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Hypoxic Preconditioning Improves Tactical along with Pro-Angiogenic Capability regarding Human Power cord Blood Mesenchymal Stromal Cellular material In Vitro.
This work provides a fully closed and accurate reference genome for the economically important type strain, L. fusiformis. We also present a rapid axenicity method to isolate L. fusiformis. These contributions enable future biotechnological development of L. fusiformis by way of genetic engineering.Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen that causes chronic, systemic infections, and the recalcitrance of these infections is mainly due to the presence of persister cells, which are a bacterial subpopulation that exhibits extreme, yet transient, antibiotic tolerance accompanied by a transient halt in growth. However, upon cessation of antibiotic treatment, a resumption in growth of persister cells causes recurrence of infections and treatment failure. Previously, we reported the involvement of msaABCR in several important staphylococcal phenotypes, including the formation of persister cells. Additionally, observations of the regulation of several metabolic genes by the msaABCR operon in transcriptomics and proteomics analyses have suggested its role in the metabolic activities of S. aureus. Given the importance of metabolism in persister formation as our starting point, in this study we demonstrated how the msaABCR operon regulates energy metabolism and subsequent antibiotic tolerance. We showed that deletion of the msaABCR operon results in increased tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity, accompanied by increased cellular ATP content and higher NADH content in S. aureus cells. We also showed that msaABCR (through MsaB) represses the ccpE and ndh 2 genes, thereby regulating TCA cycle activity and the generation of membrane potential, respectively. Together, the observations from this study led to the conclusion that msaABCR operon deletion induces a metabolically hyperactive state, leading to decreased persister formation in S. aureus.The high neuroactive potential of metabolites produced by gut microbes has gained traction over the last few years, with metagenomic-based studies suggesting an important role of microbiota-derived γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in modulating mental health. Emerging evidence has revealed the presence of the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-encoding gene, a key enzyme to produce GABA, in the prominent human intestinal genus Bacteroides. Here, we investigated GABA production by Bacteroides in culture and metabolic assays combined with comparative genomics and phylogenetics. A total of 961 Bacteroides genomes were analyzed in silico and 17 metabolically and genetically diverse human intestinal isolates representing 11 species were screened in vitro. Using the model organism Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DSM 2079, we determined GABA production kinetics, its impact on milieu pH, and we assessed its role in mitigating acid-induced cellular damage. We showed that the GAD-system consists of at least four highly conserved genes encoding a GAD, a glutaminase, a glutamate/GABA antiporter, and a potassium channel. We demonstrated a high prevalence of the GAD-system among Bacteroides with 90% of all Bacteroides genomes (96% in human gut isolates only) harboring all genes of the GAD-system and 16 intestinal Bacteroides strains producing GABA in vitro (ranging from 0.09 to 60.84 mM). We identified glutamate and glutamine as precursors of GABA production, showed that the production is regulated by pH, and that the GAD-system acts as a protective mechanism against acid stress in Bacteroides, mitigating cell death and preserving metabolic activity. Our data also indicate that the GAD-system might represent the only amino acid-dependent acid tolerance system in Bacteroides. Altogether, our results suggest an important contribution of Bacteroides in the regulation of the GABAergic system in the human gut.Feeding preterm infants mother's own milk (MOM) lowers rates of sepsis, decreases necrotizing enterocolitis, and shortens hospital stay. In the absence of freshly expressed MOM, frozen MOM (FMOM) is provided. When MOM is unavailable, preterm infants are often fed pasteurized donor human milk (DHM), rendering it devoid of beneficial bacteria. We have previously reported that when MOM is inoculated into DHM to restore the live microbiota [restored milk (RM)], a similar microbial diversity to MOM can be achieved. Yet, it is unknown if a similar diversity to MOM can be obtained when FMOM is inoculated into DHM. The goal of this study was to determine whether a similar microbial composition to MOM could be obtained when FMOM is used to personalize DHM. To this end, a fresh sample of MOM was obtained and divided into fresh and frozen fractions. MOM and FMOM were inoculated into DHM at different dilutions MOM/FMOM 10% (RM/FRM10) and MOM/FMOM 30% (RM/FRM30) and incubated at 37°C. At different timepoints, culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques were performed. Similar microbiota expansion and alpha diversity were observed in MOM, RM10, and RM30 whether fresh or frozen milk was used as the inoculum. To evaluate if microbial expansion would result in an abnormal activation on the innate immune system, Caco-2 epithelial cells were exposed to RM/FRM to compare interleukin 8 levels with Caco-2 cells exposed to MOM or DHM. It was found that RM samples did not elicit a significant increase in IL-8 levels when compared to MOM or FMOM. These results suggest that FMOM can be used to inoculate DHM if fresh MOM is unavailable or limited in supply, allowing both fresh MOM and FMOM to be viable options in a microbial restoration strategy.Syngas fermentation processes with acetogenic bacteria like Clostridium carboxidivorans have been proven to be a promising approach for the conversion of CO-rich waste gases into short- and medium-chain alcohols. The challenge of synthesis gas impurities, on the other hand, has always been a major concern for establishing an industrial-scale process, since some of the trace components in waste gases, such as NH3, H2S, and NO x , can have inhibiting or even toxic effects on microbial growth and