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Which side did you take when April and Toby argued whether a line of hieroglyphics should be read left to right or top to right?
Disregarding which type of style I actually favored, I decided to be on April's side because I knew that she would get mad at Toby and anyone else who sided with him. She getting mad at me would have made me quit the game, just like what Toby and Ken did for a couple of days, and that would have left me alone after school for a couple of days, maybe Marshall would have quit and joined me. The Egypt Gang were the only people around my age that were in the neighborhood and played with me. The way it turned out, with Toby and Ken leaving instead of another one of us was for the better, because at least they always had basketball playing to fall back on and they discovered that the other boys that they used to play with everyday were growing suspicious and asking why they quit it, and to be honest, Toby and Ken defused that situation subtly enough that the other boys didn't ask them about it ever again.
When Marshall asked the oracle where Security was after he lost the octopus, did you know that the reason Toby pleaded with Marshall most of all was because he was pretending to be the oracle and didn't know where Security was?
Because Toby said that he was not the oracle with such conviction, I believed him. He said he didn't have enough time during the ritual to actually stop and pause to write the answers, and
If Toby and Ken did not stumble upon the Egypt Game, would the original 4 gang members have come up with the ideas to make up the rituals that were made when Toby and Ken joined?
When April says something about making a game about gypsies, what did you think?
Do you think you missed anything about the rituals, gods, shrines, in the Egypt Game?
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