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Social power is used to exclude and marginalize those who are different
Agency - control → larger system of domination, especially women of color and rape
Women of color’s violence is a combination of racism and sexism and experiences are typically not represented
Not comparable with Thompson’s argument of permissible abortions since Women of color did not have a choice of whether or not they could have an abortion, rather were forced into abortions via eugentics.
Being hooked up to the violinist consently yet someone else forces an unplug

Crenshaw’s article
Policies, priorties, or strategies of empowerment in regards to domestic violence (p. 167) has consistently exclude the needs of women of color
Shelter’s - despire one woman’s case who needed help, she was unable to rceive the protection that was afforded to English-speaking women, due to shelter’s rigid commitment to exclusionary policies and lack of bilingual resources. It disempowered women of color who did not match the kind of clent the shelter’s adminisrators imagined and failed basic priority of shelter movement
White woman in the anti-violence movement are have the power to decide to incorprate intersectional differences of women of color into basic formulation policy
In the context of violence, it is sometimes a deadly serious matter of who will survive and who will not

Five Faces of Oppression
Racial oppression occurs in the form of marignailization
Marginals are people the system of labor cannot or will not use
Growing underclass of people permanetly confined to lives of social marginality, typically racially marked as Black.
Most dangerous form of oppression; a whole category of people is expelled from useful participation in social life and subjected to severe material and resource deprivation, and even extermination
Being a dependent in our society implies being subject to the often arbirary and invase authority of social service providers who enforc rules that marginalized individuals must follow and exercise power over the conditions of their lives
Loss of participation in decisionmaking
Dependency should not be a reason to be deprived of choice and respect

The Black Stork: The Eugentic Control of African American Reproduction
Eugenicists promulgated the weeding
out of undesirable societal elements by discouraging or
preventing the birth of children with “bad” genetic profiles. The
term well-born has a double meaning of “born healthy” and
“born wealthy,
” and this is fitting, because eugenic scientists
and their disciples constantly confused the concepts of
biological hereditary fitness with those of class and race.
eugenics was appropriated to label black
women as sexually indiscriminate and as bad mothers who were
constrained by biology to give birth to defective children. The
demonization of black parents, particularly mothers, as
medically and behaviorally unfit has a long history,
eugenics undergirded medicosocial movements that placed the
sexual behavior and reproduction of blacks under strict scrutiny
and disproportionately forced them into sterility, both
temporary and permanent. Scientists also vigorously researched
black fertility, compiling data on black birth rates and using
women of color predominantly to test many reproductive
technologies and strategies, from involuntary sterilization to
Norplant to “the shot.”
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