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Anti-fungal Nanoformulation with regard to Biocontrol of Tomato Underlying as well as Crown Decay Caused by Fusarium oxysporum y. sp. radicis-lycopersici.
Water clarity is often the primary guiding factor in determining whether a prefiltration step is needed to increase volumes processed for a range of microbial endpoints. In this study, we evaluate the effect of filter pore size on the bacterial communities detected by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and incidence of two host-specific microbial source tracking (MST) markers in a range of coastal waters from southern Lake Michigan, using two independent data sets collected in 2015 (bacterial communities) and 2016-2017 (MST markers). Water samples were collected from river, shoreline, and offshore areas. For bacterial communities, each sample was filtered through a 5.0-μm filter, followed by filtration through a 0.22-μm filter, resulting in 70 and 143 filter pairs for bacterial communities and MST markers, respectively. Following DNA extraction, the bacterial communities were compared using 16S rRNA gene amplicons of the V3-V4 region sequenced on a MiSeq Illumina platform. Presence of human (Bacteroides HF183) and gullhost-specific MST markers routinely used in water quality monitoring programs. Analysis of both filters may increase costs but provides more complete genomic data via increased sample volume for characterizing microbial communities in coastal waters.Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis (Fom) and Rhizoctonia solani (Rs) are the major soil-borne fungal pathogens that pose severe threats to commercial alfalfa production in China. However, the effects of Fom and Rs co-infection on alfalfa and whether co-infection alters disease resistance responses among diverse varieties remain unknown. A collection of 80 alfalfa varieties (Medicago sativa) originated from seven countries were used to study the effects of Fom and Rs co-infection on alfalfa and host resistance responses. The co-infection resulted in more severe disease and reductions in growth and biomass allocation across varieties in comparison with either single infection by Fom or Rs; in addition, root morphology was much more strongly altered by the co-infection. Principal component analysis based on all plant traits showed that varieties under the co-infection were related to the single infection by Rs, being separated from Fom, and hierarchical clustering found differential response patterns among varieties upon co-infection compared with either single infection, with most varieties being highly susceptible to the co-infection. Furthermore, varieties that were most resistant to either single infection were not effective to co-infection, and there was no individual variety with resistance to both pathogens singly and co-infected. This study reveals for the first time that the co-infection by Fom and Rs alters disease resistance responses among diverse alfalfa varieties and provides useful information for developing alfalfa varieties with resistance to the co-occurrence of different soil-borne pathogens.Heavy metal contamination is an environmental issue on a global scale. Particularly, cadmium poses substantial threats to crop and human health. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the model organisms to study cadmium toxicity and was recently engineered as a cadmium hyperaccumulator. Therefore, it is desirable to overcome the cadmium sensitivity of S. cerevisiae via genetic engineering for bioremediation applications. Here we performed genome-scale overexpression screening for gene targets conferring cadmium resistance in CEN.PK2-1c, an industrial S. cerevisiae strain. Seven targets were identified, including CAD1 and CUP1 that are known to improve cadmium tolerance, as well as CRS5, NRG1, PPH21, BMH1, and QCR6 that are less studied. In the wild-type strain, cadmium exposure activated gene transcription of CAD1, CRS5, CUP1, and NRG1 and repressed PPH21, as revealed by real-time quantitative PCR analyses. Furthermore, yeast strains that contained two overexpression mutations out of the seven gene targets were constructed. Synergistic improvement in cadmium tolerance was observed with episomal co-expression of CRS5 and CUP1. In the presence of 200 μM cadmium, the most resistant strain overexpressing both CAD1 and NRG1 exhibited a 3.6-fold improvement in biomass accumulation relative to wild type. This work provided a new approach to discover and optimize genetic engineering targets for increasing cadmium resistance in yeast.The tetracycline resistance gene tet(W) encodes a ribosomal protection protein that confers a low level of tetracycline resistance in the probiotic bacterium Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. With the aim of assessing its phylogenetic origin and potential mobility, we have performed phylogenetic and in silico genome analysis of tet(W) and its flanking genes. tet(W) was found in 41 out of 44 examined B. animalis subsp. lactis strains. In 38 strains, tet(W) was flanked by an IS5-like element and an open reading frame encoding a hypothetical protein, which exhibited a similar GC content (51-53%). These genes were positioned in the same genomic context within the examined genomes. Phylogenetically, the B. animalis subsp. lactis tet(W) cluster in a clade separate from tet(W) of other species and genera. This is not the case for tet(W) encoded by other bifidobacteria and other species where tet(W) is often found in association with transferable elements or in different genomic regions. An IS5-like element identical to the one flanking the B. animalis subsp. lactis tet(W) has been found in a human gut related bacterium, but it was not associated with any tet(W) genes. This suggests that the IS5-like element is not associated with genetic mobility. tet(W) and the IS5 element have previously been shown to be co-transcribed, indicating that co-localization may be