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Foster Parent: Rainpoppy
Foster Siblings: Streamflower(star), Tanclaw, Greystrike
Biological Parents: Brownpelt, Smokyrise
Siblings: Badgerheart

Mates: Flameclaw, Alex, Badgerheart (They didn't know they were siblings. Pretty weird, lol.)
Kits: Simba, Jack, Mark/Firewhisker, Felix, Brightpaw, Gingerheart
Grandkits: Goldenstorm, Lionshade, Leaffang, Blazepaw

Grey spotted tabby with black spots and darker grey on their inside. A stray tuft of fur on her head, and a dark grey muzzle, that joins up to her dark grey eyelids. Dark left front paw, dark right front paw and leg, and a dark grey leg and paw for her hind legs. Soft pads from living as a kittypet for moons, and emerald green eyes. Cheerful, warm, competitive, argumentative, shy.
Clan: ThunderClan, but given to RiverClan when a kit as a peace offering. After losing Brightpaw and Flameclaw to greencough she decided she didn't want to lose anymore kits, and became a kittypet.

Brief Backstory:
Given to RiverClan as a peace offering. In a world where she-cats only bore kits, and sometimes hunted. Became apprentice after getting to know her arranged mate: 9 moons then. Became a queen at 12 moons, got name: Spottedblossom. Her arranged mate listened to her woes, trained her in battle. Five moons after her finishing her training a battle erupted between ShadowClan and RiverClan. Watching her siblings die, she took action. Got warrior name- Spottedfang. She-cats were treated better. Wasn't able to stop arranged mates.

Had kits with Flameclaw, her arranged mate. Kits were Firekit, Brightkit, and Gingerkit. Had a happy life for awhile. In leaf-bare, Flameclaw, Brightpaw, and many other cats got greencough, dying. Spottedfang didn't want the rest of her family to die like that. Asked her kits to join her in becoming a kittypet. Gingerpaw refused. Firepaw agreed. She found a twoleg couple. They took her in. Had another kittypet already, named Alex. She was renamed Nala. Firepaw renamed Mark.

Alex comforted Nala. Soon became mates. Mark warned her, having seen Alex play other she-cats in the neighbourhood. Nala ignored him. Soon later, she was pregnant with Alex's kits. Twolegs named them Simba, Felix, and Jack. Alex broke her heart, left her for a prettier she-cat. Mark left her to return to the forest, and Simba and Felix were given to other twolegs. Jack was the only one left. Soon later, the twolegs took in a scarred, bruised cat.

They became friends. He acted like a father to Jack. When Jack was 14 moons old, they became mates, though they were growing old. They had no kits together, were simply mates. He never told her his name. Twolegs called him Dil, but he never used that name. When Jack was given to his mate's twoleg, like Alex was, the cat finally told her his name. Badgerheart. They lived happily for 12 more moons, before Nala caught a sickness the vet couldn't heal. Died in her sleep. Badgerheart died of old age four moons later.

Never knew they were siblings. She chose Badgerheart in StarClan. Flameclaw was sad, but found another mate in StarClan: Streamstar, first female leader of RiverClan. Her arranged mate died early, she never felt love for him.


Calico she-cat with lilac eyes
Mate: None

Calico tom-cat. Light grey eyes. Infertile.
Mate: Tabitha

Orange-red tom with black tabby stripes and dark grey eyes.
Mate: Yellowpelt
Kits: Goldenstorm

Golden she-cat with white patches. Blue eyes.
Mates: None

Orange tabby she-cat with white paws and a white muzzle. Blue eyes.
Mate: Rapist, Amberpelt
Kits: (Rapist's) Leaffang (Amberpelt's) Lionshade, Blazepaw

Golden tabby tom-cat with a white hind leg+paw. Yellow eyes.
Mate: Marzia (wow what a coincidence)
Kits: None


The morning sun glistened on the dripping grass, sparkling ever so softly on the fur of the kits that trampled it. The two moon old kits, Tankit and Greykit, had been offered to practice swimming. Spottedkit, however, stayed on the heated greenleaf grass with her sister. How she would love to swim- but she was not invited. Sighing, she watched as her brothers leapt into the water excitedly, and how Flamepaw and Crowpaw held them up, to keep them from drowning.

