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North Known As Yankees , Union , Federals.
North Had 23 States
Capital : Washington, D.C.
Population : 22,000,000
Northern Leadership : Abraham Lincoln
Little Congress Experience
No Military Experience
Few Effective
Improved With U.S. Grant
Northern Strategies : Bring Back South With A Naval Blockade ( Anaconda Plan )
Split The South In Two
Capture Richmond
Northern Intangibles : Battles Faught Away From Home
Fewer Military Skills
Thousands Of Immigrants ( No Purpose To Fight )
Politically Divided
Southern States Known As Confederacy , CSA , Confederate State Of America.
Flag : Stars And Bars
Southern Facts : 11 States
Population : 9,000,000 ( 3,500,000 Were Slaves )
Capital : Richmond, Virginia
Southern Leadership : Jefferson Davis
Mississippi Senator
Secretary Of War
Military Experience During The Mexican War
Generals : Greatest Advantage
Brilliant, Bold Leaders From Virginia Military And West Point
Robert E. Lee
Souths Cause : To Gain Independence
To Save " The Southern Way Of Life"
Souths Power : Troops , Rebels , Rebs , Confederates , Graybacks , Butternuts , Johnnies
Sourthern Stratigies : Fight Defensive War -- Wear Out The Union
Contrast The South Secession With 13 Colonies in 1776
Capture Washington D.C.
Southern Intangibles : Traditionally Protected Homes And Way Of Life
Violonce Was Traditional
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