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Zinc diet and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis results upon maize (Zea mays T.) expansion as well as output.
Frenkel exciton population dynamics of an excitonic dimer is studied by comparing the results from a quantum master equation involving rates from second-order perturbative treatment with respect to the excitonic coupling with the non-perturbative results from "Hierarchical Equations of Motion" (HEOM). By formulating generic Liouville-space expressions for the rates, we can choose to evaluate them either via HEOM propagations or by applying the cumulant expansion. The coupling of electronic transitions to bath modes is modeled either as overdamped oscillators for the description of thermal bath components or as underdamped oscillators to account for intramolecular vibrations. Cases of initial nonequilibrium and equilibrium vibrations are discussed. In the case of HEOM, initial equilibration enters via a polaron transformation. Pointing out the differences between the nonequilibrium and equilibrium approach in the context of the projection operator formalism, we identify a further description, where the transfer dynamics is driven only by fluctuations without involvement of dissipation. Despite this approximation, this approach can also yield meaningful results in certain parameter regimes. While for the chosen model, HEOM has no technical advantage for evaluation of the rate expressions compared to cumulant expansion, there are situations where only evaluation with HEOM is applicable. For instance, a separation of reference and interaction Hamiltonian via a polaron transformation to account for the interplay between Coulomb coupling and vibrational oscillations of the bath at the level of a second-order treatment can be adjusted for a treatment with HEOM.We theoretically study the effect of external deformation on activated structural relaxation and aspects of the nonlinear mechanical response of glassy hard sphere fluids in the context of elastically collective nonlinear Langevin equation theory. This microscopic force-based approach describes activated relaxation as a coupled local-nonlocal event involving caging and longer range collective elasticity, with the latter becoming more important and ultimately dominant with increasing packing fraction under equilibrium conditions. The central new question we address is how this physical picture of activated relaxation, and the relative importance of local caging vs collective elasticity physics, depends on external deformation. Theoretical predictions are presented for deformation-induced enhancement of mobility, the onset of relaxation speed up at remarkably low values of stress, strain, or shear rate, apparent power law thinning of the steady state structural relaxation time and viscosity, a non-vanishing activation barrier in the shear thinning regime, an apparent Herschel-Bulkley form of the rate dependence of the steady state shear stress, exponential growth of different measures of a dynamic yield or flow stress with the packing fraction, and reduced fragility and dynamic heterogeneity under deformation. The results are contrasted with experiments and simulations, and qualitative or better agreement is found. An overarching conclusion is that deformation strongly reduces the importance of longer range collective elastic effects relative to the local caging aspect for most, but not all, physical questions, with deformation-dependent fragility and dynamic heterogeneity phenomena being qualitatively sensitive to collective elasticity. Overall, nonlinear rheology is predicted to be a more local problem than quiescent structural relaxation, albeit with deformation-modified activated processes still important.Reported data of measured slip lengths in nanostructures span several orders of magnitude, from a few nanometers to tens of micrometers. Small roughness on surfaces caused by structural defects or thermal fluctuations dramatically reduces slippage. Tiny bubbles entrapped on rough surfaces can also affect slippage. JAK inhibitor We used an asymptotic solution and a high density-ratio pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann model to systematically study the drag resistance of a rough surface with attached bubbles. As bubbles nucleate and grow, drag resistance is slightly reduced until the tri-phase contact line reaches the edges of roughness, where bubbles with small angles substantially reduce drag resistance. As bubbles grow to become a continuous gas layer on the surface, the drag resistance greatly decreases. However, the interface deformation from flat to curved shape greatly hinders liquid flow, and the vortex structures cause a wave-like fluctuation in the effective slip length. This finding sheds light on the controversies of reported large variations in the slip length of super-hydrophobic surfaces in nanostructures, e.g., carbon nanotubes.CO2 single-photon double photoionization, Coulomb explosion, and dissociative ionization are studied with ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet pump and time-delayed near-infrared probe pulses. Kinetic energy release and momentum correlations for the two-body CO+ + O+ and three-body O+ + C+ + O fragmentation products are determined by 3D coincidence fragment imaging. The transient enhancement of the ratio of two-body vs three-body Coulomb explosion events and the time dependence of low and high kinetic energy release dissociation events are discussed in terms of dissociative ionization and Coulomb explosion dynamics.In processes when particles such as nanodroplets, clusters, or molecules move through a dilute background gas and undergo capture collisions, it is often important to know how much translational kinetic energy is deposited into the particles by these pick-up events. For sticking collisions with a Maxwell-Boltzmann gas, an exact expression is derived, which is valid for arbitrary relative magnitudes of the particle and thermal gas speeds.Plasma polymerization of (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO) yields thin films containing stable nitroxide radicals that have properties analogous to that of nitric oxide (NO) without short lifetimes. This property gives TEMPO