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th species.The impairment of cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease is clearly correlated to synapse loss. However, the mechanisms underlying this correlation are only poorly understood. Here, we investigate how the loss of excitatory synapses in sparsely connected random networks of spiking excitatory and inhibitory neurons alters their dynamical characteristics. Beyond the effects on the activity statistics, we find that the loss of excitatory synapses on excitatory neurons reduces the network's sensitivity to small perturbations. This decrease in sensitivity can be considered as an indication of a reduction of computational capacity. A full recovery of the network's dynamical characteristics and sensitivity can be achieved by firing rate homeostasis, here implemented by an up-scaling of the remaining excitatory-excitatory synapses. Mean-field analysis reveals that the stability of the linearised network dynamics is, in good approximation, uniquely determined by the firing rate, and thereby explains why firing rate homeostasis preserves not only the firing rate but also the network's sensitivity to small perturbations.Bacterial symbionts bring a wealth of functions to the associations they participate in, but by doing so, they endanger the genes and genomes underlying these abilities. When bacterial symbionts become obligately associated with their hosts, their genomes are thought to decay towards an organelle-like fate due to decreased homologous recombination and inefficient selection. However, numerous associations exist that counter these expectations, especially in marine environments, possibly due to ongoing horizontal gene flow. Mocetinostat purchase Despite extensive theoretical treatment, no empirical study thus far has connected these underlying population genetic processes with long-term evolutionary outcomes. By sampling marine chemosynthetic bacterial-bivalve endosymbioses that range from primarily vertical to strictly horizontal transmission, we tested this canonical theory. We found that transmission mode strongly predicts homologous recombination rates, and that exceedingly low recombination rates are associated with moderate genome degradation in the marine symbionts with nearly strict vertical transmission. Nonetheless, even the most degraded marine endosymbiont genomes are occasionally horizontally transmitted and are much larger than their terrestrial insect symbiont counterparts. Therefore, horizontal transmission and recombination enable efficient natural selection to maintain intermediate symbiont genome sizes and substantial functional genetic variation.Women with bacterial vaginosis (BV), an imbalance of the vaginal microbiome, are more likely to be colonized by potential pathogens such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, a bacterium linked with intrauterine infection and preterm birth. However, the conditions and mechanisms supporting pathogen colonization during vaginal dysbiosis remain obscure. We demonstrate that sialidase activity, a diagnostic feature of BV, promoted F. nucleatum foraging and growth on mammalian sialoglycans, a nutrient resource that was otherwise inaccessible because of the lack of endogenous F. nucleatum sialidase. In mice with sialidase-producing vaginal microbiotas, mutant F. nucleatum unable to consume sialic acids was impaired in vaginal colonization. These experiments in mice also led to the discovery that F. nucleatum may also "give back" to the community by reinforcing sialidase activity, a biochemical feature of human dysbiosis. Using human vaginal bacterial communities, we show that F. nucleatum supported robust outgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis, a major sialidase producer and one of the most abundant organisms in BV. These results illustrate that mutually beneficial relationships between vaginal bacteria support pathogen colonization and may help maintain features of dysbiosis. These findings challenge the simplistic dogma that the mere absence of "healthy" lactobacilli is the sole mechanism that creates a permissive environment for pathogens during vaginal dysbiosis. Given the ubiquity of F. nucleatum in the human mouth, these studies also suggest a possible mechanism underlying links between vaginal dysbiosis and oral sex.Achieving complete and precise genome duplication requires that each genomic segment be replicated only once per cell division cycle. Protecting large eukaryotic genomes from re-replication requires an overlapping set of molecular mechanisms that prevent the first DNA replication step, the DNA loading of MCM helicase complexes to license replication origins, after S phase begins. Previous reports have defined many such origin licensing inhibition mechanisms, but the temporal relationships among them are not clear, particularly with respect to preventing re-replication in G2 and M phases. Using a combination of mutagenesis, biochemistry, and single cell analyses in human cells, we define a new mechanism that prevents re-replication through hyperphosphorylation of the essential MCM loading protein, Cdt1. We demonstrate that Cyclin A/CDK1 can hyperphosphorylate Cdt1 to inhibit MCM re-loading in G2 phase. The mechanism of inhibition is to block Cdt1 binding to MCM independently of other known Cdt1 inactivation mechanisms such as Cdt1 degradation during S phase or Geminin binding. Moreover, our findings suggest that Cdt1 dephosphorylation at the mitosis-to-G1 phase transition re-activates Cdt1. We propose that multiple distinct, non-redundant licensing inhibition mechanisms act in a series of sequential relays through each cell cycle phase to ensure precise genome duplication.High glucose diets are unhealthy, although the mechanisms by which elevated glucose is harmful to whole animal physiology are not well understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, high glucose shortens lifespan, while chemically inflicted glucose restriction promotes longevity. We investigated the