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I was born with bad blood . I was born as a patrova dopelganger .but when I was also born with parents that didn't want me so they gave me to my aunt and uncle . they later had a son of their own . they raised us with a pretty normal life . our easy life started to change by the time I was seventeen . at that time my adopted parents died . I was saved by something I didn't know of at the time but it just happened . after that I was raced by my other aunt . when I started school the next year I met Stefan Salvator witch I fell in love instantly with . Tho I figered out that he was a vampire I still didn't care . I knew that I would always love him . but with him also came the complication of his brother Damon salvator . he was despretly in love with Kathrine patrova and would do anything to get her back . when she came to town she saw how me and Stefan were happy together and how Damon had fallen in love with me and she got mad . so she compelled me to slowly fall in love with Damon . this ment that slowly me and Stefan were falling apart . but while this was happening I was being hunted by the Mikaelson family for my blood . while we were fighting them I dicided that I would do what ever they wanted . when I dicided that, my bond with the Mikaelsons got stronger .even tho I didn't notice it at the time I had been slowly falling in love with Elijah Mikaelson . and he was falling in love with me to . I knew that at the time we could not be together since I was being forced with Damon . and shortly after that me and Stefan were over and me and Damon were together. then I died and with out realization I had Damon's blood in my system . that made me a vampire when I completed the transition . and this was a horrid moment since I never wanted to be a vampire . but when that happen my compulsion wore off . but by the time I notice what Kathrine had done the Mikaelson sister had compelled me to love him again. the salvators brothers mother came to town and kicked her sons out of there house . so we fought with them and we thought we won . and with even more good things I finally drank the cure to be human again . and while all of this happened my aunt had found love and was getting married .but at the wedding a whitch casted a spell on me and my best friend witch bonded our lives . until she died I would stay In a coma . I was able to say my good byes to all my friends . but the goodbyes that stood out the most were Elijah's and Rebekah's . I took Elijah to the place were we gained each others trust and said our goodbyes and what stood out was that he said that I was always invited to stay with him. then came Rebekah's goodbye . the whole goodbye she compelled me to remember that I never loved Damon and that I was able to leave him whenever I woke up and I forgave her . and that's when I stayed asleep for a month . the Salvator brothers traded there house so that I could awake . but when I woke I didn't want to be there with them for a couple of reasons . reason 1 I couldn't brake Damon's heart and cause a fight between the brothers .reason 2 I couldn't watch Stefan and Caroline be together when I loved him. reason 3 I understood what Stefan felt when I had gone with Damon and I felt bad so I couldn't brake them up . so I left and asked Elijah if I could go stay with them and he said yes . I knew I couldn't say that I was leaving and never coming back so I said I would go spend the night at Bonnie's house . so they dropped me off at Bonnie's house and left . but bonnie thought that I was only staying for a couple of hours . when I left Bonnie's house I went to the grill to wait for Elijah . so I left with Elijah and decided to live with the Mikaelson family .

now Stefan I'm writing this to you so you and Damon could find peace . and tho I've moved on just know that I will always love . sincerely and with love

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