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Depression is something that almost everyone will or has experienced in their life time. In the book The Lovely Bones everyone deals with their depression over their beloved daughter and sister's death. Susie's sister Lindsey deals with her depression by bottling herself up. While the rest of her family wear their hearts on their sleeves, Lindsey tries to cover it up and act as if nothing is wrong and nothing bothers her. She creates a shield from the world to protect herself from her depression because she knows if she let's others know, she will shatter. On the opposite hand from Lindsey, her mother Abigail let's it all out. When she first hears the news that the police squad is 99% sure that Susie is dead, Abigail falls to her knees in the living room and starts bawling. She is definately in denial until that moment when all her denial is proven wrong and she finally let's go of her false hopes. Finally, in the middle of the two is Jack Salmon, Lindsey's father and Abigail's husband. He deals with his depression more internally but does let it out everyone once in a while. He takes action about his depression by trying to solve the mystery of who killed his daughter. It shows him dealing with his depression internally when he was taking down all of the ship's in a bottle and breaking them because that was what him and Susie used to do together. This event showed how he was coming to terms with his depression; he was past denial and fell into a depression because he knew the facts now. It showed him taking action on his depression when he went to the Singh's house to talk to Ray and Ruana about the possibility of Ray murdering Susie and talking to Len Fenerman about the possibility of George Harvey being a suspect. Once you have suffered through a depression you finally come to a realization that there if nothing you can do, so you accept it.
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