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Core Venous Condition Increases the Likelihood of Microbial Colonization throughout Hemodialysis Catheters.
Our results are potentially important for realizing tunable light-mediated interactions between charged particles.The Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research at the Institute for Basic Science is searching for axion dark matter using ultralow temperature microwave resonators. We report the exclusion of the axion mass range 10.7126-10.7186  μeV with near Kim-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (KSVZ) coupling sensitivity and the range 10.16-11.37  μeV with about 9 times larger coupling at 90% confidence level. This is the first axion search result in these ranges. It is also the first with a resonator physical temperature of less than 40 mK.Little is known about the spin-flip diffusion length l_sf, one of the most important material parameters in the field of spintronics. We use a density-functional-theory based scattering approach to determine values of l_sf that result from electron-phonon scattering as a function of temperature for all 5d transition metal elements. l_sf does not decrease monotonically with the atomic number Z but is found to be inversely proportional to the density of states at the Fermi level. By using the same local current methodology to calculate the spin Hall angle Θ_sH that characterizes the efficiency of the spin Hall effect, we show that the products ρ(T)l_sf(T) and Θ_sH(T)l_sf(T) are constant.We find a novel topological defect in a spin-nematic superfluid theoretically. A quantized vortex spontaneously breaks its axisymmetry, leading to an elliptic vortex in nematic-spin Bose-Einstein condensates with small positive quadratic Zeeman effect. The new vortex is considered the Joukowski transform of a conventional vortex. Its oblateness grows when the Zeeman length exceeds the spin healing length. This structure is sustained by balancing the hydrodynamic potential and the elasticity of a soliton connecting two spin spots, which are observable by in situ magnetization imaging. The theoretical analysis clearly defines the difference between half quantum vortices of the polar and antiferromagnetic phases in spin-1 condensates.We report on a direct measurement of the quantum diffusion of H atoms in solid molecular hydrogen films at T=0.7  K. We obtained a rate of pure spatial diffusion of H atoms in the H_2 films, D^d=5(2)×10^-17  cm^2 s^-1, which was 2 orders of magnitude faster than that obtained from H atom recombination, the quantity used in all previous work to characterize the mobility of H atoms in solid H_2. We also observed that the H-atom diffusion was significantly enhanced by injection of phonons. Our results provide the first measurement of the pure spatial diffusion rate for H atoms in solid H_2, the only solid state system beside ^3He-^4He mixtures, where atomic diffusion does not vanish even at temperatures below 1 K.It has been demonstrated that dynamic refractive-index modulation, which breaks time-reversal symmetry, can be used to create on-chip nonreciprocal photonic devices. In order to achieve amplitude nonreciprocity, all such devices moreover require modulations that break spatial symmetries, which adds complexity in implementations. Here we introduce a modal circulator, which achieves amplitude nonreciprocity through a circulation motion among three modes. We show that such a circulator can be achieved in a dynamically modulated structure that preserves mirror symmetry, and as a result can be implemented using only a single standing-wave modulator, which significantly simplifies the implementation of dynamically modulated nonreciprocal devices. We also prove that in terms of the number of modes involved in the transport process, the modal circulator represents the minimum configuration in which complete amplitude nonreciprocity can be achieved while preserving spatial symmetry.The standard model of spin-transfer torque (STT) in antiferromagnetic spintronics considers the exchange of angular momentum between quantum spins of flowing electrons and noncollinear-to-them localized spins treated as classical vectors. These vectors are assumed to realize Néel order in equilibrium, ↑↓⋯↑↓, and their STT-driven dynamics is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. HSP990 mouse However, many experimentally employed materials (such as archetypal NiO) are strongly electron-correlated antiferromagnetic Mott insulators (AFMIs) whose localized spins form a ground state quite different from the unentangled Néel state |↑↓⋯↑↓⟩. The true ground state is entangled by quantum spin fluctuations, leading to the expectation value of all localized spins being zero, so that LLG dynamics of classical vectors of fixed length rotating due to STT cannot even be initiated. Instead, a fully quantum treatment of both conduction electrons and localized spins is necessary to capture the exchange of spin angular momentum between them, denoted as quantum STT. We use a recently developed time-dependent density matrix renormalization group approach to quantum STT to predict how injection of a spin-polarized current pulse into a normal metal layer coupled to an AFMI overlayer via exchange interaction and possibly small interlayer hopping-mimicking, e.g., topological-insulator/NiO bilayer employed experimentally-will induce a nonzero expectation value of AFMI localized spins. This new nonequilibrium phase is a spatially inhomogeneous ferromagnet with a zigzag profile of localized spins. The total spin absorbed by AFMI increases with electron-electron repulsion in AFMIs, as well as when the two layers do not exchange any charge.We demonstrate that a population of active galactic nuclei (AGN) can describe the observed spectrum of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) at and above the ankle, and that the dominant