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The bunkers preppers build are an ark to cross through a likely (but often unspecified) catastrophe; they are a chrysalis from which to be reborn - potentially even into an improved milieu. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Since December 2019, increasing cases of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are being detected worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to provide a scientific reference for the global prevention and control of COVID-19. METHODS General demographic characteristics, epidemiological history, and clinical symptoms of COVID-19 were collected that had been reported on the websites of multiple Municipal Health Commissions in China. We herein describe distributions in time, place, and population of COVID-19. RESULTS As of midnight on February 10, 2020, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China was 42,638, and the province with the largest number of confirmed cases was Hubei (31728), followed by Guangdong (1177), Zhejiang (1117), and Henan (1105) province. The number of cases and the speed of confirmed cases in provinces other than Hubei were more moderate than those of the Hubei province. The median (interquartile range) age of 1740 patients with COVID-19 was 44 (33, 54) years, with a range of 10 months to 89 years. CONCLUSIONS The COVID-19 epidemic should be considered a global threat and the steps for control include early diagnosis and treatment, as well as isolation. © 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). All rights reserved.As practice evolves and scientific advancements are achieved the natural inclination for educators and administrators is to add new content to existing curricula. Often pre-existing curricula that may be outdated or no longer relevant may go un-checked leading to excessive coursework and program completion times. Faculty may also have emotional or other attachments to certain topics or content and that may serve as an additional or independent barrier to removing extraneous material. To avoid and curtail curricular hoarding of material it may be prudent to periodically engage in reviews of material assessing them for not only adherence to accreditation standards but also in terms of their on-going appropriateness and relevance to contemporary pharmacy practice. These exercises may be especially important today given the rate of information creation and dissemination in the modern digital age. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.Most pharmacy faculty members are more confident in their foundation as research scientists or clinical pharmacists than with the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). However, many wish to enter this rewarding field of scholarship in order to test pedagogical innovations, measure teaching effectiveness, and share success with the Academy. This commentary provides general advice for those who wish to explore SoTL but lack formal education and training in this area. Four opportunities are highlighted educational research, small activities and projects, course redesign, and longitudinal assessment and evaluation. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Strategic engagement is critical to the success of colleges and schools of pharmacy in expanding pharmacy and public health practice, meeting programmatic needs, and fulfilling institutional missions. The AACP 2019-2020 Strategic Engagement Committee was charged with exploring faculty leadership and development as they relate to strategic engagement, considering challenges and barriers to faculty participation and identifying successes in faculty engagement and opportunities for professional development. The committee reviewed literature and examples regarding strategic engagement across academic pharmacy, with strategic engagement understood as being part of the service mission of academic institutions. The committee found faculty service is often not rewarded or recognized equally to efforts in research and education, including in promotion and tenure. selleck compound The perceived low value often accorded to strategic engagement efforts, coupled with lack of time and low priority for the work, are barriing structures, as well as the policy development process to help members understand how AACP works and points of entry for involvement.Recommendation #3 - AACP should develop an initiative to "groom" faculty for leadership roles including providing tools/training programs for emerging leaders within the Academy.Recommendation #4 - AACP should consider creating a community for targeted groups of faculty, eg, tenured/tenure-track and non-tenure track to address leadership development and engagement based on member interest.Recommendation #5 - AACP should establish a "service mentors" program to match current and past leaders with members interested in enhancing their involvement in the association. