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In-silico study on perovskites software inside recording and distorting coronavirus.
Using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, we systematically investigated the electronic properties and charge transfer of topological insulator Bi2Te3-xSex thin films under an external electric field. As the selenium content in Bi2Te3-xSex thin films increases, the band gap is gradually opened, with changes in the charge distribution. In addition, the experimentally stable Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te thin films are extremely robust under vertical electric fields up to 0.2 V Å-1. The electronic structures of Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te thin films are insensitive to the electric fields and exhibit only a Rashba-like splitting pattern near the Fermi level. Remarkably, the charge transfer in Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te thin films under an external electric field is suppressed. We found that the robustness characteristic is inextricably linked to the strong covalent bonding of tellurium and bismuth atoms. These results indicated that Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te thin films are robust to the internal electrical field during growth on the substrate, which is beneficial for experimental studies as well as for the potential applications of spintronic devices.Wound dressings play a critical role in the cutaneous healing process. The uncertainty of an injury leads to an irregular wound. However, incomplete contact between a general dressing and wound reduces the effectiveness of the dressing. Therefore, self-adapting hydrogels that are adhesive, injectable, and self-healable are being developed to efficiently treat irregular skin wounds. Here, we present an approach based on dynamic Schiff-base bond formation to prepare self-adapting hydrogel dressings that automatically adapt to irregular wounds under natural conditions and sustain total contact with the injured site. Spectroscopic investigations suggested the formation of dynamic covalent Schiff-base bonds, which are closely associated with the rapid formation of the hydrogel, between the aldehyde groups of oxidized konjac glucomannan and amine groups in the backbone of protonated chitosan and protonated tranexamic acid. Rheological analysis confirmed the self-healing property of the hydrogel, that is, the recovery of the broken hydrogel network. Histological analysis indicated that this self-adapting hydrogel provides a clear advantage over the commercial hydrogel dressing (AquacelAg™) in the in vivo wound-healing process. Our rapidly gelating hydrogel formulations with self-healing ability, tissue adhesiveness, and antibacterial activity are very promising self-adapting biomaterials for repairing irregular wounds.Tracking cell movements is an important aspect of many biological studies. Reagents for cell tracking must not alter the biological state of the cell and must be bright enough to be visualized above background autofluorescence, a particular concern when imaging in tissue. Currently there are few reagents compatible with standard UV excitation filter sets (e.g. DAPI) that fulfill those requirements, despite the development of many dyes optimized for violet excitation (405 nm). A family of boron-based fluorescent dyes, difluoroboron β-diketonates, has previously served as bio-imaging reagents with UV excitation, offering high quantum yields and wide excitation peaks. In this study, we investigated the use of one such dye as a potential cell tracking reagent. A library of difluoroboron dibenzoylmethane (BF2dbm) conjugates were synthesized with biocompatible polymers including poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), and block copolymers with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Dye-polymer conjugates were fabricated into nanoparticles, which were stable for a week at 37 °C in water and cell culture media, but quickly aggregated in saline. Nanoparticles were used to label primary splenocytes; phagocytic cell types were more effectively labelled. Labelling with nanoparticles did not affect cellular viability, nor basic immune responses. Labelled cells were more easily distinguished when imaged on a live tissue background than those labelled with a commercially available UV-excitable cytoplasmic labelling reagent. The high efficiency in terms of both fluorescence and cellular labelling may allow these nanoparticles to act as a short-term cell labelling strategy while wide excitation peaks offer utility across imaging and analysis platforms.Decarboxylation of carboxylic acids is favored under hydrothermal conditions, and can be influenced by dissolved metals. Here, we use phenylacetic acid as a model compound to study its hydrothermal decarboxylation in the presence of copper(ii) salts but no O2. Our results showed a strong oxidizing role of copper in facilitating oxidative decarboxylation.Integration of microfluidics and biosensing functionalities on a single device holds promise in continuous health monitoring and disease diagnosis for point-of-care applications. However, the required functions of fluid handling and biomolecular sensing usually arise from different actuation mechanisms. In this work, we demonstrate that a single acoustofluidic device, based on a flexible thin film platform, is able to generate hybrid wave modes, which can be used for fluidic actuation (Lamb waves) and biosensing (thickness shear waves). On this integrated platform, we show multiple and sequential functions of mixing, transport and disposal of liquid volumes using Lamb waves, whilst the thickness bulk shear waves allow us to sense the chemotherapeutic Imatinib, using an aptamer-based strategy, as would be required for therapy monitoring. Upon