associated with tet(W) expression. Here, we present a method where phylogenetic and in silico genome analysis can be used to determine whether antibiotic resistance genes should be considered innate (intrinsic) or acquired. We find that B. animalis subsp. lactis encoded tet(W) is part of the ancient resistome and thereby possess a negligible risk of transfer."Cherry-red" tobacco is the superior variant of tobacco, appearing with the apperance of red dapples on cured leaves due to the demethylation of nicotine to nornicotine during maturation and curing. Fungi are known to have the capacity to convert nicotine to nornicotine. However, an endophytic fungal community of "cherry-red" tobacco has never been reported to our best knowledge. this website Here, we sampled mature leaves from both "cherry-red" and ordinary tobacco at lower, center, and upper plant sections, and we analyzed the ITS diversity using high-throughput sequencing. Results revealed a significantly different fungal community of foliar endophyte in "cherry-red" and ordinary tobacco. In comparison to the ordinary control, higher diversity and a co-occurrence network complex were found in "cherry-red" samples, especially in the center and upper leaves, where the red dapples mainly emerged. More taxa were enriched in the "cherry-red" than ordinary tobacco leaves at all plant sections. In particular, Aspergillus, some strains of which are reported capable of converting nicotine to nornicotine, was specifically enriched in upper "cherry-red" tobacco leaves, which showed most red dapples after curing. A less robust network structure was detected in the "cherry-red" tobacco compared to ordinary tobacco. The nearest taxon index (NTI) and β NTI indicated that the local community structuration of tobacco endophytic fungi mainly driven by deterministic process, while the community turnover among plant sections was stochastic. In conclusion, our study provides the earliest information of endophytic fungal community in "cherry-red" tobacco leaf, and the community diversity, composition, and network features are synchronously varied with the appearance of red dapples, which is suggestive of their relationship to the formation of "cherry-red" tobacco.Bacteria respond to physical forces perceived as mechanical stress as part of their comprehensive environmental sensing strategy. Histidine kinases can then funnel diverse environmental stimuli into changes in gene expression through a series of phosphorelay reactions. Because histidine kinases are most often embedded in the inner membrane, they can be sensitive to changes in membrane tension that occurs, for example, in response to osmotic stress, or when deformation of the cell body occurs upon encountering a surface before forming biofilms, or inside the host in response to shear stress in the kidney, intestine, lungs, or blood stream. A summary of our recent work that links the histidine kinase EnvZ to mechanical changes in the inner membrane is provided and placed in a context of other bacterial systems that respond to mechanical stress.The aim of this study was to develop a rapid and accurate PMA-qPCR method to quantify viable Brochothrix thermosphacta in cold-smoked salmon. B. thermosphacta is one of the main food spoilage bacteria. Among seafood products, cold-smoked salmon is particularly impacted by B. thermosphacta spoilage. Specific and sensitive tools that detect and quantify this bacterium in food products are very useful. The culture method commonly used to quantify B. thermosphacta is time-consuming and can underestimate cells in a viable but not immediately culturable state. We designed a new PCR primer set from the single-copy rpoC gene. QPCR efficiency and specificity were compared with two other published primer sets targeting the rpoC and rpoB genes. The viability dyes PMA or PMAxx were combined with qPCR and compared with these primer sets on viable and dead B. thermosphacta cells in BHI broth and smoked salmon tissue homogenate (SSTH). The three primer sets displayed similar specificity and efficiency. The efficiency of new designed rpoC qPCR on viable B. thermosphacta cells in SSTH was 103.50%, with a linear determination coefficient (r2) of 0.998 and a limit of detection of 4.04 log CFU/g. Using the three primer sets on viable cells, no significant difference was observed between cells treated or untreated with PMA or PMAxx. When dead cells were used, both viability dyes suppressed DNA amplification. Nevertheless, our results did not highlight any difference between PMAxx and PMA in their efficiency to discriminate viable from unviable B. thermosphacta cells in cold-smoked salmon. Thus, this study presents a rapid, specific and efficient rpoC-PMA-qPCR method validated in cold-smoked salmon to quantify viable B. thermosphacta in foods.A novel virulent bacteriophage vB_EcoM_swi3 (swi3), isolated from swine feces, lyzed 9% (6/65) of Escherichia coli and isolates 54% (39/72) of Salmonella enteritidis isolates, which were all clinically pathogenic multidrug-resistant strains. Morphological observation showed that phage swi3 belonged to the Myoviridae family with an icosahedral head (80 nm in diameter) and a contractile sheathed tail (120 nm in length). At the optimal multiplicity of infection of 1, the one-step growth analysis of swi3 showed a 25-min latent period with a burst size of 25-plaque-forming units (PFU)/infected cell. Phage swi3 remained stable both at pH 6.0-8.0 and at less than 50°C for at least 1 h. Genomic sequencing and bioinformatics analysis based on genomic sequences and the terminase large subunit showed that phage swi3 was a novel member that was most closely related to Salmonella phages and belonged to the Rosemountvirus genus. Phage swi3 harbored a 52-kb double-stranded DNA genome with 46.02% GC content. Seventy-two potential open reading frames were identified and annotated, only 15 of which had been assigned to functional genes.
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