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Ah yes, yet another reader. Perhaps not the best time to contemplate as to why you are reading this. Expecting dead people or creepy images as one's mind fixates on the idea of this being a 'Creepy Pasta'. However, disproving your possible previous assumption, this story may in fact not scare you. Sleep deprivation as you wait for a tall, faceless being to enter your door; close your blinds as you fear that 'HE' will see you; grab hold of a bat due to the fear of that haunting smile appearing upon you. No, this will not create any new illusions, but in turn may fuel your previous ones.

The fact is, it is all in your head- you never come to accept this though. Paranoia will eventually consume you as you constantly glare over your shoulder to make sure yet another time that a grey, armless creature is not following you up the stairs. Eating away at you, your sub-consciousness is pleased; as you continue to fear suck obscured entities that will never be realized. The doctor will confidently tell you that you are merely having minor mental issues and prescribe some sort of medicine. But no, you will keep the pill under your tongue and later spit it out in fear of it being mind control.

Your sub-consciousness is full, stuffed now relaxing with a belly full of all the fear you have ever exerted, but paranoia keeps feeding it, over stuffing it, saturating it. Wind will blow though your window, shifting your curtains- but you will instantly assume: Slenderman!, Jeff!, Rake!, ZALGO! and on all accounts you will be incorrect. However, this assumption will cause your deeply engraved paranoia to thrust its bloody fork into yet another piece of fear and force it down your sub-consciousness's mouth.

There is only one single, lonely error with this action- the sub-consciousness becomes full. It takes over the rest of the mind the brain in order to expand and create more room for the fear. Hearing, taste, felling, all corrupted by fear. You will cope, accept, and live the fear. You continue to use sight and smell to reassure yourself that you are still sane. That these creatures are all in your head... And in the end that is the problem. But what happens when the sub-consciousness is once again full?

This is where it all starts- the fear corrupts the vision. You no longer have a grasp on reality, safety and in the end- sanity. Everywhere you do- you see him, wearing that black suit. Or perhaps your choice of fear is the smiling one? However- the worst case is when you fear two or more entities. And now the fear has corrupted your entire brain- everything that was in your head has become your new reality.

What about smell, you may ask- as I have clearly left it out. To that I have no direct answer but only a question. What will our blood smell like?
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