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and happy 4 months as well haha, you're finally gonna get my card :p Be grateful okay, youre the first person i write such a long letter for (angry emoji) and ive to beat mh right, so i better make this super long, and dont complain if my handwriting is bad (i really tried okay HJAHAHAHA). Probably wont be that hard tho :p Anyway, Its been a very eventful 4 months for me with many ups and downs, which made me feel so many emotion all from being together for such a short time. You're probably the only one who can do this to me since you're just that important and irreplaceable to me, and anything you do just affects me that much hahaha. So you cant say i dont think you're not important okay. You've even made me cry sia TT.TT, even though im suppose to be emotionless according to you hahaha, but that made me realise just how important you are to me. But more than that youve definitely brighten up my life, with your constant clingyness (esp when youre tired :3), and how you always show me your love and even your insults (jokingly of course ahha). So i just wanna thank you, for alot of things, like always being by my side even when im stressed and angst toward you... i know i might not seem(underline) to treat you the best but just know that i always love you the most okayy, even when we fight/quarrel cause youre still my one and only princess :p So we should always choose to end our fight asap and i can go back to hugging you even though you may not be of much help HAHAHA jkjk ily. Okok i should be nicer since its your birthday, anything mean i should just say to you irl so theres no evidence heh. Anyws ya thanks for always putting up with my bullshit and always comforting me and taking care of me. Esp when i was stress af after i was sick, you just stood there and let me hug you in your house hahahha, that really comforted me even tho you probably dint know. These small gestures of yours really means a lot to me even though i don't really say much of these to you. Hopefully im getting more open and telling you all these alr irl or through text <-- you probably made me more open though, cause like i tell you so much more compared to last time alr, rmb when i dint even tell anyone i liked you HAHAH. So yo should do the same and tell me everything, and ill try to do the same haha. Oh ya, and also thx for not daoing me anymore, feels sooooo much btr that we can talk it through rather than have a cold war ._. We should always do this whenever we fight (which is preety common now idek why, probably my fault tho, since i always disappoint you), but lets not talk about this and get down now :p. So now youre finally legalllll and you can drink alchohol, but you can only get drunk around me or when theres no guys around so you wont do any stupid stuff haha(protective af). Time for you to maybe act your age and not like an 8 year old hahah jkjk i love you the way you are so don't change anything okayyy (including eating all that you want :p). Ill bring you to eat more good food throughout next year, since you aways want that righttt, and try to satisfy all your other wishes as well haha. Also, Ill always be your one and only bae foreverrrr, i wont let you cheat on me, not even with angie hahahah jkjk. Hopefully we'll get to spend many more anniversaries/birthdays so we can eventually go overseas together yayyy. Okay this is getting abit long winded. Anyways hope we last super longgg, and be my bae foreverrrrr :P, LOVE YOUUUUUU (insert kiss and hearts emoji cause i suck at drawing)

P.S i had to write on foolscap cause my handwriting sucks and if i write on plain paper itll be wayyyy too hard to read
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Regards; Team

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