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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to share with others. Click here ...algebraic expression a math sentence that uses letters and operation signs
anniversary year number of years ago car was bought new
asking price selling price; cost plus markup
bar graph compares quantities by using rectangles of varying lengths
base value original value or cost of car
bodily injury insurance insurance that pays for bodily injury of someone other than the insured
cents off coupons a coupon that lets you buy a food item at a reduced price
collision insurance insurance for damage to the insured's vehicle in a driving accident
comprehensive insurance insurance for damage to an automobile caused by such things as weather, theft, and vandalism
constant element in an equation that does not change value
cost-per-unit technique method of comparing the value of two different sizes of the same item
depreciation decrease in the value of a car with time and use
discount a reduction of the selling price
domain terms on the horizontal axis
downturn a declining trend or tendency
equity the value of the property
fixed cost vehicle operating costs that do not vary from month to month
function for any value in the domain there is one and only one value in the range
good driver discount reduction in insurance rate for going a period of time without any driving accidents
independent variable variable in an equation that can take have different values
interest the cost for obtaining credit
lease contract granting use of a car for a specific time period in return for monthly payments
liability insurance insurance that pays for bodily injury and property damage of someone other than the insured
line graph compares quantities by using lines drawn between points
liquidity degree of readiness of conversion of an asset into cash
markdown amount of reduction in selling price
markup amount added to the cost of an item to get its selling price
medical payment insurance insurance for medical expenses of the insured if injured in a driving accident
ordered pair an expression written (domain term, range term)
overhead costs related to rent, utilities, administration, equipment use and/or depreciation
point the location on a graph defined by an ordered pair
prime rate interest rate offered by banks to customers with the largest accounts and with very high credit ratings
profit the difference between revenues from sales and total costs
profitability yielding a profit
property damage insurance insurance covering damage the insured person does to property that is not his own
quantity discount discount offered on large orders
range terms on the vertical axis
rebate returns part of the price
recession a general business slump
recovery return to normal business conditions after a recession
residual the car's value at the end of the lease
rule an equation that shows how a variable is related to other variables
slope ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change of a line
surcharge increase in insurance rate for having a driving accident
trend general direction in which something is moving
upturn an upward trend or tendency
variable a quantity capable of assuming any of a set of values
variable cost vehicle operating costs that vary with usage of the vehicle
y intercept the value of y when x = 0
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