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"Mutt." He whispers.
His freezing hand laying on the side of my face Caressing it. Why couldn't I move? He vanishing into thin air once my phone started chiming.
I gather myself with my eyes wide. I look at my phone seeing Harry's messages.
I answer him back quickly.

A couple of minutes pass by until I hear a knock on my door.
I quickly get up not even checking the peep hole.
I was relived to see Harry.
" Harry..." I breath out
He comes in, hugging me closely to him.
Tears almost falling.
" what's wrong?" Harry ask in a whisper
" I- please stay with me." I mumble
" Always."
~ Harry's p.o.v~
" Don't be upset, Mack. Alright?" I said,
Pecking the top of her head.  She shrugs my hand off her back and flops down on her bed.
I look at her as she lays peacefully on the bed.
She's so perfect.

" What are you waiting for? Come here." She mumbles

I smile softly and lay down next to her. She turns herself to look at me. I watch her quietly as Her eyes trace the tattoos scattered all over my my arm.
I know she's not looking at me in the eyes, but I know she wants to.
Her intimidating blue eyes finally meet mine.
She's so beautiful.
I get lost in her eyes until she looks away quickly.
I test my eyes for a bit since I did come here at midnight which I was already fast asleep back at my bed.
As I think silently to myself I felt a warm hand being placed on my arm. I'm guessing it was Mack since she was the only person in the room.
I felt her fingers graze down my arm.
What made my heart skip was when she laid her hand on the side of my face. She might not show affection towards me when in public; Making her even show some sort of emotion is hard to get out of her.
But the most I've been touched by her.

I saw the chonce and took it.
My arms wrap around her small Frame and I pull her closely to me. She lays her head on my chest. If my heartbeat was even more stronger she would be able to hear it.


I've been in This position with her for the longest time. I couldn't fall asleep. I felt something was wrong.
Mack shuffles in her sleep, scooting closer to me.
She clutches my shirt, a small pout played on her lips.
I softly rub her back, pecking the top of her head.
She falls right back to sleep, her grip on my shirt loosens up.

I shouldn't worry To much, it's affecting  her.
I, for once, finally fell asleep.

My eyes snap open, as well does it for Mack.
We both look at each other with curious looks.
" sorry..." She apologizes
" How did your mind make that up? " I speak softly, gently moving a strand of her hair behind her ear.
" It actually happened." She confessed, laying her head back on my chest.
I felt my heart drop. So that's why she's so cold hearted. She doesn't want to get hurt again.
Baby steps Harold, baby steps.

I put my finger under her chin, making her look at me.

A small smile grazed on her lips.

I lean in slightly, her doing the same. Before our lips meet
She quickly gets up and walks to the corner of her room.
" What wrong?" I Asked as I sat up.
Fears struck  her futures as she looks at me. Her expression hardens, glaring at me.
" This is wrong." She states
" what?" I questioned getting up.
" You are a vampire and I'm a Werewolf..its illegal. Aren't you with the council as well? They'll kill you if they find out." She sighs

" I'll be leaving then. " I mumble angrily.
I get up, slipping on my shoes as I make my way to the door.

" Wait, Har-

I close the door behind me as I lean against the door, not letting her finish her sentence.
I breath out, feeling upset.
Why did I do that, that was so rude of me!
I stay for a couple of minutes, debating if I should knock on her door until I hear muffled cries come from her room.
This made me even more sad. More Like depressed.
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