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Understanding, behaviour, and also precautionary procedures towards the particular COVID-19 pandemic: an online questionnaire amid Bangladeshi people.
Results indicated that observer-coded psychotherapy process in RFP-C parent sessions was most similar to a cognitive-behavioral therapy prototype and moderately correlated with both a supportive-expressive psychodynamic psychotherapy and a reflective functioning prototype. Observer-coded parent session process was distinct from the RFP-C child prototype. Limitations and directions for future research and clinical practice are discussed. The findings of this study indicate the need to intentionally examine process in parent sessions, both within RFP-C and across modalities, as these sessions have their own unique mechanisms of therapeutic action that ultimately may be additive with regard to child outcomes. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).A growing body of research has consistently demonstrated a relationship between alliance and treatment outcomes in youth psychotherapy. However, previous research often suffered methodological issues that prevented detailed investigation of temporal relationships between alliance and symptomatology. The current study explored the directions of effect between alliance and outcome by examining the associations between early alliance and subsequent outcome while controlling for patients' baseline severity and prior symptom change. It also examined potential moderators of this association. Data were drawn from the IMPACT study, a randomized controlled trial comparing cognitive-behavioral therapy and short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy versus a brief psychosocial intervention in the treatment of adolescent depression. Adolescents (N = 224) and therapist (n = 139) rated the alliance 6 weeks after randomization. Depression severity and overall psychopathology were assessed at baseline, 6, 12, 36, 52, and 86 weeks after randomization. Foxy-5 Patients' age, gender, baseline depression severity, conduct disorder symptoms, and treatment type were examined as potential moderators of the alliance-outcome association. Data were analyzed using multilevel models. Findings suggested that higher early alliance ratings were associated with subsequent symptom reduction, even after controlling for prior symptom change and baseline severity. There was some evidence that the strength of this association was strongest in cognitive-behavioral therapy, weaker in short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and statistically indistinguishable from zero in brief psychosocial intervention. These findings suggest that early therapeutic alliance with adolescents may influence subsequent outcome independent of prior symptom change and initial severity but that the effect of the alliance on outcome might vary across treatment types. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The gender-affirmative life span approach (GALA) is an innovative therapeutic framework for promoting the mental health of transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) clients of all ages. Based in interdisciplinary philosophical foundations, GALA proposes that TGD clients can be supported in psychotherapy through (a) developing gender literacy, (b) building resiliency, (c) moving beyond the binary, (d) exploring pleasure-oriented sexuality, and (e) making connections to medical interventions. Psychotherapy incorporating these 5 core components is developmentally tailored for children, adolescents, young adults, or older adults. Developing gender literacy is the process of understanding how sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are distinct but interconnected concepts, as well as learning to identify oppressive practices in TGD people's lives. Building resiliency involves learning how to overcome adversity and effectively cope with challenging situations in life. Resiliency-building also involves having social support networks to share these difficulties and gain support. Gender and sexual binaries pathologize nonconformity and limit the full range of healthy gender and sexual expression. Moving beyond the binary to a spectrum approach allows for the inclusion and affirmation of all gender identities and expressions. Unfortunately, research and practice have largely focused on negative sexual outcomes for TGD people. Thus, age-appropriate psychotherapy aimed at developing sex-positive pleasure and satisfaction is critical. Lastly, gender-competent mental health practitioners need to have knowledge about, and skills to refer for, medical interventions, when appropriate. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Eye contact plays an important role in social interaction and can capture and hold attention. However, it is unclear whether and how objects that can also guide attentional allocation interact with eye contact in guiding attention. Therefore, the current study adapted a well-established two-rectangle paradigm and used faces depicting different gaze directions (direct and averted) or rectangles overlaid with eyes as stimuli. In Experiment 1, we simultaneously presented two faces (one direct gaze, one averted gaze) to participants, manipulating cue location (direct-gaze face, averted-gaze face). The results revealed a larger object-based effect when the cue appeared on the direct-gaze face compared to the averted-gaze face. In Experiment 2, inverted faces were presented, and the results mirrored those of Experiment 1. Interestingly, rectangles overlaid with eyes were presented in Experiment 3, and the results showed that the object-based effect was larger when the cue appeared on the direct-gaze rectangle compared to the averted-gaze rectangle. These findings suggest that eye contact can interact with objects in guiding attention and that this effect is not reliant on the presence of the face. Our results can support attentional prioritization theory and may provide a new approach for diagnosing social-cognitive impairments. