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Any retrospective anti-biotic prescribing assessment and study of probable prescription antibiotic stewardship objectives in individuals with COVID-19.
To determine the extent to which estimates of sample and effect size in stroke rehabilitation trials can be affected by simple summation of ordinal Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer (UEFM) items compared with a Rasch-rescaled UEFM.

Rasch analysis of Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Arm Rehabilitation Evaluation (ICARE) phase III trial data, comparing 3 upper extremity (UE) motor treatments in stroke survivors enrolled 45.8±22.4 days poststroke. Participants underwent a structured UE motor training known as the Accelerated Skill Acquisition Program, usual and customary care, or dose-equivalent care. UEFM data from baseline, postintervention, and 6 and 12 months later were included for analysis.

Outpatient stroke rehabilitation.

ICARE participants (N=361).

Not applicable.

Item difficulties, person abilities, and sample size.

Because of their ordinality, summed raw UEFM scores measured motor impairment inconsistently across different ranges of stroke severity relative to the rescaled UEFM. In the full ICARlly decreases sample size by one-third, decreasing costs, duration, and the number of subjects exposed to experimental risks. This benefit is obtained through increased measurement efficiency. Reductions in ceiling effects are also possible. These findings apply to ICARE-like trials. Confirmatory validation in another phase III trial is needed.
To examine the association of patient and direct-care staff beliefs about patients' capability to increase independence with activities of daily living (ADL) and the probability of successful discharge to the community after a skilled nursing facility (SNF) stay.

Retrospective cohort study of SNF patients using 100% Medicare inpatient claims and Minimum Data Set resident assessment data. (S)-Glutamic acid concentration Linear probability models were used to estimate the probability of successful discharge based on patient and staff beliefs about the patient's ability to improve in function, as well as patient and staff beliefs together. Estimates were adjusted for demographics, health status, functional characteristics, and SNF fixed effects.

Fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries (N=526,432) aged 66 years or older who were discharged to an SNF after hospitalization for stroke, hip fracture, or traumatic brain injury.

Not applicable.

Successful community discharge (discharged alive within 90d of SNF admission and remaining in the ccessful discharge. Understanding patients' beliefs is critical to appropriate goal-setting, discharge planning, and quality SNF care.
Patients' beliefs have a significant association with the probability of successful discharge. Understanding patients' beliefs is critical to appropriate goal-setting, discharge planning, and quality SNF care.
To report the cognitive features of patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) entering the postacute phase, to understand whether COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome itself could result in long-term cognitive deficits, and to determine whether neuropsychological treatment after the acute stage might represent a specific rehabilitation need.

Case series.

Rehabilitation hospital.

We assessed the general cognitive functioning through tablet-supported video calls in 9 of 12 consecutive patients (N=9) admitted to the hospital at least 30 days earlier for acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19. Three patients were excluded based on the exclusion criteria. None of the patients presented cognitive symptoms before hospitalization.

General cognitive functioning, measured using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) test.

A general cognitive decay was observed in 3 patients (33.3%) who had a pathologic score on the MMSE, with a specific decline in attention, memory, laniven their possible global cognitive decay. The link between neuropsychological functioning and the length of stay in the ICU suggests that neurocognitive rehabilitative treatments should be directed explicitly toward patients who treated in the ICU, rather than toward every patient who experienced acute respiratory distress syndrome owing to COVID-19. However, given the limitation of a case series study, those hypotheses should be tested with future studies with larger samples and a longer follow-up period.
One of the difficulties in performing endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is the lack of retraction during submucosal dissection. The development of the EndoMaster EASE System (EndoMaster Pte Ltd, Singapore) aims to enhance the safety and efficacy of ESD through 2 flexible robotic arms for tissue retraction and dissection. This is a preclinical animal study to evaluate the performance of colorectal ESD using the latest version of the EndoMaster EASE System.

The latest version of the EndoMaster EASE System consists of an independently designed, flexible platform with a built-in endoscopic imaging system and 3 working channels, 2 for the passage of robotic arms and 1 for accessories. In this animal study, the outcome measures were operating time (from starting incision to finishing dissection), completeness of resection, procedure-related adverse events, and limitations of arm manipulation in a narrow working space as assessed by counting the frequency of blind cutting.

Five ESD procedures were performed in a 66.7-kg porcine model with the animal under general anesthesia. The mean operative time was 73.8 minutes, and the mean size of the specimen resected was 1340mm
. There was no perforation, although profuse bleeding was encountered during 1 robotic ESD procedure.

The current preclinical study confirmed the feasibility of performing colorectal ESD using the latest version of the EndoMaster EASE System. The system was also tested for the ability to manage adverse events including bleeding and perforation. This study provided important preclinical experience for clinical trial.
The current preclinical study confirmed the feasibility of performing colorectal ESD using the latest version of the EndoMaster EASE System. The system was also tested for the ability to manage adverse events including bleeding and perforation. This study provided important preclinical experience for clinical trial.
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