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Allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma are highly prevalent, multifactorial chronic airway diseases. Several environmental and genetic factors affect airway epithelial dynamics leading to activation of inflammatory mechanisms in the airways. This review links environmental factors to host epithelial immunity in airway diseases. Understanding altered homeostasis of the airway epithelium might provide important targets for diagnostics and therapy of chronic airway diseases. Copyright © 2020 Laulajainen-Hongisto, Toppila-Salmi, Luukkainen and Kern.The specificity of import of peroxisomal matrix proteins is dependent on the targeting signals encoded within their amino acid sequences. Two known import signals, peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1), positioned at the C-termini and PTS2 located close to N-termini of these proteins are recognized by the Pex5p and Pex7p receptors, respectively. However, in several yeast species, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteins exist that are efficiently imported into peroxisomes despite having neither PTS1 nor PTS2 and for which no other import signal has been determined. An example of such a protein is S. cerevisiae acyl-CoA oxidase (AOx) encoded by the POX1 gene. While it is known that its import is driven by its interaction with the N-terminal segment of Pex5p, which is separate from its C-terminal PTS1-recognizing tetratricopeptide domain, to date, no AOx polypeptide region has been implicated as critical for this interaction, and thus would constitute the long-sought PTS3 signal. Using random mutagenesis combined with a two-hybrid screen, we identified single amino acid residues within the AOx polypeptide that are crucial for this interaction and for the peroxisomal import of this protein. Interestingly, while scattered throughout the primary sequence, these amino acids come close to each other within two domains of the folded AOx. Although the role of one or both of these regions as the PTS3 signal is not finally proven, our data indicate that the signal guiding AOx into peroxisomal matrix is not a linear sequence but a signal patch. Copyright © 2020 Kempiński, Chełstowska, Poznański, Król, Rymer, Frydzińska, Girzalsky, Skoneczna, Erdmann and Skoneczny.Inter-organelle membrane contact sites (MCSs) are classically defined as areas of close proximity between heterologous membranes and established by specific proteins (termed tethers). The interest on MCSs has rapidly increased in the last years, since MCSs play a crucial role in the transfer of cellular components between different organelles and have been involved in important cellular functions such as apoptosis, organelle division and biogenesis, and cell growth. Recently, an unprecedented depth and breadth in insights into the details of MCSs have been uncovered. On one hand, extensive MCSs (organelles interactome) are revealed by comprehensive analysis of organelle network with high temporal-spatial resolution at the system level. On the other hand, more and more tethers involving in MCSs are identified and further works are focusing on addressing the role of these tethers in regulating the function of MCSs at the molecular level. These enormous progresses largely depend on the powerful approaches, including several different types of microscopies and various biochemical techniques. These approaches have greatly accelerated recent advances in MCSs at the system and molecular level. In this review, we summarize the current and emerging approaches for studying MCSs, such as various microscopies, proximity-driven fluorescent signal generation and proximity-dependent biotinylation. In addition, we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques to provide a general guidance for the study of MCSs. learn more Copyright © 2020 Huang, Jiang, Yu and Yang.Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease with as yet no efficient therapies, the pathophysiology of which is still largely unclear. Many drugs and therapies have been designed and developed in the past decade to stop or slow down this neurodegenerative process, although none has successfully terminated a phase-III clinical trial in humans. Most therapies have been inspired by the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which has more recently come under question due to the almost complete failure of clinical trials of anti-amyloid/tau therapies to date. To shift the perspective for the design of new AD therapies, membrane lipid therapy has been tested, which assumes that brain lipid alterations lie upstream in the pathophysiology of AD. A hydroxylated derivative of docosahexaenoic acid was used, 2-hydroxy-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA-H), which has been tested in a number of animal models and has shown efficacy against hallmarks of AD pathology. Here, for the first time, DHA-H is shown to undergo α-oxidation tn of DHA-H into HPA could represent a key event in the therapeutic effects of DHA-H against AD. Copyright © 2020 Parets, Irigoyen, Ordinas, Cabot, Miralles, Arbona, Péter, Balogh, Fernández-García, Busquets, Lladó, Escribá and Torres.Internal snapping of the psoas tendon is a frequently reported condition, especially in young adolescents involved in sports. It is defined as an increased tendon excursion over bony or soft tissue prominence causing local irritation and inflammation of the tendon leading to groin pain and often is accompanied by an audible snap. Due to the lack of detailed dynamic visualization means, the exact mechanism of the condition remains poorly understood and different theories have been postulated related to the etiology and its location about the hip. In the present study we simulated psoas tendon behavior in a virtual population of 40,000 anatomies and compared tendon movement during combined abduction, flexion and external rotation and back to neutral extension and adduction. At risk phenotyopes for tendon snapping were defined as the morphologies presenting with excess