contribution comes from low-luminosity BL Lacertae objects. An additional, subdominant contribution from high-luminosity AGN is needed to improve the description of the composition observables, leading to a substantial neutrino flux that peaks at exaelectronvolt (EeV) energies. We also find that different properties for the low- and high-luminosity AGN populations are required; a possibly similar baryonic loading can already be excluded from current IceCube Neutrino Observatory observations. We also show that the flux of neutrinos emitted from within the sources should outshine the cosmogenic neutrinos produced during the propagation of UHECRs. This result has profound implications for the ultra-high-energy (∼EeV) neutrino experiments, since additional search strategies can be used for source neutrinos compared to cosmogenic neutrinos, such as stacking searches, flare analyses, and multimessenger follow-ups.A rotation sensor is one of the key elements of inertial navigation systems and compliments most cell phone sensor sets used for various applications. Currently, inexpensive and efficient solutions are mechanoelectronic devices, which nevertheless lack long-term stability. Realization of rotation sensors based on spins of fundamental particles may become a drift-free alternative to such devices. Here, we carry out a proof-of-concept experiment, demonstrating rotation measurements on a rotating setup utilizing nuclear spins of an ensemble of nitrogen vacancy centers as a sensing element with no stationary reference. The measurement is verified by a commercially available microelectromechanical system gyroscope.We establish strong gravitational lens systems as robust probes of axionlike particles (ALPs)-a candidate for dark matter. A tiny interaction of photons with ALPs induces birefringence. Multiple images of gravitationally lensed polarized objects allow measurement of differential birefringence, alleviating systematics and astrophysical dependencies. We apply this novel method to the lens system CLASS B1152+199 and constrain the ALP-photon coupling ≤9.2×10^-11 to 7.7×10^-8  GeV^-1 (95% C.L.) for an ALP mass between 3.6×10^-21 and 4.6×10^-18  eV. A larger sample will improve the constraints.We present the first triaxial beyond-mean-field study of the excitation spectra of even-even superheavy nuclei. As representative examples, we have chosen the members of the α-decay chains of ^292Lv and ^294Og, the heaviest even-even nuclei which have been synthesized so far using ^48Ca-induced fusion-evaporation reactions. In our calculations, the effective finite-range density-dependent Gogny force is used and the angular-momentum and particle-number symmetries are restored. Configuration-mixing calculations are performed to determine ground- and excited-state deformations and to establish the collective band structures of these nuclei. Rapidly varying characteristics are predicted for the members of both decay chains, which are further accentuated when compared to the predictions of simple collective models. Based on the present calculations, the prospect of observing α-decay fine structures in future experiments is discussed.Chains of coupled oscillators exhibit energy propagation by means of waves, pulses, and fronts. Nonreciprocal coupling radically modifies the wave dynamics of chains. Based on a prototype model of nonlinear chains with nonreciprocal coupling to nearest neighbors, we study nonlinear wave dynamics. Nonreciprocal coupling induces a convective instability between unstable and stable equilibrium. Increasing the coupling level, the chain presents a propagative pattern, a traveling wave. This emergent phenomenon corresponds to the self-assembly of localized structures. The pattern wavelength is characterized as a function of the coupling. Analytically, the phase diagram is determined and agrees with numerical simulations.We demonstrate that oxygen-oxygen collisions at the LHC provide unprecedented sensitivity to parton energy loss in a system whose size is comparable to those created in very peripheral heavy-ion collisions. With leading and next-to-leading order calculations of nuclear modification factors, we show that the baseline in the absence of partonic rescattering is known with up to 2% theoretical accuracy in inclusive oxygen-oxygen collisions. Surprisingly, a Z-boson normalized nuclear modification factor does not lead to higher theoretical accuracy within current uncertainties of nuclear parton distribution functions. We study a broad range of parton energy loss models and we find that the expected signal of partonic rescattering can be disentangled from the baseline by measuring charged hadron spectra in the range 20  GeV less then p_T less then 100  GeV.We study the performance of classical and quantum machine learning (ML) models in predicting outcomes of physical experiments. The experiments depend on an input parameter x and involve execution of a (possibly unknown) quantum process E. Our figure of merit is the number of runs of E required to achieve a desired prediction performance. We consider classical ML models that perform a measurement and record the classical outcome after each run of E, and quantum ML models that can access E coherently to acquire quantum data; the classical or quantum data are then used to predict the outcomes of future experiments. We prove that for any input distribution D(x), a classical ML model can provide accurate predictions on average by accessing E a number of times comparable to the optimal quantum ML model. In contrast, for achieving an accurate prediction on all inputs, we prove that the exponential quantum advantage is possible. For example, to predict the expectations of all Pauli observables in an n-qubit system ρ, classical ML models require 2^Ω(n) copies of ρ, but we present a quantum ML model using only O(n) copies.
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