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It was a cold night at the amusement park. An eerie chill ran done Gamer's spine. It was like an abandoned amusement park.
Today, Gamer was at a Toontown Rewritten Amusement park, somehow as a tester. None of his known friends were going, so it felt creepy. He was in Bossbot HQ, at night. There were fake cogs roaming around, while noises crashed at every second. If he accidentally touched one, Sir Max has stated "You will go into combat, and at the moment, you may not make it out alive."
A rush of worry came over Gamer. He ran, and he ran, he needed to get out of this part of the park. Toontown Central, Donald's Dreamland, just let him out.
But then he felt it. Something brushed against his ass. It was a cog.
He spun around quickly, knowing this could be the end. He gasped, but realized for no reason. It was a norma---
The girl rushed into him, closing her eyes. Gamer opened his mouth in shock, but the girl forced in pressure.
She came back, "Hey Gamer," She giggled. "Remember me? The leader of Carrot Clan? I LOVE JESUS, BUT I LOVE YOU MORE."
Gamer stepped backwards, making sure he was careful not to bump into any cars. What the actual fuck. But, instead he bumped into a guy.
"I SIN, BUT I WOULD STOP SINNING FOR YOU!!!" The guy yelled, with hearts in his eyes, yelling out his passionate speech. He recognized him, it was.... Carrot Mania??
But then suddenly Light Carrot jumped out of the clouds and started twerking and Gamer died.
The End.
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Regards; Team

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