tendon movement. There were little differences in tendon movement between the male and female models. In both populations, abnormal tendon excursion correlated with changes in mainly the femoral anatomy (male r = 0.72, p less then 0.001, female r = 0.66, p less then 0.001) increased anteversion and valgus as well as a decreasing femoral offset and ischiofemoral distance. The observed combination of shape components correlating with excess tendon movement in essence presented with a medial positioning of the minor trochanter. This finding suggest that psoas snapping and ischiofemoral impingement are possibly two presentations of a similar underlying rotational dysplasia of the femur. Copyright © 2020 Audenaert, Khanduja, Claes, Malviya and Steenackers.Regenerative therapies for intervertebral disc (IVD) injuries are currently a major challenge that is addressed in different ways by scientists working in this field. Extracellular matrix (ECM) deriving from decellularized non-autologous tissues has been established as a biomaterial with remarkable regenerative capacity and its potential as a therapeutic agent is rising. In the present study, we investigated the potential of decellularized Wharton's jelly matrix (DWJM) from human umbilical cord to act as an ECM-based scaffold for IVD cell culturing. An efficient detergent-enzymatic treatment (DET) was used to produce DWJM maintaining its native microarchitecture. Afterward, immunofluorescence, biochemical assays and electron microscopy analysis showed that DWJM was able to produce sizeable 3D cell aggregates, when combined with human mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from WJ (MSCs) and IVD cells. These latter cells are characterized by the loss of their chondrocyte-like phenotype since they have been isolate) able to restore the disc structure and function. Therefore, the potential of DWJM to revert degenerated IVD cells could be exploited in the next future an ECM-based intradiscal injectable therapeutic. Copyright © 2020 Penolazzi, Pozzobon, Bergamin, D’Agostino, Francescato, Bonaccorsi, De Bonis, Cavallo, Lambertini and Piva.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a serious cancer which ranked the fourth in cancer-related death worldwide. Hence, more accurate diagnostic models are urgently needed to aid the early HCC diagnosis under clinical scenarios and thus improve HCC treatment and survival. Several conventional methods have been used for discriminating HCC from cirrhosis tissues in patients without HCC (CwoHCC). However, the recognition successful rates are still far from satisfactory. In this study, we applied a computational approach that based on machine learning method to a set of microarray data generated from 1091 HCC samples and 242 CwoHCC samples. The within-sample relative expression orderings (REOs) method was used to extract numerical descriptors from gene expression profiles datasets. After removing the unrelated features by using maximum redundancy minimum relevance (mRMR) with incremental feature selection, we achieved "11-gene-pair" which could produce outstanding results. We further investigated the discriminate capability of the "11-gene-pair" for HCC recognition on several independent datasets. The wonderful results were obtained, demonstrating that the selected gene pairs can be signature for HCC. The proposed computational model can discriminate HCC and adjacent non-cancerous tissues from CwoHCC even for minimum biopsy specimens and inaccurately sampled specimens, which can be practical and effective for aiding the early HCC diagnosis at individual level. Copyright © 2020 Zhang, Tan, Wang, Dao, Zhang and Lin.In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in research interests on the Fusarium species, which includes prevalent plant pathogens and human pathogens, common microbial food contaminants and industrial microbes. Taken the advantage of gibberellin synthesis, Fusarium fujikuroi succeed in being a prevalent plant pathogen. At the meanwhile, F. fujikuroi was utilized for industrial production of gibberellins, a group of extensively applied phytohormone. F. fujikuroi has been known for its outstanding performance in gibberellin production for almost 100 years. Research activities relate to this species has lasted for a very long period. The slow development in biological investigation of F. fujikuroi is largely due to the lack of efficient research technologies and molecular tools. During the past decade, technologies to analyze the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions and metabolic regulations have been developed rapidly, especially on the aspects of genetic manipulation. At the meanwhile, the industrial fermentation technologies kept sustained development. In this article, we reviewed the currently available research tools/methods for F. fujikuroi research, focusing on the topics about genetic engineering and gibberellin production. Copyright © 2020 Cen, Lin, Wang, Wang, Liu and Zheng.Dysregulation of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway is observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we investigated the therapeutic potential of retinoid activation via the RA receptor β (RARβ) in the SOD1 G93A mouse model of ALS. Our approach utilized the RARβ agonist adapalene, which we previously found to be neuroprotective in vitro. Adapalene, like most retinoids, is poorly water soluble, which has thus far prevented effective drug delivery in vivo. To address this challenge, we encapsulated adapalene within nanoparticles (Adap-NPs) composed of poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA-PEG). Our data demonstrate that intravenous administration of Adap-NPs robustly activates retinoid signaling in the CNS. Chronic administration of Adap-NPs resulted in improved motor performance, prolonged lifespan, and neuroprotection in SOD1 G93A mice. This study highlights retinoid signaling as a valuable therapeutic approach and presents a novel nanoparticle platform for the treatment of ALS.
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