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Effectiveness of first-line treatment plans in transplant-ineligible numerous myeloma: A network meta-analysis.
The data were analysed statistically. Results Participants' knowledge of foot self-care and foot health improved; however, the changes were not statistically significant. The FHPP was considered to be usable and has potential as a tool to increase knowledge of foot self-care among nurses. Conclusions The FHPP developed in this study is a newly developed potential tool to increase nurses' knowledge of foot self-care. Application of the FHPP as part of occupational health care may enhance nursing personnel's foot self-care and lower extremity health. Trial registration NCT03116451, 17.4.2017. © The Author(s) 2020.Background The presence of family members and their active involvement in caring for hospitalised children is an established practice in many African paediatric settings, with family members often regarded as a resource. This aspect of African paediatric nursing practice lacks formal expression or a clear conceptual basis, and difficulties arise when applying concepts of family involvement originating from the culturally distinct practice environments of higher resourced settings including Europe and America. The aim of this study was to articulate a nurse-led practice innovation intended to facilitate family involvement in the care of hospitalised children, observed in a paediatric inpatient ward in a district hospital in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods A qualitative case study design was used. see more Data collection included visual research methods (graphic facilitation, sociograms and photo-elicitation) as well as a focus group, interviews and practice observation. Activities associated with 20 nurses and 22 mother-child dyads were observed. link2 Data were subjected to content analysis, with Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) applied. Results Findings relate to six aspects of practice, categorised thematically as preserving the mother-child pair; enabling continuous presence; psychological support and empathy; sharing knowledge; mothers as a resource; and belief and trust. Conclusion The nursing practices and organisational policies observed in this setting relating to the facilitation of continuous maternal presence represent a distinctive nursing practice innovation. This deliberate practice contrasts with models of care provision which originate in higher resourced settings including Europe and America, such as Family Centred Care, and contrasts with informal practices in local African settings which tolerate the presence of mothers in other settings, as well as local institutional policies which limit mothers' presence to varying extents. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Thirty-two automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) were introduced in May 2015 in Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. These medication distribution systems represent relatively new technology in Europe and are aimed at rationalising the medication process and improving patient safety. Nurses are the end-users of ADCs, and it is therefore important to survey their perceptions of ADCs. Our aim was to investigate nurses' perceptions of ADCs and the impacts of ADCs on nurses' work. Methods The study was conducted in the Anaesthesia and Surgical Unit (OR) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU), of a tertiary care hospital, in Finland. We used two different research methods observation and a survey. The observational study consisted of two 5-day observation periods in both units, one before (2014) and the other after (2016) the introduction of ADCs. An online questionnaire was distributed to 346 nurses in April 2017. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages and the Cstructions better than the nurses in the OR. One reason for that can be the more extensive pilot period in the ICU. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Nursing students are highly susceptible to depression given the heavy workload and clinical demands of the curriculum. Depression has negative impacts on their health and academic performance. This study aimed to determine the determinants of depression amongst nursing students in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon. Methods A cross-sectional analysis of 447 nursing students recruited from a combination of state-owned and private nursing institutions in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon from January - April 2018 was carried out. Independent correlates of depression were determined using multivariable regression analysis, with the level of significance set at 95%. Results The overall prevalence of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 > 4) and major depressive disorder (Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 > 9) in these students was 69.57 and 26.40% respectively. Independent correlates of depression were found to be total Oldenburg Burnout Inventory score (aOR 1.18; 95% CI 1.11, 1.25; p value less then  0.01); level of studies (aOR 0.72; 95% CI 0.55, 0.94; p value = 0.02) and occurrence of a life-changing crises (aOR 2.13; 95% CI 1.28, 3.55, p value less then  0.01). Conclusion The prevalence of depression amongst nursing students in Cameroon is high. Determinants proposed in this study require further assessment to facilitate early identification and management of depression in this high-risk group, in order to limit the negative effects linked with the condition. © The Author(s) English, Spanish Ciudades costeras en los trópicos generalmente se encuentran localizadas en lugares de baja elevación y vulnerables a los efectos de tormentas e inundaciones. San Juan, Puerto Rico es un buen ejemplo de esto. Esta ciudad fue construida alrededor de un sistema de lagunas y canales que se conoce como el Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan. Un canal crítico en este sistema es el Caño Martín Peña que en el pasado fue rellenado con sedimentos causando inundaciones en las comunidades vecinas. Estas aguas de escorrentía incluyen aguas residuales y aumentado el riesgo a problemas de salud pública y del ambiente. Análisis de los sedimentos indican que porciones de este sistema funcionan como lagunas de sedimentación. link3 Gran flujo de aguas residuales y escorrentía urbana hacia el Caño aportan nitrógeno (N), pero el análisis de sedimentos y nutrientes por isótopos estables indica que esta escorrentía también aumenta las condiciones por procesos acoplados de reducción de sulfato y fijación de nitrógeno. La cantidad de ‘nuevo’ N biodisponible creado del gas nitrógeno inerte atmosférico podría lograr o exceder esa fijación del nitrógeno derivado de la escorrentía hacia el Caño. Las consecuencias ecológicas de esto parecen extenderse más allá de este canal estancado afectando así la calidad del agua en el Estuario, mayor aún que los contaminantes encontrados en la escorrentía pluvial por sí sola.Background The family Opiliaceae in Santalales comprises approximately 38 species within 12 genera distributed worldwide. In Taiwan, only one species of the tribe Champereieae, Champereia manillana, has been recorded. Here we report the first record of a second member of Opiliaceae, Cansjera in tribe Opilieae, for Taiwan. New information The newly-found species, Cansjera rheedei J.F. Gmelin (Opiliaceae), is a liana distributed from India and Nepal to southern China and western Malaysia. This is the first record of both the genus Cansjera and the tribe Opilieae of Opiliaceae in Taiwan. In this report, we provide a taxonomic description for the species and colour photographs to facilitate identification in the field. Po-Hao Chen, An-Ching Chung, Sheng-Zehn Yang.Ardisia argentiana and A. nagaensis from subgenus Tetrardisia are herein described and illustrated as new species. They are endemic to Borneo and the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan and to the Malaysian state of Sarawak, respectively. Ardisia argentiana is unique in its linear-oblong leaves, with a long, acuminate-caudate apex, and finely serrulate margins, while A. nagaensis can be easily recognized by its elliptic-lanceolate leaves. Avelinah Julius, Tadashi Kajita, Timothy M. A. Utteridge.Hanceola is a genus of eight herbaceous species previously thought to be endemic to southern China. However, H. suffruticosa, a new species described here from China and Vietnam, differs from all other species of Hanceola by its subshrubby habit. It is also distinct in its shallowly bicrenate laminae and densely purplish glandular puberulent inflorescences. The morphological description, illustrations, and distribution of the new species are presented. A key to all species of Hanceola is also provided. Ya-Ping Chen, Alan J. Paton, Chun-Lei Xiang.The first comprehensive plant checklist for the Bvumba massif, situated in the Manica Highlands along the Zimbabwe-Mozambique border, is presented. Although covering only 276 km2, the flora is rich with 1250 taxa (1127 native taxa and 123 naturalised introductions). There is a high proportion of Orchidaceae and Pteridophyta, with both groups showing a higher richness than for adjacent montane areas, which may be due to the massif's relatively high moisture levels as a result of frequent cloud cover. However, in contrast to other mesic montane regions in southern Africa, there are relatively few near-endemic or range-restricted taxa there is only one local endemic, Aeranthes africana, an epiphytic forest orchid. This is likely to be an effect of the massif having limited natural grassland compared to forest, the former being the most endemic-rich habitat in southern African mountains outside of the Fynbos Biome. Six other near-endemic taxa with limited distribution in this portion of the Manica Highlands are highlighted. The high number of invasive species is probably a result of diverse human activities in the area. The main species of concern are Acacia melanoxylon, a tree that is invading grassland and previously cultivated land, the forest herb Hedychium gardnerianum which in places is transforming forest understorey with an adverse effect on some forest birds, and the woody herb Vernonanthura polyanthes which invades cleared forest areas after fire. Future botanical work in the massif should focus on a more detailed exploration of the poorly known Serra Vumba on the Mozambican side and on the drier western slopes. This will allow for a more detailed analysis of patterns of endemism across the Manica Highlands. Jonathan Timberlake, Petra Ballings, João de Deus Vidal Jr., Bart Wursten, Mark Hyde, Anthony Mapaura, Susan Childes, Meg Coates Palgrave, Vincent Ralph Clark.Records of new species of vascular plants in Greenland from the last four decades are presented and new phytogeographical data leading to extension of the known distribution limits in Greenland are discussed. Since the publication of the latest edition of the Flora of Greenland in 1978 (Böcher et al. 1978) fieldwork by Greenland Botanical Survey and other expeditions have taken place especially in West and East Greenland and in many remote areas in North and Northeast Greenland. This paper serves as an update of the Flora of Greenland. Twenty species, one subspecies and one new forma have been added to the flora of Greenland Carex membranacea Hook., Carex miliaris Michx., Carex rhomalea (Fernald) Mack., Equisetum hyemale L., Festuca edlundiae S. Aiken, Consaul and Lefkovich, Festuca groenlandica (Schol.) Frederiksen, Festuca saximontana Rydb., Galium verum L., Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser., Papaver cornwallisense D. Löve, Papaver dahlianum Nordh., Papaver labradoricum (Fedde) Solstad and Elven, Papaver lapponicum (Tolm.
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