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Precisely measuring the three-dimensional position and orientation of individual fluorophores is challenging due to the substantial photon shot noise in single-molecule experiments. Facing this limited photon budget, numerous techniques have been developed to encode 2D and 3D position and 2D and 3D orientation information into fluorescence images. In this work, we adapt classical and quantum estimation theory and propose a mathematical framework to derive the best possible precision for measuring the position and orientation of dipole-like emitters for any fixed imaging system. We find that it is impossible to design an instrument that achieves the maximum sensitivity limit for measuring all possible rotational motions. Further, our vectorial dipole imaging model shows that the best quantum-limited localization precision is 4%-8% worse than that suggested by a scalar monopole model. Overall, we conclude that no single instrument can be optimized for maximum precision across all possible 2D and 3D localization and orientation measurement tasks.Editor-in-Chief P. Scott Carney introduces the Journal's newest Topical Editor, Angela Dudley.We establish the concept of cross-spectral purity for nonstationary electromagnetic fields having any degree of coherence or polarization. The conditions of cross-spectral purity in all Stokes parameters are derived for both space-time and space-frequency domains, which demonstrate that the normalized two-point coherence properties of such fields can be expressed as products of a spatial and a time (or frequency) dependent function. We further determine the condition of strict cross-spectral purity for nonstationary fields, which establishes the equivalence of normalized two-point Stokes parameters governing the spatial factors of the space-frequency and space-time domains. This study may provide interesting aspects of statistical properties of beams obtained from practically available sources such as pulsed lasers, modulated and fluctuating light sources, etc.We developed a general theory about the performance of a rotational shearing interferometer. We apply the aberration theory to the detection of planets outside our planet system. We considered cases when the mutual coherence functions of the on-axis and the off-axis system are 0 and 1.We study the scattering of a linearly polarized electromagnetic plane wave by a two-dimensional random slightly rough surface separating the vacuum from a chiral medium. We implement the first-order small perturbation method (SPM) and the first-order small slope approximation (SSA) and determine the analytical expressions of the coherent and incoherent intensities. The effects of chirality on the polarization of the wave scattered within the vacuum are analyzed. The coherent intensity has a cross-polarized component as well as the incoherent intensity in the incidence plane. AZ 3146 clinical trial We show that there are configurations for which a total polarization coupling occurs with the co-polarized incoherent intensity equal to zero.To compare neuroimaging data between subjects, images from individual sessions need to be aligned to a common reference or "atlas." Atlas registration of optical intrinsic signal imaging of mice, for example, is commonly performed using affine transforms with parameters determined by manual selection of canonical skull landmarks. Errors introduced by such procedures have not previously been investigated. We quantify the variability that arises from this process and consequent errors from misalignment that affect interpretation of functional neuroimaging data. We propose an improved method, using separately acquired high-resolution images and demonstrate improvements in variability and alignment using this method.A three-dimensional printed beam-steering reflector surface with dielectric fluids as the tuning agent is presented. The reflector is made using ECO-ABS with six rows of 19 parallel channels of square cross-sections. The permittivity of the ECO-ABS was measured at 2.55 with a loss tangent of 0.053. A conductor is placed at the back of the dielectric. The squared channels are filled with either distilled water or air. The effective permittivity within the reflector changes according to the material used to fill the channels. As an incident wave propagates through the printed dielectric, the configuration of air-water channels shapes the exiting phase front of the wave by locally controlling its phase delay. The resulting phase profile created by the air-water configuration leads to a steered beam. Numerical full-wave simulations show steerable angles ranging from -42∘ to 23° for a set of air-water configurations at 30 GHz. A prototype was fabricated and tested for the same configurations. Experiments confirm a wide range of angles starting at -40∘ up to 20°.A tunable dual-ring microstructure fiber that can support stable transmission for different orbital angular momentum (OAM) states and possess ultrahigh dispersion coefficients and low confinement losses is proposed and theoretically investigated. The proposed fiber is composed of two high-refractive-index rings and a double-cladding structure. Owing to the central air core and outer cladding, the dual-ring structure can support stable transmission for the OAM states. The mode fields of different OAM states in the inner ring can spread to the outer ring under certain conditions, which leads to high absolute values of dispersion around the coupling wavelengths. By tuning the refractive indices of the dual rings, the proposed fiber can achieve dispersion control for different OAM modes. Moreover, the specially designed two-layer air holes in the inner cladding can affect the mode-coupling