product formation. Thus, this study aims to identify the effects of the main trace impurities in syngas from gasification of biogenic residues by the supply of defined concentrations of trace impurities to the cultivation medium. Autotrophic gas fermentation studies were performed with C. Torkinib manufacturer carboxidivorans in batch-operated fully-controlled stirred-tank bioreactors with continuous gas supply (80% CO and 20% CO2). The syngas components NH3 and H2S had a positive effect on both growth and alcohol formation (ethanol, 1-butanol, and 1-hexanol). The maximum biomass concentration was increased by more than 50%, and the maximum ethanol concentration was more than doubled with 5.0 g L-1 NH4Cl or 1.0 g L-1 H2S provided by the addition of 2.2 g L-1 thioacetamide. The addition of the nitrogen oxide species nitrate and nitrite, on the other hand, reduced biomass growth as well as alcohol concentrations. Already, the supply of 0.1 g L-1 NaNO3 resulted in reduced growth and 25% reduction of the maximum ethanol concentration. The production of the longer chain alcohols 1-butanol and 1-hexanol was reduced as well. All NaNO2 concentrations tested showed a strong toxic effect on the metabolism of C. carboxidivorans, and neither CO consumption nor product formation was observed after addition. As a consequence, NO x components in syngas from the gasification of biogenic residues should be reduced by the gasification process and/or selectively removed from the syngas after gasification.The misuse of antibiotics combined with a lack of newly developed ones is the main contributors to the current antibiotic resistance crisis. There is a dire need for new and alternative antibacterial options and nanotechnology could be a solution. Metal-based nanoparticles, particularly silver nanoparticles (NAg), have garnered widespread popularity due to their unique physicochemical properties and broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. Consequently, NAg has seen extensive incorporation in many types of products across the healthcare and consumer market. Despite clear evidence of the strong antibacterial efficacy of NAg, studies have raised concerns over the development of silver-resistant bacteria. Resistance to cationic silver (Ag+) has been recognised for many years, but it has recently been found that bacterial resistance to NAg is also possible. It is also understood that exposure of bacteria to toxic heavy metals like silver can induce the emergence of antibiotic resistance through the process of co-selection. Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative coccobacillus and opportunistic nosocomial bacterial pathogen. It was recently listed as the "number one" critical level priority pathogen because of the significant rise of antibiotic resistance in this species. NAg has proven bactericidal activity towards A. baumannii, even against strains that display multi-drug resistance. However, despite ample evidence of heavy metal (including silver; Ag+) resistance in this bacterium, combined with reports of heavy metal-driven co-selection of antibiotic resistance, little research has been dedicated to assessing the potential for NAg resistance development in A. baumannii. This is worrisome, as the increasingly indiscriminate use of NAg could promote the development of silver resistance in this species, like what has occurred with antibiotics.Plants live in association with microorganisms that positively influence plant development, vigor, and fitness in response to pathogens and abiotic stressors. The bulk of the plant microbiome is concentrated belowground at the plant root-soil interface. Plant roots secrete carbon-rich rhizodeposits containing primary and secondary low molecular weight metabolites, lysates, and mucilages. These exudates provide nutrients for soil microorganisms and modulate their affinity to host plants, but molecular details of this process are largely unresolved. We addressed this gap by focusing on the molecular dialog between eight well-characterized beneficial strains of the Pseudomonas fluorescens group and Brachypodium distachyon, a model for economically important food, feed, forage, and biomass crops of the grass family. We collected and analyzed root exudates of B. distachyon and demonstrated the presence of multiple carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and phenolic compounds. The subsequent screening of bacteria by Biolog Phenotype MicroArrays revealed that many of these metabolites provide carbon and energy for the Pseudomonas strains. RNA-seq profiling of bacterial cultures amended with root exudates revealed changes in the expression of genes encoding numerous catabolic and anabolic enzymes, transporters, transcriptional regulators, stress response, and conserved hypothetical proteins. Almost half of the differentially expressed genes mapped to the variable part of the strains' pangenome, reflecting the importance of the variable gene content in the adaptation of P. fluorescens to the rhizosphere lifestyle. Our results collectively reveal the diversity of cellular pathways and physiological responses underlying the establishment of mutualistic interactions between these beneficial rhizobacteria and their plant hosts.The development of salinity affects 7% of the world's land surface, acting as a major constraint to crop productivity. This study attempted to use the co-evolving endophytes of peanut to alleviate salinity stress and enhance the yield of peanut. Diverse and different tissue colonizing endophytes were isolated from peanut and screened in vitro by seed germination bioassay imposing gradients of salinity, with two cultivars TG37A (susceptible) and GG2 (moderately resistant), in potted conditions using saline irrigation water. Finally, nine endophytes capable of producing IAA and ACC-deaminase, promoting root growth and yield in potted conditions were selected for further evaluation in field conditions. They were evaluated with saline water (1.5-2.0 dS/m) in saline soil with susceptible cultivar TG37A. Simultaneously, three endophytes (Bacillus firmus J22N; Bacillus tequilensis SEN15N; and Bacillus sp. REN51N) were evaluated with two cultivars, GG2 and TG37A, during rainy and post-rainy seasons with elevated salinity.
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