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Months modify the phosphorylation of crazy sarcoplasmic proteins linked to beef top quality.
Despite the tremendous success of X-ray cryo-crystallography in recent decades, the transfer of crystals from the drops in which they are grown to diffractometer sample mounts remains a manual process in almost all laboratories. Here, the Shifter, a motorized, interactive microscope stage that transforms the entire crystal-mounting workflow from a rate-limiting manual activity to a controllable, high-throughput semi-automated process, is described. By combining the visual acuity and fine motor skills of humans with targeted hardware and software automation, it was possible to transform the speed and robustness of crystal mounting. Control software, triggered by the operator, manoeuvres crystallization plates beneath a clear protective cover, allowing the complete removal of film seals and thereby eliminating the tedium of repetitive seal cutting. The software, either upon request or working from an imported list, controls motors to position crystal drops under a hole in the cover for human mounting at a microscope. The software automatically captures experimental annotations for uploading to the user's data repository, removing the need for manual documentation. The Shifter facilitates mounting rates of 100-240 crystals per hour in a more controlled process than manual mounting, which greatly extends the lifetime of the drops and thus allows a dramatic increase in the number of crystals retrievable from any given drop without loss of X-ray diffraction quality. In 2015, the first in a series of three Shifter devices was deployed as part of the XChem fragment-screening facility at Diamond Light Source, where they have since facilitated the mounting of over 120 000 crystals. The Shifter was engineered to have a simple design, providing a device that could be readily commercialized and widely adopted owing to its low cost. The versatile hardware design allows use beyond fragment screening and protein crystallography.The field of electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) has advanced quickly in recent years as the result of numerous technological and methodological developments. This has led to an increase in the number of atomic structures determined using this method. Recently, several tools for the analysis of cryo-EM data and models have been developed within the Phenix software package, such as phenix.real_space_refine for the refinement of atomic models against real-space maps. Also, new validation metrics have been developed for low-resolution cryo-EM models. To understand the quality of deposited cryo-EM structures and how they might be improved, models deposited in the Protein Data Bank that have map resolutions of better than 5 Å were automatically re-refined using current versions of Phenix tools. The results are available on a publicly accessible web page (https// The implementation of a Cryo-EM Re-refinement System (CERES) for the improvement of models deposited in the wwPDB, and the results of the re-refinements, are described. Based on these results, contents are proposed for a `cryo-EM Table 1', which summarizes experimental details and validation metrics in a similar way to `Table 1' in crystallography. The consistent use of robust metrics for the evaluation of cryo-EM models and data should accompany every structure deposition and be reported in scientific publications.Structural determination of molecular complexes by cryo-EM requires large, often complex processing of the image data that are initially obtained. Here, TEMPy2, an update of the TEMPy package to process, optimize and assess cryo-EM maps and the structures fitted to them, is described. selleck compound New optimization routines, comprehensive automated checks and workflows to perform these tasks are described.Comparison of homologous structure models is a key step in analyzing protein structure. With a wealth of homologous structures, comparison becomes a tedious process, and often only a small (user-biased) selection of data is used. A multitude of structural superposition algorithms are then typically used to visualize the structures together in 3D and to compare them. Here, the Local Annotation of Homology-Matched Amino acids (LAHMA) website (https// is presented, which compares any structure model with all of its close homologs from the PDB-REDO databank. LAHMA displays structural features in sequence space, allowing users to uncover differences between homologous structure models that can be analyzed for their relevance to chemistry or biology. LAHMA visualizes numerous structural features, also allowing one-click comparison of structure-quality plots (for example the Ramachandran plot) and `in-browser' structural visualization of 3D models.Biological macromolecules have complex three-dimensional shapes that are experimentally examined using X-ray crystallography and electron cryo-microscopy. Interpreting the data that these methods yield involves building 3D atomic models. With almost every data set, some portion of the time put into creating these models must be spent manually modifying the model in order to make it consistent with the data; this is difficult and time-consuming, in part because the data are `blurry' in three dimensions. This paper describes the design and assessment of CootVR (available at http//, a prototype computer program for performing this task in virtual reality, allowing structural biologists to build molecular models into cryo-EM and crystallographic data using their hands. CootVR was timed against Coot for a very specific model-building task, and was found to give an order-of-magnitude speedup for this task. A from-scratch model build using CootVR was also attempted; from this experience it is concluded that currently CootVR does not give a speedup over Coot overall.Medium-resolution cryo-electron microscopy maps, in particular when they include a significant number of α-helices, may allow the building of partial models that are useful for molecular-replacement searches in large crystallographic structures when the structures of homologs are not available and experimental phasing has failed. Here, as an example, the solution of the structure of a bacteriophage portal using a partial 30% model built into a 7.8 Å resolution cryo-EM map is shown. Inspection of the self-rotation function allowed the correct oligomerization state to be determined, and density-modification procedures using rotation matrices and a mask based on the cryo-EM structure were critical for solving the structure. A workflow is described that may be applicable to similar cases and this strategy is compared with direct use of the cryo-EM map for molecular replacement.
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