coefficients, which are characterized by the effective mode areas and the overlap integral of the electric fields between the resonant ring modes. Therefore, the dispersion curves and operating wavelengths of the OAM modes can be modulated by regulating the physical parameters (the radius of the two-layer air holes or the infiltrated functional materials) of the inner cladding. We built a theoretical model and analyzed the modulation method and mechanism of the dispersion curves based on the coupled mode theory. The theoretical results indicate that the proposed fiber is flexible and has potential dispersion-compensating applications in fiber OAM systems.We investigate the use of plenoptic data for locating non-line-of-sight (NLOS) objects from a scattered light signature. Using Fourier analysis, the resolution limits of the depth and transversal location estimates are derived from fundamental considerations on scattering physics and measurement noise. Based on the refocusing algorithm developed in the computer vision field, we derive an alternative formulation of the projection slice theorem in a form directly connecting the light field and a full spatial frequency spectrum including both depth and transversal dimensions. Using this alternative formulation, we propose an efficient spatial frequency filtering method for location estimation that is defined on a newly introduced mixed space frequency plane and achieves the theoretically limited depth resolution. A comparison with experimental results is reported.The self-focusing effect on the beam quality of Hermite-Gaussian beams propagating upwards through the inhomogeneous atmosphere is studied. The analytical formula of the beam width is derived, and its validity is confirmed. Furthermore, the analytical formulas of the actual focal length and M2-factor are also derived. It is found that the self-focusing effect in the inhomogeneous atmosphere results in beam quality degradation. Under the same initial beam width and the same beam power, as the beam order m increases, the actual focal length is farther away from the target, and the spot size on the target and the M2-factor increase; namely, the beam quality degrades further. In addition, it is shown that the beam quality can be improved by the phase compensation.This feature issue of JOSA A and Applied Optics is dedicated to the fourteenth OSA Topical Meeting "Digital Holography and 3D Imaging" held 22-26 June 2020 in a virtual meeting. The conference, taking place every year, is a focal point for global technical interchange in the field of digital holography and 3D imaging, providing premier opportunities for people working in the field to present their new advances in research and development. Papers presented at the meeting highlight current research in digital holography and three-dimensional imaging, including interferometry, phase microscopy, phase retrieval, novel holographic processes, 3D and novel holographic displays, integral imaging, computer-generated holograms, compressive holography, 3D holographic display, AR display, full-field tomography, specific image and signal processing, and holography with various light sources, including coherent to incoherent and x-ray to terahertz waves. Techniques of digital holography and of 3D imaging have numerous applications, such as the state-of-the-art technological developments that are currently underway and stimulate further novel applications of digital holography and 3D imaging in biomedicine, deep learning, and scientific and industrial metrologies.While much attention has been given to understanding biases in gloss perception (e.g., changes in perceived reflectance as a function of lighting, shape, viewpoint, and other factors), here we investigated sensitivity to changes in surface reflectance. We tested how visual sensitivity to differences in specular reflectance varies as a function of the magnitude of specular reflectance. Stimuli consisted of renderings of glossy objects under natural illumination. Using maximum likelihood difference scaling (MLDS), we created a perceptual scaling of the specular reflectance parameter of the Ward reflectance model. Then, using the method of constant stimuli and a standard 2AFC procedure, we obtained psychometric functions for gloss discrimination across a range of reflectance values derived from the perceptual scale. Both methods demonstrate that discriminability is significantly diminished at high levels of specular reflectance, thus indicating that gloss sensitivity depends on the magnitude of change in the image produced by different reflectance values. Taken together, these experiments also suggest that internal sensory noise remains constant for suprathreshold and near-threshold intervals of specular reflectance, which supports the use of MLDS as a highly efficient method for evaluating gloss sensitivity.Interaction of light and matter can be controlled and manipulated by exploiting the properties of the isofrequency contours (IFCs) of a material. IFC in metamaterial/artificial anisotropic materials can be open and/or closed. The class of metamaterials with open IFC are known as hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs)/indefinite media. HMMs support large wavevectors, which can lead to some important consequences, such as energy transfer (long range), metacavity lasers (subwavelength scale), sensors (high sensitivity), and hyperlenses (surpassing diffraction limit). Therefore, in this paper wavevector planes for media with open and closed IFCs are investigated with an aim to further differentiate them into regions supporting distinct electromagnetic modes, orientation of power, wavevector, and positive-negative phase velocities.
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