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Period 1: 1491-1607
-Maize: irrigation to help grow, Pueblos (rio grande), less hunting and gathering, pop. increase
-California: hunter/gatherer, fishing, canoes originated here this isn't important
-Great Plains/basin: hunter/gatherer, large flat, buffalos, horses alter life on great plains when introduced
-Northeast: Iroquois, adapted to environment, burned forests, more maize, matriarchal go females
-Columbian Exchange: exchange of crops, diseases, animals, etc. causes massive pop. explosion in europe and asia, africans now being used as slaves, american indians are dying from diseases
-Encomienda System: Spanish, to control and regulate American Indian labor and behavior
-3 G's: gold, glory, gospel are what led to europeans moving to america
-Jamestown: colonization here is the end of period 1
-Europeans towards Indians: did not understand them or their cultures, savages savages barely even hummannnn, europeans feel white superiority
-Converting Natives to Christianity (spanish) (why we have missions)

Period 2: 1607-1754
-Spain has strict control over colonization, wanted to make Gold, also Gospel
-French and Dutch built relationships with the natives, traded much with them, traded beaver fur
-English sent large number of immigrants both male and FEMALE, economic prosperity, religious freedom, better living conditions, colonies based on agriculture, lived separately from Natives
-Native conflicts: Powhatans, Bacon's Rebellion, Pequot war, King Phillip's war
-Chesapeake Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina; all about TOBACCO; encroaching on indian land, no adequate protection (Bacon's rebellion)
-Bacon's rebellion = no more indentured servants, more slaves
-New England Colonies: Puritans; JOHN WINTHROP "city on a hill"; small towns; some ag, fishing, commerce, major trade, no large plantations
-Middle Colonies: most diverse, Pennsylvania, many immigrants, cereal crops=wheat
-Southern Colonies:RICE, bad conditions=more slaves here
-West Indies: SUGAR, more slaves here
-Democratic self government in British colonies due to salutary neglect
-Virginia House of Burgesses: first representative government in Brit colonies, elite plantation owners
-Pueblo Revolt: SUCCESSFULLY overthrew the Spanish for like a few years
-Pluralism: multiple religious groups existing together
-FIRST GREAT AWAKENING: George Whitefield, John Edwards, increase in conversions, new branches of christianity
-Enlightenment happening in Europe
-Colonial Govs. based off English ones, ideas from England coming to the Americas
-7 years war- limit colonial expansion to limit conflicts with natives
-Navigation Acts- ONLY TRADE WITH BRITAIN=smuggling; England is now trying to gain more control
-still large market for tobacco=slaves in British Colonies
-emergence of strict racial system; african's resisting slavery by autonomy (culture)
-Stono Rebellion, breaking tools, working slowly, etc were used to resist

Period 3 (1754-1800)
-French and Indian War: french removed from North america; led to no more salutary neglect
-Pontiac's rebellion=establishment of Proclamation line of 1763
-British in debt=tax colonists
-Sugar Act, Stamp Act, etc.
-DIRECTLY led to the American Revolution: boycotts, colonists unifying
-Paul Revere, John Hancock: merchants who protested taxation
-Ben Franklin: argued Americans had helped in French-Indian war, co-writer of dec. of independence
-Grassroots movement: average people urging independence
-Mobilization: supplying financial, material, troops
-Battle of Saratoga: French begin helping colonists
-Push for equality after Rev. war leads to calls for abolition of slavery
-Republican Motherhood- women should instill republican values in their children
-After war, many Americans fear a strong central government like Britain which led to the very weak Articles of Confederation
-Shay's Rebellion: shows the Articles of Confed. are weak
-Great Compromise: led to bicameral legislature (two house- population and equal representation)
-3/5 compromise: 3 out of 5 slaves would contribute towards population
-Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: protect individual rights by creating Bill of Rights
-Washingtons and Adams: two-term tradition, creation of cabinet, creation of Bank of US
-Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
-Antislavery in north, sectional attitudes towards slavery
-Americans start to expand further west = conflict with natives, battle of fallen timbers (americans defeated),
-Scots-Irish: settled on frontier, no regard for who owned it, Paxton boys
-Northwest Land Ordinance: created process to admit new states to the country, freedom of religion/trial by jury (this is before the bill of rights), some land is left aside for public education, slavery abolished in this area
-Jay's Treaty: w/Britain, compensation for damaged ships, Brit. promised to leave forts
-Pinkney's Treaty: w/Spain, America can trade on Mississippi, can deposit goods in New Orleans
-France's Revolution: US trying to be neutral, led to impressment, (leads up to the war of 1812 which is in Period 4)Demo-repubs= for france, Federalists=support british

Period 4 (1800-1848)
-Political Parties still big deal: Feds vs Demo-Repubs(Jeffersonians)
-Marbury v. Madision: Judicial Review
-McCullouh v. Maryland: Bank of US is constitutional, fed. government has more power over states
-Gibbens v. Odgens: Congress can control interstate commerce
-Democrats: led by Andrew Jackson(common man)against american system and BUS)
-Whigs: led by Henry Clay, for stronger fed. government, internal improvements, BUS, tariffs
-People are more loyal to their state than their nation (leads to problems like nullification crisis of 1833)
-Second Great Awakening: humans can achieve perfection, inspires other reform movements
-Charles G. Finney: holding massive sermons
-Utopian Societies: oneida, brooks farm
-Transcedentalism: encouraged individuals to have communication with God and nature (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau)
-Organizations attempting to improve society
-American Temperance Society: Lyman Beecher co-founded
-Dorthea Dix: Help for the mentally ill
-Horace Mann: Education
-Shakers: celibacy, sexual equality
-Emancipation for slaves in North: increasing number of free blacks in North AND SOUTH
-Gag-order: prohibited abolition bills in House of Representatives (John Quincy Adams overturns this)
-Slave rebellion led to more strict slave laws
-Seneca Falls Convention: for women's rights

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