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Fuck the police

Why does a pig get to get on my bus for free? At the same time I am expected to charge an elderly lady a fee (albeit reduced) because her free bus pass doesn't allow her free travel until half past nine in the morning. Nevermind the fact that she has no other means of travel purely because of her age. Yet the pig can walk onto my bus for free whenever the fuck he likes just because he belongs to the most institutionally organised gang this society could possibly form. A government sanctioned gang, only difference is they are bigger and they pick on civilians. Don't fear the police if you are white and rich, they will help you, or at least devote significantly less of their time to investigating you if you do happen to break the law. You only need to fear the police if you are smaller than that, this makes you vulnerable. Every day the smug bastard walks onto my bus and I wonder why i should do him any favours seeing as his organisation does nothing for me. Literally nothing. They've come after me when I did nothing wrong, found a way to get me, but when I needed them and asked for their help I got nothing. A homeless lady took £200 from me at a cashpoint when I went to withdraw a tenner for her, it would have been on cctv, it was at the university, yet the police told me when I reported it that "I know £200 seems like alot of money to you but........" in short they would do nothing because it wasn't that much money according to them and I put myself in that position in the first place. You look at situations like this in the micro sense of the scale, but if you apply it to the macro sense (needs work) like Hillsborough, it's a completely different situation yet serves as a similiar example of the police attitude towards class. They tried to blame the Hillsborough disaster on "drunk" football fans. They had photographs taken of the bins outside the stadium to try to prove loutish behaviour had taken place due to drink but all the photos were found to contain were pictures of rubbish bins containing sprite bottles, takeaway leftovers, coke cans and the odd beer bottle. The pigs had blood alcohol levels taken from all of the dead (including children) to try and prove that they were all drunken louts who had stormed the gate that led them into those pens in which they were crushed to death, all this to try and hide the fact that they ordered the opening of the gate which invited people to flood through the tunnel and into the pens. This is something they have lied about for decades, the police do no exist to serve or protect the public. They exist as an institution only to help themselves. They are an organisation, not a public service, they are a gang. No more no less. The only difference is they have a state sanctioned badge which makes it ok for them to persecute people on whichever basis they feel like. Albeit colour, age, social standing. You can only defend yourself against these people if you have the resources, such as connections and money. The only weapon against these people that is free to all is knowledge. Know your rights.
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