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Wallace Associates Inc. Review: Human Resources Development as an Art

We all watch movies. And yet, we fail to realize that what we see onscreen are results of many working hours of various separate individual human tasks coordinated and merged into one attractive piece of art work. Every part can be likened to a pixel on a digital photo which disappears in the background or within the maze of million other pixels providing their own unique contribution to the whole picture.

Although the photographer has never been credited for making each pixel a product of his or her creativity, the artist is, nevertheless, honored and appreciated for bringing us the whole perspective of the whole story. Perhaps, if human resources managers looked at their work as artists, they may find many ways of making their jobs not just enjoyable but very efficient with a few principles they can follow, namely:

1.Do not let the primary goal cause you to miss the interesting finer points – The job of hiring a vice-president for a company often involves a difficult and tedious process. The compelling task of getting one within a given period can lead a company to miss out on the equally important task of choosing a human being first before a vice-president. A leader, after all, will have to deal with humans and not merely ideas or material resources. The finer qualities of being human can ultimately spell the difference between a thriving organization and one that manages to simply to beat bottom-line targets.

2.Listen to the harmony of the Universe through the daily noise – The office can be likened to a factory where machineries clank and hum, providing a constant reminder to the individual worker to deliver and remain efficient just as a bold or gear has to behave in a machine. Or else, the entire work process is stalled or rendered incomplete. But looking beyond the immediate surrounding can provide an inspiring incentive to the ordinary worker or executive. For as the planets and the stars move silently through space, we also have to do our part in harmony with the movement of the big celestial objects, turning out work that enhances the movement of the entire “universe” or organization we dwell in. This is not an esoteric formula or mystic mantra that will elevate us from the humdrum of the daily grind but to bring down the higher harmony of the physical world into our small but parallel personal and professional world in order for us to accomplish what no one else, whether a super nova or a giant star, can hope to accomplish.

Wallace Associates Inc. values the intrinsic worth of people as the most important assets in any organization. First and foremost, providing fulfillment and satisfaction to people in their given tasks is the company’s vital mission.
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Regards; Team

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