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"html": "<div class="form-selector form-selector-list">n <input id="processor:dimensionChip:m3-dimensionCpu:8-dimensionNeuralEngine:16-dimensionGpu:10" class="form-selector-input" type="radio" />n <div class="form-selector-label">n <label for="processor:dimensionChip:m3-dimensionCpu:8-dimensionNeuralEngine:16-dimensionGpu:10" class="form-selector-list-header"n ><span class="row"n ><span class="form-selector-left-col column large-6"n ><strong class="global-header-medium">Everyday Multitasking</strong>n <div class="form-selector-title">n M3 chip<br /><span class="form-label-small"n >8-Core CPU, 10-Core GPU</spann >n </div></spann ><span class="form-selector-right-col form-label-small column large-6"n ><span class="form-selector-right-text"n >$1,599.00 or $133.25/mo. for 12 mo.<span></span></span></span></spann ></label>n <ul class="form-selector-list-content">n <li>n <svgn width="16"n xmlns=""n viewBox="0 0 169.43 100"n style="overflow: visible"n >n <rectn x="0"n y="-15"n width="169.43"n height="120"n fill-opacity="0"n ></rect>n <g>n <pathn d="M38.495 77.81H115.235C123.578 77.81 130.56 77.01 135.571 72.06 140.521 67.05 141.26 60.09 141.26 51.776V37.746C141.26 29.432 140.52 22.461 135.571 17.512 130.55 12.513 123.578 11.71 115.235 11.71H38.39C30.214 11.711 23.17 12.523 18.17 17.523 13.21 22.483 12.461 29.453 12.461 37.63V51.776C12.461 60.089 13.201 67.06 18.159 72.06 23.17 77.01 30.141 77.81 38.495 77.81ZM37.145 69.967C32.145 69.967 26.85 69.26 23.9 66.31 20.95 63.36 20.314 58.14 20.314 53.126V36.553C20.314 31.404 20.95 26.203 23.89 23.201 26.839 20.241 32.165 19.606 37.303 19.606H116.585C121.587 19.606 126.871 20.262 129.82 23.212 132.77 26.213 133.416 31.383 133.416 36.447V53.126C133.416 58.138 132.76 63.36 129.82 66.309 126.871 69.27 121.587 69.967 116.585 69.967ZM147.938 57.391C151.787 57.152 156.967 52.212 156.967 44.76 156.966 37.309 151.786 32.369 147.936 32.13Z"n fill="#000"n fill-opacity="1"n ></path>n <pathn d="M34.569 64.262H119.15C122.547 64.262 124.505 63.772 125.806 62.41 127.17 61.036 127.722 59.077 127.722 55.754V33.767C127.722 30.423 127.17 28.486 125.87 27.112 124.505 25.759 122.474 25.31 119.151 25.31H34.674C31.246 25.31 29.204 25.749 27.904 27.1 26.55 28.475 26.008 30.455 26.008 33.924V55.754C26.009 59.098 26.55 61.036 27.903 62.41 29.277 63.762 31.256 64.262 34.57 64.262Z"n fill="#000"n fill-opacity="1"n ></path>n </g>n </svg>n Two Thunderbolt / USB 4 Portsn </li>n <li>n <svgn width="16"n xmlns=""n viewBox="0 0 155.25 100"n style="overflow: visible"n >n <rectn x="0"n y="-15"n width="155.25"n height="120"n fill-opacity="0"n ></rect>n <g>n <pathn d="M12.461 44.739C12.461 58.636 23.008 68.389 36.753 68.389H118.393C132.201 68.39 142.79 58.636 142.79 44.74 142.79 30.842 132.201 21.037 118.393 21.037H36.753C23.008 21.037 12.461 30.842 12.461 44.739ZM20.314 44.739C20.314 35.628 27.742 28.891 36.754 28.891H118.393C127.403 28.89 134.893 35.628 134.893 44.739S127.404 60.536 118.394 60.536H36.753C27.741 60.536 20.313 53.85 20.313 44.739ZM32.72 44.687C32.72 46.811 34.521 48.614 36.645 48.614H118.097C120.221 48.614 122.024 46.81 122.024 44.687S120.221 40.761 118.097 40.761H36.646C34.522 40.76 32.719 42.563 32.719 44.687Z"n fill="#000"n fill-opacity="1"n ></path>n </g>n </svg>n Supports up to one external displaysn </li>n <li>n <svgn width="16"n xmlns=""n viewBox="0 0 146.97 100"n style="overflow: visible"n >n <rectn x="0"n y="-15"n width="146.97"n height="120"n fill-opacity="0"n ></rect>n <g>n <pathn d="M24.984 77.043H121.984C129.764 77.043 134.505 72.24 134.505 64.468V8.464C134.506.692 129.766-4.06 121.983-4.06H24.983C17.203-4.059 12.462.692 12.462 8.464V64.468C12.461 72.24 17.201 77.043 24.984 77.043ZM25.119 69.137C22.134 69.137 20.314 67.38 20.314 64.344V8.588C20.314 5.603 22.134 3.794 25.12 3.794H121.849C124.832 3.794 126.651 5.604 126.651 8.588V64.344C126.652 67.38 124.833 69.137 121.848 69.137ZM48.951 93.537H98.016A3.907 3.907 0 0 0 101.953 89.611C101.953 87.414 100.213 85.632 98.016 85.632H48.951C46.754 85.632 45.014 87.414 45.014 89.611A3.907 3.907 0 0 0 48.95 93.537Z"n fill="#000"n fill-opacity="1"n ></path>n </g>n </svg>n Up to 22 hours of battery lifen </li>n </ul>n </div>n</div>",
"label": "Apple M3 chip with 8-core CPU, 10-core GPU, 16‑core Neural Engine",
"value": {
"dimensionChip": "m3",
"dimensionCpu": "8",
"dimensionNeuralEngine": "16",
"dimensionGpu": "10"
"key": "processor:dimensionChip:m3-dimensionCpu:8-dimensionNeuralEngine:16-dimensionGpu:10",
"disabled": true,
"priceDelta": "$1,599.00 or $133.25/mo. for 12 mo.",
"item": {
"default": "false",
"variantKeyToValue": {
"dimensionChip": "m3",
"dimensionCpu": "8",
"dimensionNeuralEngine": "16",
"dimensionGpu": "10"
"optionValue": "065-CG1H",
"none": "false",
"sapPartNumbers": [
"optionValueDisplayName": "Apple M3 chip with 8-core CPU, 10-core GPU, 16‑core Neural Engine"
"isChecked": false
"html": "<label class="form-label" for="retina_display:dimensionDisplayType:liquid_retina-dimensionScreensize:16inch">nt<div class="label-text">ntt<strong>16-inch</strong>ntt<div>Liquid Retina XDR display²</div>nt</div>nt<div class="label-text">$2,499.00 or $208.25/mo. for 12 mo.</div>n</label>",
"label": "16-inch Liquid Retina XDR display",
"value": {
"dimensionDisplayType": "liquid_retina",
"dimensionScreensize": "16inch"
"key": "retina_display:dimensionDisplayType:liquid_retina-dimensionScreensize:16inch",
"disabled": false,
"priceDelta": "$2,499.00 or $208.25/mo. for 12 mo.",
"item": {
"default": "false",
"variantKeyToValue": {
"dimensionDisplayType": "liquid_retina",
"dimensionScreensize": "16inch"
"optionValue": "065-CG5J",
"none": "false",
"sapPartNumbers": [
"optionValueDisplayName": "16-inch Liquid Retina XDR display"
"isChecked": false
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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