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Obvious foramen ovale drawing a line under in the affected individual together with vena cava filtering: a case document.
Seven smectites of the dioctahedral and trioctahedral types were homoionized with Ca2+, substituting the natural exchangeable cations. Several differences were found between the formulae obtained for the natural and Ca2+ homoionic samples. Both layer and interlayer charges increased, and the calculated numbers of octahedral cations in the homoionic samples were closer to four and six in the dioctahedral and trioctahedral smectites, respectively, with respect to the values calculated in the non-homoionic samples. This change was not limited to the octahedral sheet and interlayer, because the tetrahedral content also changed. For both dioctahedral and trioctahedral samples, the structural formulae improved considerably after homoionization of the samples, although higher accuracy was obtained the more magnesic and trioctahedral the smectites were. Additionally, the changes in the structural formulae sometimes resulted in changing the classification of the smectite.The determination of residual stresses becomes more complicated with increasing complexity of the structures investigated. Additive manufacturing techniques generally allow the production of 'lattice structures' without any additional manufacturing step. These lattice structures consist of thin struts and are thus susceptible to internal stress-induced distortion and even cracks. In most cases, internal stresses remain locked in the structures as residual stress. The determination of the residual stress in lattice structures through nondestructive neutron diffraction is described in this work. It is shown how two difficulties can be overcome (a) the correct alignment of the lattice structures within the neutron beam and (b) the correct determination of the residual stress field in a representative part of the structure. The magnitude and the direction of residual stress are discussed. The residual stress in the strut was found to be uniaxial and to follow the orientation of the strut, while the residual stress in the knots was more hydro-static. Additionally, it is shown that strain measurements in at least seven independent directions are necessary for the estimation of the principal stress directions. The measurement directions should be chosen according to the sample geometry and an informed choice on the possible strain field. If the most prominent direction is not measured, the error in the calculated stress magnitude increases considerably.Recently, the authors reported on the development of crystallinity in mixed-tacticity polyhydroxybutyrates. Comparable values reported in the literature vary depending on the manner of determination, the discrepancies being partially attributable to scattering from paracrystalline portions of the material. These portions can be qualified by peak profile fitting or quantified by allocation of scattered X-ray intensities. However, the latter requires a good quality of the former, which in turn must additionally account for peak broadening inherent in the measurement setup, and due to limited crystallite sizes and the possible presence of microstrain. Since broadening due to microstrain and paracrystalline order both scale with scattering vector, they are easily confounded. In this work, a method to directionally discern these two influences on the peak shape in a Rietveld refinement is presented. Allocating intensities to amorphous, bulk and paracrystalline portions with changing tactic disturbance provided internal validations of the obtained directional numbers. BGB-283 ic50 In addition, the correlation between obtained thermal factors and Young's moduli, determined in earlier work, is discussed.Many polymorphic crystal structures of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) have been reported over the past few decades, but despite its manifold applicability, the structure of the frequently mentioned α polymorph remained unclear. The base-centered unit cell (space group C2/c) suggested in 1966 was ruled out in 2003 and was replaced by a primitive triclinic unit cell (space group P 1). This study proves unequivocally that both α structures coexist in vacuum-deposited CuPc thin films on native silicon oxide by reciprocal space mapping using synchrotron radiation in grazing incidence. The unit-cell parameters and the space group were determined by kinematic scattering theory and provide possible molecular arrangements within the unit cell of the C2/c structure by excluded-volume considerations. In situ X-ray diffraction experiments and ex situ atomic force microscopy complement the experimental data further and provide insight into the formation of a smooth thin film by a temperature-driven downward diffusion of CuPc molecules during growth.For the further development of spin-echo techniques to label elastic scattering it is necessary to perform simulations of the Larmor precession of neutron spins in a magnetic field. The details of some of these techniques as implemented at the reactor in Delft are simulated. First, the workings of the magnetized foil flipper are simulated. A full virtual spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering instrument is built and tested without and with a realistic scattering sample. It is essential for these simulations to have a simulated sample that also describes the transmitted beam of unscattered neutrons, which usually is not implemented for the simulation of conventional small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instruments. Finally, the workings of a spin-echo modulated small-angle neutron scattering (SEMSANS) instrument are simulated. The simulations are in good agreement with theory and experiments. This setup can be extended to include realistic magnetic field distributions to fully predict the features of future Larmor labelling elastic-scattering instruments. Configurations can now be simulated for more complicated combinations of SANS with SEMSANS.Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is widely utilized to study soluble macromolecules, including those embedded into lipid carriers and delivery systems such as surfactant micelles, phospho-lipid vesicles and bilayered nanodiscs. To adequately describe the scattering from such systems, one needs to account for both the form factor (overall structure) and long-range-order Bragg reflections emerging from the organization of bilayers, which is a non-trivial task. Presently existing methods separate the analysis of lipid mixtures into distinct procedures using form-factor fitting and the fitting of the Bragg peak regions. This article describes a general approach for the computation and analysis of SAXS data from lipid mixtures over the entire angular range of an experiment. The approach allows one to restore the electron density of a lipid bilayer and simultaneously recover the corresponding size distribution and multilamellar organization of the vesicles. The method is implemented in a computer program, LIPMIX, and its performance is demonstrated on an aqueous solution of layered lipid vesicles undergoing an extrusion process.
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