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Chapter ONE:

What is the psychosocial perspective
Family, family secret rule, community boundaries religion,

Chapter TWO: (13- 33)

Multiculturalism, race, prejudice, ethnic groups, non verbal communication,
Rurala values

Chapter THREE: (35-58)

human development, personality development,
freud, erikson's model, peinados model, lawrence korberg model.
difficulties in couple relationships
age developminet difficulties, disorders,career phase and challenges,

Chapter FOUR: ( 59-78)

basic counseling and communication skills,
verbal nonverba paralandgge, ( pitch tone volume rythm infletions, hesitations.
factors influencing communication output,
nonverbal leakage respiratory avoidance resopnse, nose rub,
engage, empathize, educate and enlist,
engaging the patient, building a rapport, empathy role,
Transference and counter transference.

Chapter FIVE: ( 60- 79)
Sensitization to prejudice and discrimination
-- in groups and out groups/ discrimination. prejudice again? hehe.
based on age, mental illness and obesity smoking agism, ect " most people tend to be unaware of hidden prejudices . willingness to complete a self examination of our personal beliefs about certain issues. ect.

CHapter SIX: ( 80- 92)

Management and Self Care for the healer:::
healthcare providers area t greater risk for depression and suicide. yucky.
"resilience and hardy personalities..
social support or lack thereof.
managing stress, holistic approach, relaxation techniques.

Chapter EIGHT: (131- 152)

CAre giving and end of life issues. Aging dying and death, integrity vs. despair. dementia planning care,
pseudo dementia, assessing care needs. The family conference, hospice, imact and stages of grief, traumatic grief and grief overload,

Chapter NINE: chemical and behaorial addictions ( 155- 182)

Alcholsim, psychosocial aspects of addictions, alcohol, heroin, stimulants cocain, club or designer drugs, dissociative drugs, ketamine, hallucinogens, steroids, impulse control disorders, stages of addictions, ( 168)
hitting bottom and bottoming out, active quitting, CAGE screening, theraputic comminuty, relapse preventation,

Chapter TEN: (183- 204)

Domestic Violence, Wheel of Power and Control, honeymoon phase, battering cycle, risk factors for becomming a victim, progression of victimization, injury stage, illness stage, isolation stage, (prisonor of war poem: very powerful. barriers to assessment, ACronym for PEACE. Equality wheel . non violence,

Chapter ELEVEN: (205-)

Child maltreatment and Abuse. MAltreatment, harm standard, endangerment standard, sexual abuse, risk factors in child abuse, identifying abuse, team approach, developmental issues, indicators of sexual abuse, interviewing precausions, evidence collections,

Chapter TWELVE: ( 221-)

Mental disorders, fear of disclosure, fear of discrimination, somatization: when certain symptoms can not be explained physically with labs, mental disorder: behavoir or psychological syndrom with distress. adjustment disorder, (transient) Axises-- personality desorders, mental retardation, mood and anxiety disorders, suicide,
depression in the elderly, axiety in elderly: elder abuse: threatened harm to health or welfare of elderly. continuity of care: assisted living, supported or sheltered employment, habilitation aids.

Chapter THIRTEEN: ( 243-)

Challenging Patients,
somatoform disorder differences, unconscious and unintential, malingering, dreug-seeking and disability seeking patient, attention to personality disorder, pain disorder..Splitting hating and loving attention.

Chapter FOURTEEN: (265-)

Sociopolitical and Ethical issues. Insuance of healthcare, moral and ethical issues in reproductive rights and end of life decisions. medical abortions, mifepristone, eugenics, doctor assisted suicide, rational suicide, dyingggg, alternative medicines, interative medicine, oriental medicine, manipulative or body based methods, osteopathy/chiropractic medicine. energy therapy , reiki .

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