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You have sent/received 81 messages:
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *pokes chu* :3
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *is poked*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "Hi." :3
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): Hi...
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "How are chu?" Hugs chu X3
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "I’m uh...not feeling too hot..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "Do you want to talk about it?"
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "It’s’d have to promise not to tell a soul."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "Okay."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "...Heart’s leaving..." *he breaks down, and cuddles against you, sobbing*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "W-what? She’s leaving?" *I hold you and hold back tears*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *he finds one of your hands, and holds it* "Y-yeah...but d-don’t tell anyone..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); "Y-yeah... I won’t.." *I · squeeze your hand having a few tears drip off of my muzzle*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *He looks into your eyes, and smiles.* "I’ve neglected you for so long...but no’re always here for me, no matter’s about time I start appreciating that..." *He buries his head in the crook of your neck, finding solace in the warmth of your body.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I hold you close to me as I share my warmth with you.* · "I’ll always be here for you..." *I hold you as I nuzzle the top of your head*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "Thank you Cam..." *He laces his fingers through yours.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I hold your hand never wanting to let go* "I’ll always try my best to make you happy."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *He is silent for moment, then places a gentle kiss on your neck.* "Thank much..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I then kiss your cheek and hold you close while nuzzling your head, making sure you are warm* "There’s no need to thank me."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *He blushes, and holds your hand tighter.* "Yes, there is. You’ve been with me since day never gave up...and I pushed you away a million times...thank you for being annoyingly persistent..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I also blush and continue to nuzzle you and keep you close* "That’s just who I am." *I squeeze your hand, holding it in mine*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *His legs slowly twine with yours, and he gives you another small kiss.* "Your so wonderful..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I return your kiss with a gentle kiss on the nose* "So are you..." *I pull you in closer and nuzzle you*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *His breathing gets heavy—he’s never touched a man before.* "C-Cam~" *He nuzzles you back, enjoying every second of your affections
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: Help cam
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: Hello cam
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I blush even more as you nuzzle me* "Hem~" *I kiss your forehead as I continue to nuzzle you*
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet; Hi Rose
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: How are you
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet; I’m good, you?
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: God you play d and d to 😸
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *His breathing is shake-y now.* "O-oh~" *He pulls your hand up, and puts it on his cheek, nuzzling into it. "Oh Cam~"
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet; Yeah :3
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *My breathing becomes heavy as I feel you nuzzle my hand* "Oh Hem~" *I blush even more*
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: That itresting because I run an adult d and d group
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet; Cool :D
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: Would be intresed in joing
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *He dislodges his head from under yours, only to press his nose against yours. He looks deep into your eyes, silent, smiling, blushing.*
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: Want to join in
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet; Yeah :D
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I look into your eyes while blushing and smiling back, hoping this will never end*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *I hesitantly plant a small kiss on your nose.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I gently kiss you back on the nose* "H-Hem~"
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "Cam~ Don’t let me go~ Ever~" *He locks his lips with yours, and closes his eyes, finally giving into to what’s he truly wanted.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I close my eyes as I hold you in the deep kiss* (I will never let you go~)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (O-oh~ Cam~ <3) *I keep holding the kiss, your lips, your touch, your scent, your everything feeling so right.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I put a hand on your cheek as I hold the kiss as I smell your wonderful scent, and as I feel your lips against mine* (I love you... <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (Oh Cam...I love you too~ <3) *I finally break the kiss, but put our foreheads together, looking deep into your eyes.* "Cam~"
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I look into your beautiful eyes* "Hem.... I want to be with you forever~"
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "B-but...I’m m-mated Cam...I...don’t want to be d-d-d—dishonest..." *He grips your hands tight, tearing up a little bit.* "B-b-but...I w-want to b-be with you too..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I reach a hand up and wipe your tears away* "If you are, then I’ll wait for you.... I’ll do anything for you..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (Oh my heart just skipped a beat IRL...that’s so sweet Cam...) "I don’t want to keep you waiting...I don’t want to wait for you...I just want to be yours..."
Rose/f/bi/deer/pet: Hello cam
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (Irl- My heart is full of joy because of you <3) "B-but aren’t you with Z? She would be heart broken if you left her." *I wipe away my own tears*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (Wh-what have I done to cause that? I’ve just pushed you away for so long...) "I know...I love her, trust me...we...I...I don’t know...I just...want to be with you always..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (Whenever I talk to you... My heart is always full of joy. But right now.... This is the happiest I’ve ever been.) "I always want to be with you too... But we’ve gotta sort something out..." *I kiss your cheek softly*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (’re making my heart flutter~ <3) "I know...and we will..." *He nuzzles into your cheek, content.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (My heart is also fluttering from you! <3) "I w · ill do anything for you.... I could always wait and see... I mean, if you love Z, then I would never want to get in between you two, because I want you to be happy. No matter what."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (Can I just jump into your arms, and have you hold me forever?) "Maybe...we can all be happy...the three of us...t-together..." *He says this with hope in his eyes, but also recognizes the fact that this had a very slim chance of happening.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (I wish~ <3) "Hem... I’m sorry. But we both know that it would never work.... I want you to be happy. I don’t care about me. I care about you. I want you to stay with Z, I could never break your relationship, Which is what would happen if I got involved." *I look into your eyes, wanting to make you happy, no matter what it takes*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (It’s the thought that counts~ <3) *I look destroyed.* "The worst part about all this is that you are right..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (I agree~ <3) *I hold you close as tears well up in my eyes* "If you love Z, then your going to stay with her. I-I can always wait for you... You love Z, and she loves you... I could never take you from her..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (You said I’m making you smile...can I see that smile? It’d make my day~) "Okay, my love..." *He kisses the tears off your cheeks.* "Just know that I love you...always..."
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I wipe the remaining tears away* "I will always love you... And remember.... I’m always here for you..." *I kiss you gently on the lips*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "O-o—okay too...I’ll always be here for you..." *He presses into your lips again, melting into you.* (I’m so happy...I’ve wanted this for so long Cam...fuck, I love you so much~)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (Me too Hem~ <3 I love you so much!) "I always want you to be happy~" *I nuzzle into your neck*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (I wish I knew someone like you IRL...someone I could just give myself to like this...but unfortunately...I haven’t really come out...and I don’t know anyone...) "And the same goes for me to you..." *He kisses your forehead.*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (I wish the same thing too. I haven’t come out yet either. But anyway.. I love you~ <3) "I hope we can be together... One day..." <3
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): "Me too...
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (*gives your cheek a small kiss* Well, I support you, Cam~ <3 And I love you too~)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); *I put my arms around you and hold you tightly, but not too tight, and kiss your cheek as I fall asleep with my head against yours*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (I support you too, always~ I love you so much~ <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): *Your touch is enough to send him spiraling into the sweetest dreams he’s ever had...all of them about you~*
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (You...g-gotta stop saying that heh~ My heart is going beat right out of my chest~ <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (I’ve got to go, I’ll dream about you~ I hope I can talk to you tomorrow, I love you more than anything~ <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (Night hun~ See you tomorrow~ <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); (Goodnight hun~ I love you~ <3)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~): (I love you too~)
Hemmox (Wolf/M/Z~); <3
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