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Autophagy: Guidelines from the extracellular matrix.
The optimal cutoff for nICP was close to 20 cmH
O with both a sensitivity and specificity of 0.92. Presuming 20 cmH
O as a critical threshold for the indication of lumbar drainage, the clinical implications would coincide in both methods in 35 of 38 cases.

 The TCD-based nICP assessment seems to be suitable for a pre-diagnosis of increased LPP and might eliminated the need for painful lumbar puncture if low nICP is detected.
 The TCD-based nICP assessment seems to be suitable for a pre-diagnosis of increased LPP and might eliminated the need for painful lumbar puncture if low nICP is detected.Studies have shown that transcranial direct current stimulation increases neuronal excitability of the targeted region and general connectivity of relevant functional networks. However, relatively little is understood of how the stimulation affects the connectivity relationship of the target with regions across the network structure of the brain. Here, we investigated the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on the functional connectivity of the targeted region using resting-state fMRI scans of the human brain. Anodal direct current stimulation was applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (lDLPFC; cathode on the right bicep), which belongs to the frontoparietal control network (FPCN) and is commonly targeted for neuromodulation of various cognitive functions including short-term memory, long-term memory, and cognitive control. lDLPFC's connectivity characteristics were quantified as graph theory measures, from the resting-state fMRI scans obtained prior to and following the stimulation. Critically, we tested pre- to poststimulation changes of the lDLPFC connectivity metrics following an active versus sham stimulation. We found that the stimulation had two distinct effects on the connectivity of lDLPFC for Brodmann's area (BA) 9, it increased the functional connectivity between BA 9 and other nodes within the FPCN; for BA 46, net connectivity strength was not altered within FPCN, but connectivity distribution across networks (participation coefficient) was decreased. These findings provide insights that the behavioral changes as the functional consequences of stimulation may come about because of the increased role of lDLPFC in the FPCN.To navigate the social world, humans must represent social entities and the relationships between those entities, starting with spatial relationships. Recent research suggests that two bodies are processed with particularly high efficiency in visual perception, when they are in a spatial positioning that cues interaction, that is, close and face-to-face. Socially relevant spatial relations such as facingness may facilitate visual perception by triggering grouping of bodies into a new integrated percept, which would make the stimuli more visible and easier to process. We used EEG and a frequency-tagging paradigm to measure a neural correlate of grouping (or visual binding), while female and male participants saw images of two bodies face-to-face or back-to-back. The two bodies in a dyad flickered at frequency F1 and F2, respectively, and appeared together at a third frequency Fd (dyad frequency). This stimulation should elicit a periodic neural response for each body at F1 and F2, and a third response at Fd, which would be larger for face-to-face (vs. SB505124 datasheet back-to-back) bodies, if those stimuli yield additional integrative processing. Results showed that responses at F1 and F2 were higher for upright than for inverted bodies, demonstrating that our paradigm could capture neural activity associated with viewing bodies. Crucially, the response to dyads at Fd was larger for face-to-face (vs. back-to-back) dyads, suggesting integration mediated by grouping. We propose that spatial relations that recur in social interaction (i.e., facingness) promote binding of multiple bodies into a new representation. This mechanism can explain how the visual system contributes to integrating and transforming the representation of disconnected body shapes into structured representations of social events.Different theories have been proposed to explain how the human brain derives an accurate sense of time. One specific class of theories, intrinsic clock theories, postulate that temporal information of a stimulus is represented much like other features such as color and location, bound together to form a coherent percept. Here, we explored to what extent this holds for temporal information after it has been perceived and is held in working memory for subsequent comparison. We recorded EEG of participants who were asked to time stimuli at lateral positions of the screen followed by comparison stimuli presented in the center. Using well-established markers of working memory maintenance, we investigated whether the usage of temporal information evoked neural signatures that were indicative of the location where the stimuli had been presented, both during maintenance and during comparison. Behavior and neural measures including the contralateral delay activity, lateralized alpha suppression, and decoding analyses through time all supported the same conclusion The representation of location was strongly involved during perception of temporal information, but when temporal information was to be used for comparison, it no longer showed a relation to spatial information. These results support a model where the initial perception of a stimulus involves intrinsic computations, but that this information is subsequently translated to a stimulus-independent format to be used to further guide behavior.The fusion of immersive virtual reality, kinematic movement tracking, and EEG offers a powerful test bed for naturalistic neuroscience