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dear william, my favourite little fucker

i'm not entirely sure how to start this, its 3:15am because it took me FUCKING FOREVER to go make that movie, regardless

Happy birthday man, I know you don't see much relevance to them, neither do I, but honestly, each birthday is another year you and I haven't killed ourselves. I also take this as an excuse to thank all the people who actually mean something to me, without it being homo. no homo.

You're a special dude bro. There's no way around it. When I say I'm sure you're one of the most intelligent people I know, I'm not lying. Despite the apparent autism, there's something about the way you think which i see in myself, and because I'm the cockiest ass around - I see that as a good thing. Maybe that's where this retarded friendship came from. You think differently, and contrary to your own belief you're a fucking good person. Scrolling through all the photos and videos I realised how much you've actually given me over the past few years, and I'm glad you invited me to Glenelg that one random time. So much of my personality is built from past experiences with you, and literally half of the enjoyable shit I've done in my teenage years have been with you. We have a proper cooked relationship - we barely ever hang out except to party or whatever. I kinda wanna change that, even if its just doing weird shit like riding to the beach, which by the way, was one of the most memorable experiences for me in the last year or so.

Don't kill yourself - yet. You have far too much to offer the world and yourself, once that runs out then yeah drink bleach. Until then, keep pushing through and working on people. You're loved by so many people it's actually ridiculous. I want to sit with you in 45 years on some shitty porch in the middle of nowhere listening to pink floyd, talking about all the random shit we did. Yeah, it'll be depressing, because fuck we'll be old cunts who struggle to walk but, in the grand scheme of things - life is shit. It's only what you make of it, we have absolutely not expectations in our lives, so live it up my boy.

Upoin reflection, I guess this 3:23am message has kinda ended up talking to myself. I am slightly delirious.

I love you man, as homo as it sounds. You're the one person in the world I truly trust. You understand me more than anyone I've met and I feel as though I've worked you out too my boy. You're probably the best friend I've had, which sucks shit because I've had to share you with everyone else in the world. look I'm like semi crying rn wow i need to sleep holy shit. You're a great man will. Have fun in fuckin whoop whoop, I'll see you around brother <3
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