It was a wonderful sight, seeing them learn to swim. If only she was allowed to swim- She and Streamkit would have to wait until apprenticeship. Glancing around, and seeing the rest of the cats occupied, she moved forward slightly, and dipped her paw into the water. She let out a soft purr, ignoring her sister's shocked expression. The cool temperature was wonderful, simply holding a paw in was helping to keep away her heat. Tentatively, she put the rest of her paws in, and she shivered at the feeling.

As she was only at the bank, she did not drown, but relaxed in the water. Shutting her eyes, her sister's gaze gave her a small smile- but another gaze flickered upon her, she could feel it, and her eyes flew open. She saw the amused gaze of Crowpaw, who began to swim toward her, letting go of Tankit, who began to gasp, and paddle to land. Letting out a squeak of terror, she began to back onto the earth, but Crowpaw didn't look angry.

"Hello, Spottedkit." He greeted the spotted tabby, smiling. "Do you wish to join us?" The grey she-kit hesitated, before stammering an answer- "Y-yes," Her fur was drenched, and it wasn't terribly nice back on land. With a nod, he moved toward her, and picked her up by the scruff of her neck. Swimming out, he mumbled something from between her fur. "It should come as instinct to you. It is with all kittens. I'll just help you to begin with." And with that, he let go of her.

Panicking, Spottedkit began to whirl her legs, trying to stay afloat. Crowpaw let out a laugh, and shook his head. "Relax. Move your legs swiftly. Don't do short, jabby movements like that. Stay still, and try to balance yourself while I demonstrate." Spottedkit nodded, and attempted to do just so, curling her legs into her body, praying to StarClan that the apprentice wouldn't let her drown. She watched his legs under the shining water, as he bent them slightly, and moved them forward in a long swift movement.

The young she-kit looked down to her legs, and let out a sputter as she realised her head was underwater. She reached into the air with her paws, trying to paddle upwards. This wasn't all that great anymore. Trying not to breath, she pulled herself up, but didn't break the water. Suddenly, she was pulled out of water, by a jaw that had a grip tighter than Crowpaw. He flung her onto the ground, and she landed on the grass with an oof.

She looked up at the cat who had pulled her up. His back was to her, and he was facing the apprentice that had let her into the water, Tankit between his legs. Of course, she thought, sadly. It's my father.
Brookfin clawed at the dirt underneath him, glaring at Crowpaw. "This kit is too delicate to swim. She almost drowned!" He hissed. "Oh? And Tankit and Greykit aren't 'too delicate'?" The ginger tabby's tail lashed. "They are not she-kits." He snarled, and looked to his paws. "This ThunderClan she-kit is worth nothing more than a rat. At least Streamkit didn't go bounding into the water when she was not given permission."
"They don't need permission!"
"Don't talk back to me, apprentice." Snapped Brookfin. "Go. Hunt for fish on the other side of the island. You may not eat anymore prey today." Crowpaw narrowed his eyes at the deputy, and turned to hunt.
His littermate joined him, and meowed something so loudly that even Spottedkit could hear- "He's right, you know."

Suddenly, the she-cat was snapped out of her dream. She shook the dream out of her head- she didn't need anymore flashbacks in dreams. Looking up to her mate, she smiled softly, and flicked her tail out of the way. "What are their names?" He asked, quietly, not bothering to look at them. "I have named the beautiful golden and white one Brightkit, the one that looks like you Firekit, and the orange she-kit Gingerkit." She responded, nuzzling her kits sadly. "I am sorry about Crowheart. He was truly a great warrior."
"He was." Was all that her mate replied.

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