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The Gong were the craftspeople and artisans of Ancient China. Members of the gong were skilled workers who made pottery, cloth, and other crafts. Their class was considered similar to farmers because they produced their own goods.
They were relatively valuable people in the society because they produced goods that other people needed but couldn’t make. They also passed their skills from father to son, which was considered somewhat honorable. The Gong were more respected than merchants because merchants could not produce their own goods. Merchants relied on the gong's craftsmen and the Nong's farmers for products to sell. However, because they were not seen as extremely important to Ancient China's economy, they were not very socially respected. The Gong usually worked for themselves, but some were privately employed or worked for the government. In many instances, members of the Gong formed guilds, which were used as a unifying mechanism. Very successful members of this class could afford to have an apprentice or assistant as most did not own property and therefore did not pay taxes.
Despite that the Gong were very important to the culture and society of Ancient China. They provided the empire with goods for trade, and their creations spread ideas and culture throughout the empire, and to its trade partners.
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