films a wide variety of potential applications. Typically, control of the final film chemistry is difficult and the plasma discharge conditions must be tailored to in order to maximize the retention of these nitroxide groups during the polymerization and deposition process. In this study, plasma diagnostics and surface analysis of the deposited films were carried out to determine the optimal plasma conditions for the retention of nitroxide groups. These techniques included energy-resolved mass spectrometry, heated planar probe ion current measurements, deposition rate measurements, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results show that operating the plasma with a combination of low input powers and high pressures produces a collisional discharge in which fragmentation of the TEMPO molecule is suppressed, leading to good retention of nitroxide groups. Ion energy distribution functions and quartz crystal microbalance measurements support the soft landing theory of ion deposition on the substrate within this γ-mode, in which the flux of low energy, soft landed ions form the primary contribution to film growth. XPS analysis of deposited polymers shows 75.7% retention of N-O groups in the polymer films deposited in a 25 Pa 5 W discharge.Due to an error during production, some contents of Table 1 are missing in the published paper [...].There is an error in the title [...].The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...].During neuronal circuit formation, axons progressively develop into a presynaptic compartment aided by extracellular signals. Axons display a remarkably high degree of autonomy supported in part by a local translation machinery that permits the subcellular production of proteins required for their development. Here, we review the latest findings showing that microRNAs (miRNAs) are critical regulators of this machinery, orchestrating the spatiotemporal regulation of local translation in response to cues. We first survey the current efforts toward unraveling the axonal miRNA repertoire through miRNA profiling, and we reveal the presence of a putative axonal miRNA signature. We also provide an overview of the molecular underpinnings of miRNA action. Our review of the available experimental evidence delineates two broad paradigms cue-induced relief of miRNA-mediated inhibition, leading to bursts of protein translation, and cue-induced miRNA activation, which results in reduced protein production. Overall, this review highlights how a decade of intense investigation has led to a new appreciation of miRNAs as key elements of the local translation regulatory network controlling axon development.This is the first study in which the Daphnia magna (D. magna) nuclear genome (nDNA) obtained from the GenBank database was analyzed for pseudogene sequences of mitochondrial origin. To date, there is no information about pseudogenes localized in D. magna genome. This study aimed to identify NUMTs, their length, homology, and location for potential use in evolutionary studies and to check whether their occurrence causes co-amplification during mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) analyses. Bioinformatic analysis showed 1909 fragments of the mtDNA of D. magna, of which 1630 were located in ten linkage groups (LG) of the nDNA. The best-matched NUMTs covering >90% of the gene sequence have been identified for two mt-tRNA genes, and they may be functional nuclear RNA molecules. Isolating the total DNA in mtDNA studies, co-amplification of nDNA fragments is unlikely in the case of amplification of the whole tRNA genes as well as fragments of other genes. It was observed that TRNA-MET fragments had the highest level of sequence homology, thus they could be evolutionarily the youngest. The lowest homology was found in the D-loop-derived pseudogene. It may probably be the oldest NUMT incorporated into the nDNA; however, further analysis is necessary.An improved passive CR-39-based direct 222Rn/220Rn progeny detector with 3 detection channels was designed and tested in this study to measure and calculate equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC) of both 222Rn and 220Rn without the equilibrium factor. A theoretical model was established to calculate the EEC with optimization. Subsequently, an exposure experiment was carried out to test the performance of this detector, and we compared the chamber experiment and the theoretical model by estimating and measuring various parameters. The deposition flux of progeny derived from the prediction agreed well with the value measured in the exposure chamber. The energy-weighted net track density (NTD) measured by this detector is much more reliable to reflect the linear relation between NTD and time-integrated EEC. Since the detector is sensitive to the exposure environmental condition, it is recommended to apply the detector to measure the EEC after its calibration in a typical indoor environment.Preliminary data indicates that the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) pandemic may have a substantial impact on mental health and well-being. We assessed mental health in response to the lockdown in Germany between 1 April 2020 and 15 April 2020 using a cross-sectional online survey (n = 3545) with a mixed-methods approach. We found increased levels of psychosocial distress (Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) stress module), anxiety, depressive symptoms (PHQ-4), irritability, and a decrease in overall well-being (WHO-Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5)), sense of coherence (Short Form of the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-L9)), sexual contentment, and sleep quality. The four-week-prevalence of interpersonal violence was yet at 5% and included verbal, physical, and sexual violence. Participants reported finding comfort in family, friends, conversation, exercise, and activity. Findings are also in line with research showing that women seem to have more trouble coping with the pandemic and lockdown measures. Our observations demonstrate that the COVID-19 pandemic and related measures lead to a mental health burden even in a highly developed Western country and should, therefore, be taken seriously.
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