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Wakes up with Ruby's ass on waist. Tries to get up but Ruby pulls you down.
Yang helps and Ruby glares.
Go out front for team selection in the emerald forest
Ruby yells (Y/n) hoping to be your partner
Weiss finds (Y/n) first
Ruby sees you two and follows you guys
Ruby snaps some twigs and Weiss goes to check it out while you grab a relic
Ruby murders Weiss and hides her body in the bushes
Ruby comes out fake crying and tackles (Y/n) into a hug.
Ruby says Weiss got killed by the grimm.
Ruby is smiling on (Y/n)'s chest as her plan works
Ruby asks if you want to be partners
You say "Well I guess since Weiss is dead and you're the person I made eye contact with."
Ruby cheers and clings to you.
You get Ruby off and just then Yang and Blake show up as partners.
You later meet up with Ren & Nora and Pyrrha & Jaune and all of you head back.
You later get back from the forest and your teams are now made up.
Ozpin says in honor of Weiss Schnee, her initial will be in your team's name. You volunteer your initial since Ruby saw you second.
Team RWBY is formed, consisting of Ruby, you, Blake, and Yang.
You get assigned a dorm and your team goes to it.
We set up our room and end up having bunk beds.
After we unpack Yang and Blake choose one side of the room. Blake got top bunk while Yang got bottom.
Ruby sleeps above you and you sleep below Ruby.
Your team then plans for tomorrow, getting classes organized and such. Ruby reserves a seat next to you at every chance she gets.
Yang goes out to get food for tonight while Blake goes to the library.
You stay in your team dorm, not even noticing Ruby on the top bunk, staring at you.
----------------------------------WING IT TO THE END-------------------------------
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