binding, the conformation of the aptamer results in a change in coupled mass, which has been detected. This platform architecture has the potential to generate a wide range of simple sample-to-answer biosensing acoustofluidic devices.A measurement is presented of electroweak (EW) production of a W boson in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 Te . The data sample was recorded by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb - 1 . The measurement is performed for the ℓ ν jj final state (with ℓ ν indicating a lepton-neutrino pair, and j representing the quarks produced in the hard interaction) in a kinematic region defined by invariant mass m jj > 120 Ge and transverse momenta p T j > 25 Ge . The cross section of the process is measured in the electron and muon channels yielding σ EW ( W jj ) = 6.23 ± 0.12 (stat) ± 0.61 (syst) pb per channel, in agreement with leading-order standard model predictions. The additional hadronic activity of events in a signal-enriched region is studied, and the measurements are compared with predictions. The final state is also used to perform a search for anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. Limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators are given in the framework of an effective field theory. The corresponding 95% confidence level intervals are - 2.3 less then c W W W / Λ 2 less then 2.5 Te - 2 , - 8.8 less then c W / Λ 2 less then 16 Te - 2 , and - 45 less then c B / Λ 2 less then 46 Te - 2 . These results are combined with the CMS EW Zjj analysis, yielding the constraint on the c W W W coupling - 1.8 less then c W W W / Λ 2 less then 2.0 Te - 2 . © CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration English, Spanish Introducción La introducción de tolvaptan ha supuesto la principal novedad en el tratamiento de la hiponatremia en los últimos años. check details Objetivo Describir la experiencia con tolvaptan en el Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, España. Método Estudio observacional retrospectivo de utilización ambulatoria de tolvaptan en un hospital de tercer nivel, de marzo de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Resultados Fueron tratados con tolvaptan de forma ambulatoria nueve pacientes, 23.1 % alcanzó eunatremia en 24 horas. Posterior a la administración de tolvaptan se registró reducción en días de hospitalización (361 versus 70, p = 0.007), especialmente por hiponatremia (306 versus 49, p = 0.009). Conclusiones El uso a largo plazo de tolvaptan parece ser seguro y se relaciona con descenso en los días de hospitalizació English, Spanish El síndrome X frágil es la condición monogenética que produce más casos de autismo y de discapacidad intelectual. La repetición de tripletes CGG (> 200) y su metilación conllevan el silenciamiento del gen FMR1. La proteína FMRP (producto del gen FMR1) interacciona con los ribosomas, controlando la traducción de mensajeros específicos y su pérdida produce alteraciones de la conectividad sináptica. El tamizaje de síndrome X frágil se realiza por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. La recomendación actual de la Academia Americana de Pediatría es realizar pruebas a quienes presenten discapacidad intelectual, retraso global del desarrollo o antecedentes familiares de afección por la mutación o premutación. Países hispanos como Colombia, Chile y España reportan altas prevalencias de síndrome X frágil y han creado asociaciones o corporaciones nacionales de X frágil que buscan acercar a los pacientes a redes disponibles de diagnóstico y English, Spanish En este ensayo se analizan las implicaciones bioéticas de la reciente manipulación genética en embriones humanos con CRISPR-Cas9 para eliminar el gen CCR5 y el nacimiento de dos gemelas discordantes. El experimento se divulgó en medios sociales. Los principales problemas bioéticos identificados son la justificación del modelo, el proceso de consentimiento informado y la falta de declaración de evidentes conflictos de interés. No se evaluaron apropiadamente las consecuencias del experimento sobre la vida de las gemelas nacidas como la afectación a su autonomía, los supuestos beneficios por recibir y los riesgos futuros de daño durante su vida. Habiendo manipulado la línea celular germinal, no se consideraron los efectos sobre su descendencia futura. Este tipo de acciones tiene un impacto negativo en la forma como la sociedad concibe la ciencia. La ingeniería genética debe reservarse al contexto experimental básico o bien como investigación cínica para la corrección de enfermedades conocidas graves de origen genético, bajo estricta supervisión regulatoria y bioética y de manera gradualista de acuerdo con el progreso de las técnicas de edición gené English, Spanish Introducción Las clasificaciones de Pell y Gregory y de Winter son básicas en la categorización de terceros molares; la clasificación de Sánchez Torres es usada en México, pero no había sido evaluada previamente. Objetivo Evaluar el grado de acuerdo en la valoración radiográfica de terceros molares mandibulares impactados, con el empleo de tres clasificaciones Pell y Gregory, Winter y Sánchez Torres. Método Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de concordancia interobservador, que incluyó a 10 cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales y 10 residentes en formación, quienes registraron la categorización radiográfica de terceros molares mandibulares (izquierdos y derechos) de acuerdo con las clasificaciones de Pell y Gregory, Sánchez Torres y Winter. Se evaluó el grado de acuerdo entre observadores mediante la prueba de kappa de Fleiss. Resultados La clasificación de Pell y Gregory obtuvo el menor grado de acuerdo (kappa = 0.05 y 0.185), seguida de la clasificación de Sánchez Torres (kappa = 0.125 y 0.
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