research. Here, we combined these elements to investigate the neuro-behavioral mechanisms underlying precision visual-motor control as 20 participants completed a three-visit, visual-motor, coincidence-anticipation task, modeled after Olympic Trap Shooting and performed in immersive and interactive virtual reality. Analyses of the kinematic metrics demonstrated learning of more efficient movements with significantly faster hand RTs, earlier trigger response times, and higher spatial precision, leading to an average of 13% improvement in shot scores across the visits. As revealed through spectral and time-locked analyses of the EEG beta band (13-30 Hz), power measured prior to target launch and visual-evoked potential amplitudes measured immediately after the target launch correlated with subsequent reactive kinematic performance in the shooting task. Moreover, both launch-locked and shot/feedback-locked visual-evoked potentials became earlier and more negative with practice, pointing to neural mechanisms that may contribute to the development of visual-motor proficiency. Collectively, these findings illustrate EEG and kinematic biomarkers of precision motor control and changes in the neurophysiological substrates that may underlie motor learning.Sleep spindles are a physiological marker of off-line memory consolidation. In young adults, sleep spindles are preferentially responsive to encoded information that is tagged as having future relevance. Older adults, on the other hand, show reduced capacity for future simulation and alterations in sleep physiology. Healthy young adults (n = 38) and older adults (n = 28) completed an adaptation night, followed by two in-laboratory polysomnography nights, in which they mentally simulated future events or remembered past events, recorded via written descriptions. We quantified the degree of future/past thinking using linguistic analysis of time orientation. In young adults, greater future thinking was linked to greater spindle density, even when controlling for gender, age, and word count (rp = .370, p = .028). The opposite was true for older adults, such that greater future thinking was associated with reduced spindle density (rp = -.431, p = .031). These patterns were selective to future thinking (not observed for past thinking). The collective findings implicate an impaired interaction between future relevance tagging and sleep physiology as a mechanism by which aging compromises sleep-dependent cognitive processing.Flexibly shifting attention between stimulus dimensions (e.g., shape and color) is a central component of regulating cognition for goal-based behavior. In the present report, we examine the functional roles of different cortical regions by manipulating two demands on task switching that have been confounded in previous studies-shifting attention between visual dimensions and resolving conflict between stimulus-response representations. Dimensional shifting was manipulated by having participants shift attention between dimensions (either shape or color; dimension shift) or keeping the task-relevant dimension the same (dimension same). Conflict between stimulus-response representations was manipulated by creating conflict between response-driven associations from the previous set of trials and the stimulus-response mappings on the current set of trials (e.g., making a leftward response to a red stimulus during the previous task, but being required to make a rightward response to a red stimulus in the current task; stimulus-response conflict), or eliminating conflict by altering the features of the dimension relevant to the sorting rule (stimulus-response no-conflict). These manipulations revealed activation along a network of frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices. Specifically, dimensional shifting selectively activated frontal and parietal regions. Stimulus-response conflict, on the other hand, produced decreased activation in temporal and occipital cortices. Occipital regions demonstrated a complex pattern of activation that was sensitive to both stimulus-response conflict and dimensional attention switching. These results provide novel information regarding the distinct role that frontal cortex plays in shifting dimensional attention and posterior cortices play in resolving conflict at the stimulus level.The sensorimotor beta rhythm (∼13-30 Hz) is commonly seen in relation to movement. It is important to understand its functional/behavioral significance in both health and disease. Sorting out competing theories of sensorimotor beta is hampered by a paucity of experimental protocols in humans that manipulate/induce beta oscillations and test their putative effects on concurrent behavior. Here, we developed a novel behavioral paradigm to generate beta and then test its functional relevance. In two human experiments with scalp EEG (n = 11 and 15), we show that a movement instruction generates a high beta state (postmovement beta rebound), which then slows down subsequent movements required during that state. We also show that this high initial beta rebound related to reduced mu-beta desynchronization for the subsequent movement and, further, that the temporal features of the beta state, that is, the beta bursts, related to the degree of slowing. These results suggest that increased sensorimotor beta in the postmovement period corresponds to an inhibitory state-insofar as it retards subsequent movement. By demonstrating a behavioral method by which people can proactively create a high beta state, our paradigm provides opportunities to test the effect of this state on sensations and affordances. It also suggests related experiments using motor imagery rather than actual movement, and this could later be clinically relevant, for example, in tic disorder.
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