impact of glucose metabolism on aging quality (maintained locomotory capacity and median lifespan) and found that, in addition to shortening lifespan, excess glucose negatively impacts locomotory healthspan. Conversely, disrupting glucose utilization by knockdown of glycolysis-specific genes results in large mid-age physical improvements via a mechanism that requires the FOXO transcription factor DAF-16. Adult locomotory capacity is extended by glycolysis disruption, but maximum lifespan is not, indicating that limiting glycolysis can increase the proportion of life spent in mobility health. We also considered the largely ignored role of glucose biosynthesis (gluconeogenesis) in adult health. Directed perturbations of gluconeogenic genes that specify single direction enzymatic reactions for glucose synthesis decrease locomotory healthspan, suggesting that gluconeogenesis is needed for healthy aging. Consistent with this idea, overexpression of the central gluconeogenic gene pck-2 (encoding PEPCK) increases health measures via a mechanism that requires DAF-16 to promote pck-2 expression in specific intestinal cells. Dietary restriction also features DAF-16-dependent pck-2 expression in the intestine, and the healthspan benefits conferred by dietary restriction require pck-2. Together, our results describe a new paradigm in which nutritional signals engage gluconeogenesis to influence aging quality via DAF-16. These data underscore the idea that promotion of gluconeogenesis might be an unappreciated goal for healthy aging and could constitute a novel target for pharmacological interventions that counter high glucose consequences, including diabetes.In the absence of national control programmes against Rhodesian human African trypanosomiasis, farmer-led treatment of cattle with pyrethroid-based insecticides may be an effective strategy for foci at the edges of wildlife areas, but there is limited evidence to support this. We combined data on insecticide use by farmers, tsetse abundance and trypanosome prevalence, with mathematical models, to quantify the likely impact of insecticide-treated cattle. Sixteen percent of farmers reported treating cattle with a pyrethroid, and chemical analysis indicated 18% of individual cattle had been treated, in the previous week. Treatment of cattle was estimated to increase daily mortality of tsetse by 5-14%. Trypanosome prevalence in tsetse, predominantly from wildlife areas, was 1.25% for T. brucei s.l. and 0.03% for T. b. rhodesiense. For 750 cattle sampled from 48 herds, 2.3% were PCR positive for T. brucei s.l. and none for T. b. rhodesiense. Using mathematical models, we estimated there was 8-29% increase in mortality of tsetse in farming areas and this increase can explain the relatively low prevalence of T. brucei s.l. in cattle. Farmer-led treatment of cattle with pyrethroids is likely, in part, to be limiting the spill-over of human-infective trypanosomes from wildlife areas.Despite growing evidence that infants and very young children can be infected with schistosomes, the epidemiological features and risk factors are not well described in this age group. We aimed to assess the prevalence of S. mansoni infection in children under two years of age from a population with a known high burden of infection in school-aged children and adults and thus inform the need for interventions in this potentially vulnerable age group. In a cross-sectional study in Mbita Sub-county, along the east coast of Lake Victoria, Western Kenya, we enrolled 361 children aged 6-23 months. The prevalence of S. mansoni infection was detected using the Kato-Katz stool examination and a point-of-care test for urinary circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA) (Rapid Medical Diagnostics, Pretoria, South Africa). Three-hundred and five (305) children had complete data of whom 276 (90.5%, 95%CI 86.6-93.5) children were positive for S. mansoni by the POC-CCA test, while 11 (3.6%, 95%CI 1.8-6.4) were positive by the Kato-Katz method. All Kato-Katz positive cases were also positive by the POC-CCA test. In multivariable analysis, only geographical area, Rusinga West (AOR = 7.1, 95%CI 1.4-35.2, P = 0.02), was associated with S. mansoni infection using Kato-Katz test. Independent associations for POC-CCA positivity included age, (12-17 months vs 6-11 months; AOR = 7.8, 95%CI 1.8-32.6, P = 0.002) and breastfeeding in the previous 24 hours (AOR = 3.4, 95%CI 1.3-9.0, P = 0.009). We found a potentially very high prevalence of S. mansoni infection among children under two years of age based on POC-CCA test results in Mbita Sub-county, Kenya, which if confirmed strongly supports the need to include infants in public health strategies providing universal prophylactic treatment in high burden settings. Further research is required to determine the accuracy of diagnostic tools to detect light infection among very young children and possible long-term health impacts.Dog bites in humans are a major public health problem in India in general and Kashmir in particular. Canine rabies is almost non-existent in developed countries and exists mainly in the poorer, low socioeconomic strata of society in the developing world. The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics, pattern, and burden of dog bite injuries in the Kashmir valley. Data from Anti-Rabies Clinic of a tertiary care hospital in Srinagar, the summer capital of the state of Jammu & Kashmir, was collated and analyzed. Analysis of records of all the patients who had reported between April 2016 and March 2017 was done. A total of 6172 patients had reported to the Anti-Rabies Clinic for management of animal bites from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017. Most of the patients were young males. Almost half (47.7%) of the patients were bitten in the afternoon. Lower limbs were the most common site of bite (71.7%). Most of the bites were of Category III (57.6%) followed by Category II (42.3%); only one case of Category I was recorded.
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