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The current COVID-19 pandemic is presenting challenges for families (Cluver et al., The Lancet, 2020), which may be exacerbated for caregivers of children with developmental disabilities (DDs; Center on the Developing Child, Stress, hope, and the role of science Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, 2020). The purpose of this study was to explore caregiver burden and psychological distress among caregivers of children with DD as compared to caregivers of typically developing children across the United States as a result of COVID-19. Between 2 weeks and 1 month following COVID-19-related school closures, a total of 460 caregivers from across the U.S. completed an online survey via Qualtrics; recruitment and initial survey completion occurred simultaneously. Of the total sample of eligible participants (N = 407), 225 were the primary caregiver of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)/attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 182 were the primary caregiver of a child without ASD/ADHD. Participants across groups indicated varying levels of exposure to COVID-19 and an impact of COVID-19 at the community and individual or family levels. However, caregivers of children with ASD/ADHD reported significantly higher levels of burden, depression, anxiety, and stress. Overall, findings are consistent with anecdotal and preliminary reports that all caregivers are experiencing COVID-19-related challenges, with caregivers of children with ASD/ADHD experiencing even greater challenges, particularly with regard to burden and psychological distress. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Skilled readers have developed a certain amount of tolerance to variations in the visual form of words (e.g., CAPTCHAs, handwritten text, etc.). To examine how visual distortion affects the mapping from the visual input onto abstract word representations during normal reading, we focused on a single type of distortion letter rotation. Importantly, two leading neurally inspired models of word recognition (SERIOL model, Whitney, 2001; LCD model, Dehaene et al., 2005) make distinct predictions Whereas the SERIOL model postulates that the cost of letter rotation increases gradually, the LCD model assumes an all-or-none boundary at around 40° to 45° rotation angle. To examine these predictions in a normal reading scenario, we conducted a parafoveal preview experiment using the gaze-contingent boundary change paradigm. The parafoveal previews were identical or unrelated to the target word. Critically, each preview's individual letters were rotated 15°, 30°, 45°, or 60°. Apart from the parafoveal previews, all text, including target words, was presented with letters in their canonical upright orientation. Results showed that the advantage of the identity preview condition in eye fixation times on the target word decreased progressively by rotation angle. This pattern of results favors the view that the cost of letter rotation during normal reading increases gradually as a function of the angle of rotation. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The idea that being bilingual benefits one's cognitive development and performance has been greatly challenged over the last years. If such an effect exists, as some studies continue to show, it might actually be restricted to particular contexts and bilingual profiles; not unlikely, considering the enormous diversity in the latter across the world. In this study, we assessed 4 different bilingual populations (N = 201) and 2 monolingual populations (N = 105), in the Balkan region. We formed bilingual groups based on (a) acculturation strategy (bicultural vs. monocultural), (b) linguistic distance, as well as (c) bilingual profile (balanced vs. unbalanced), based on linguistic, affective, and acculturation measures and cluster analysis. Beyond prior work, this allowed us to explore the specific conditions under which any cognitive advantage may be observed in bilinguals. We did not find systematic evidence for positive effects of bilingualism, biculturalism, or a balanced bilingual profile on inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, monitoring, and proactive-reactive control management. The only evidence pointing to an advantage was restricted to Bosnian-Albanian bilinguals (linguistic distance analyses) and their general monitoring capacity. Acculturation strategy though, played an important role in shaping the bilinguals' language profile, and appeared to have independent effects on cognition from bilingualism. On this basis, acculturation should be considered in future explorations of bilingual cognitive development. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).It is still an unresolved question why adults do not learn languages as effortlessly as children do. We tested the hypothesis that the higher cognitive control abilities in adults interfere with implicit learning mechanisms relevant for language acquisition. Across 2 days, Dutch-speaking adults were asked to rapidly recite novel syllable strings in which, unannounced to the participants, the allowed position of a phoneme depended on another adjacent phoneme. Their cognitive control system was either depleted or not depleted prior to learning, after performing an individually tailored dual working-memory task under high or low cognitive load. A third group did not perform any cognitive task prior to training. Speech error analyses revealed stronger (and faster) learning of the novel phoneme combination constraints in the cognitively depleted group compared with the other two groups. This indicates that late-developing cognitive control abilities, and in particular attentional control, constitute an important antagonist of implicit learning behavior relevant for language acquisition.
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