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Name: Ajihad Melidora
Class: Rogue(Arcane Trickster)
Race: High Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good

My name is Ajihad Melidora. I never knew my father growing up, and mom never told me or my brother anything about him. The only thing I learned about him was what she would say after a few drinks, that he was a man who go into a lot of trouble and did some bad things. After my mom passed I hoped our dad would come back and raise me and Cylenn but he never did, so it was just the two of us living on the streets and our wits. We would have died if not for the Gnome family that occasionally left us food, water, and sometimes clothes when ours would wear out.
Everything was just getting to a point where it was bearable after our mom had died but then things took a turn for the worse. Slave Traders came to our City and started kidnapping kids left and right, but since it was only the orphans, runaways, and street rats nobody noticed.. or maybe they did and just didn't care. Me and my brother thought we could run away from anything, and for the most part we could and we were still alive because of it, but our luck ran out. The Kidnappers grabbed us in the night and separated us. They took us to their ship and chained us up in their hull.
After what felt like an eternity of being locked up, we finally saw daylight when they brought us out at an abandoned dock somewhere that was hot, dry, and unfamiliar. They set up camp and we were actually fed more food than normal, probably fattening us up to sell once we got to wherever we were heading. My brother was taken away from me by one of the Traders who had taken an eye to him, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was so weak and tired I couldn't do anything but wait for him to come back. Figuring he would wake me up when he got back, I went to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of screaming and the smell of ash. I looked around and saw that what had once been a somewhat makeshift camp had been turned into a war-zone. The Slavers that had held us captive were fighting an all out war against a tide of leather clad shapes, and it wasn't clear which side was winning. I looked around and most of the captives that were around me were either dead or just not there. The chains that bound me were broken, and in my panic, I did the one thing that had always kept me alive, I ran.
I ran as fast as I could to get out of there, my body refusing to stop running. Eventually sands turned to grass as I traded an unfamiliar desert for unfamiliar woods. The adrenaline was pumping in my system still, and so I kept moving, tree branches cutting at my face. I was lost and scared. I was still running as fast as I could but eventually I tripped over a tree root and fell, blue sky turned black.
I remember waking up feeling like I was floating in the air, with the smell of ink and paper in my nose. I opened my eyes and they slowly adjusted to the warm light coming in from the open window. Looking around I was confined to a bed in a circular library, covered in bandages. I heard humming coming the door as an old man strolled in. Realizing I was awake he explained to me how he found me in front of his estate nearly dead. His name was Brom, and for the next chapter of my life I stayed with him, helping him with his studies and magical experiments, as well as tending to his garden when he could no longer do it himself.
I still stayed in the bed stowed away in the library, which I had eventually learned had belonged to his son. Brom never liked to talk about his son, and I knew better than to pressure him. However, after a night involving Brom ingesting a copious amount of alcohol, I did come to learn more about the man whose memory caused Brom such pain. He told me his name was Roran and he was Brom's only family. Brom was quite proud of how quickly Roran had learning the basics of magic, and he was performing his own experiments by the time he was barely able to grow a beard. Despite his brilliance, his young age lead him to overlook the smallest detail in his experiments and then he was gone. After this, Brom had grown silent, the only thing I was able to get after that was that he had not found a body.
When Brom's time to pass from this world had come, he greeted it peacefully, as if greeting an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time. Whilst I knew he was old, and a part of me knew that the day would eventually come, I was still unprepared to wake up and not hear the humming from his normal early morning reading. Growing curious, I looked into his room to find him laying peacefully in his bed, with his glasses and a sealed letter on the nightstand next to him.
Realizing what had happened, I grieved deeply. After giving him a proper burial in the center of the garden he loved so much, I refused to even go near his room. I still stayed in the bed that I had woken up in, inside the library. After I had grieved my piece, I finally entered Brom's room again. Sitting on his bed, I noticed the letter on his nightstand was still unopened.. and addressed to me.
In the letter, Brom confessed that out of all his magical discoveries, the most magical one of them all was finding me on that fateful day, and watching me grow into a man. He also revealed that he knew this day would come, and had made preparations for his passing to leave his estate to me. He expressed his wish for me not to mourn his passing, but instead to go out into the world and explore, something I had not considered seeing as I needed to be there to take care of him.
I lowered the letter, and said my final farewell to Brom. As I passed the garden, I remembered all the times Brom and I had spent working on it. And than with happy memories of the man who saved my life, I left to explore the world as he wanted, with a smile on my face. Now I wander the world to learn more about it, and to go on as many adventures as I can. I did manage to find a single book of notes that Roran had written before his disappearance, so maybe along my way I can finally figure out what happened to him and put that mystery to rest.

Side Notes:
Ajihad's dad is a former assassin who went into hiding
Slave Traders were a part of a thieves guild in another city that tried to leave because even the thieves guild did not allow slave trading/kidnapping
The thieves guild that the Slavers left were the figures clad in leather that lead to Ajihad's escape
Cylenn was found by this thieves guild and recruited by them
Brom was a powerful wizard who retired when he got married
Brom's wife died when giving birth to Roran
Roran is trapped in the Astral Plane after an experiment gone wrong
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