. Bel., other coalition members have to join it.

You can also set some own Casus Bellis by roleplay, however they must be accepted by admin.

To siege province with no fort, you need to leave there any unit for 1 turn. However these provinces come back to their owner in 2 turns if there is any unsieged hostile fort neighboring.
Levels of fort
- Castle - lvl. 1 - min 15 siege ability - 2 turns
- Bastion - lvl. 2 - min 30 siege ability - 3 turns
CAPITAL - +1 lvl - + 15 siege ability - +1 turn
If there is X times more siege ability compared to minimum, it requires X times less turns to siege them.

Navies Force limit is based on coast provinces' development. Their combat works the same as the land one. Navies are very important in transport, when nobody gives you Milit. Access. Also hostile armies can't move along the coast if your navy is blockading some ports.

Battle mechanism
c1- comb. ability of army 1 c2- -II- of army 2
m1- army 1 morale m2- army 2 morale
p1- army 1 power p2- army 2 power
p1=c1/m2 p2=m2/p1
army with bigger "p" wins the battle

c=sum_of_all_c*index_c_modifier*rp m=sum_of_all_m*index_m_modifier*rp

Force limit
Each province has its own limit based on developement
- red: +1 limit
- orange: +2 limit
- yellow: +3 limit
- green: +5 limit
Also +10 base force limit.
It tells you how much reigments you can have. Each reigment above the limit costs you extra 500 g.

You have to pay 1/10 cost of all units and forts in maintenance. You can decrease it to 1/50, however units will be unactive and it'll take 2 turns to fully activate them. You can mothball forts. You won't pay for them, but it'll take 3 turns to fully activate them.

Turns and ages
Turns will take less years as game progresses. At the beginning each turn will be 5 years.
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