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.Objective. To explore the social and academic experiences of students identifying as underrepresented racial minorities (URMs) in a pharmacy school, how they made meaning of their experiences, and the strategic actions they took to navigate towards degree completion. Methods. Twenty students from a school of pharmacy within a research-intensive institution participated in semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed through several rounds of coding. Trustworthiness procedures included the use of multiple coders, a dependability audit, and analytic memos to promote reflexivity. Results. The study yields a conceptual model. Pre-pharmacy school factors such as pipeline programs, work experiences, family, and URM health professionals impacted students' interest in and encouragement to attend pharmacy school. Students reported experiences including a lack of diversity, feeling unwelcomed, and concerns about cultural competency and group work challenges. Students were motivated by URM faculty members, self-efficacy, and a sense of purpose. Students were inhibited by the mental impact of sociopolitical events, the pressures of representing their race/ethnicity, and feeling inferior. Students took several actions to navigate the school including "code-switching," finding solace and support with other URMs, seeking cultural competence-related experiences to complement the curriculum, and strategically remaining silent or speaking up during group work conflicts. Conclusion. This exploratory study provides a roadmap to better understand URM students' journey to pharmacy school and experiences therein. Findings could be used by pharmacy schools to create a more inclusive environment for URM students and provide future directions for scholars pursing diversity-related research agendas in health professions education. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.Objective. To compare the change in pharmacy students' self-reported competence toward interprofessional collaboration between those that were active participants in or observers of an interprofessional simulation. Methods. Second- and third-year (P2 and P3) pharmacy students and senior nursing students participated in an interprofessional simulation. Third-year pharmacy students and senior nursing students were divided into teams of four (two from each profession) and were active participants. Second-year pharmacy students were observers. All pharmacy students were asked to complete a brief demographic survey and the Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment Survey (ICCAS) after the simulation. Mean retrospective pretest and posttest ICCAS scores for each group of learners were compared using paired sample t tests. To examine the difference in the change in mean total ICCAS score between observers and active participants, repeated measures analysis of variance was completed. Results. One hundred thirty (95%) P2 pharmacy students and 121 (92%) P3 pharmacy students participated in the interprofessional simulation experience as observers and active participants, respectively, and completed the ICCAS for an overall response rate of 94%. The active participants' mean ICCAS scores were significantly higher than those of the observers on both the retrospective pretest (M=4.9, SD=1.0 vs M=5.2, SD=1.0) and the posttest (M=5.9, SD=0.7 vs M=6.2, SD=0.7). The mean change in scores from retrospective pretest to posttest was not significantly different between observer and active participant pharmacy students. Conclusion. Both observation and active participation in an interprofessional simulation experience may increase pharmacy students' self-reported competence in interprofessional collaboration. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.Objective. To explore whether metacognition can be improved in Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students through routine self-assessment over a year-long advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) sequence. Methods. Differences between self-assessment scores and preceptors' scores for three cohorts of pharmacy students between 2015 and 2018 were compared between the first, second, and third trimester to determine whether students more accurately evaluated their performance over time. The primary endpoint was change in the absolute difference between student and preceptor evaluation (rubric and composite scores) between trimesters. Results. Of 2577 student and preceptor evaluations eligible for inclusion, 1713 were completed, matched, and analyzed. Using the same rubric as preceptors, students overestimated their performance by an average of 16 points during the first trimester, followed by 14 and 12 points during the second and third trimester, respectively. This reflected a significant improvement over time. No significance difference was found between student and preceptor composite scores. Faculty preceptorship, students' pre-APPE grade point average, and type of APPE were not associated with any difference in rubric or composite scores. Conclusion. This analysis revealed that the difference between student self-evaluation grades and preceptor evaluation grades was greatest during the first trimester and significantly decreased in the second and third trimesters. This could reflect students' development of metacognitive processes over time. Metacognition is a vital skill for pharmacy students to learn, and opportunities to develop this skill should be incorporated throughout the pharmacy curricula. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.The appropriateness of term limits for administrative appointments is a subject of much discussion, not just within pharmacy programs, but in organizations of all types. The prospect of term limits for involves a wide variety of important organizational issues, including succession planning, institutional memory, strategic decision-making, and concepts regarding leadership styles overall. This paper examines both sides of the debate regarding the appropriateness of term limits for administrative appointments. Arguments supporting term limits include the ability for strategic changes in the diversity of leaders as well as a more focused effort on continuous quality improvement. The arguments against term limits focus around the need for stability and the time involved in the development of effective leaders. © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
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