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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoblotting (Western blotting) are the most common methods in life science. In conjunction with these methods, the polyhistidine-tag has proven to be a superb fusion tag for protein purification as well as specific protein detection by immunoblotting, which led to a vast amount of commercially available antibodies. Nevertheless, antibody batch-to-batch variations and nonspecific binding complicate the laborious procedure. The interaction principle applied for His-tagged protein purification by metal-affinity chromatography using N-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) was employed to develop small high-affinity lock-and-key molecules coupled to a fluorophore. These multivalent NTA probes allow specific detection of His-tagged proteins by fluorescence. Here, we report on HisQuick-PAGE as a fast and versatile immunoblot alternative, using such high-affinity fluorescent super-chelator probes. The procedure allows direct, fast, and ultra-sensitive in-gel detection and analysis of soluble proteins as well as intact membrane protein complexes and macromolecular ribonucleoprotein particles.Imaging of complex (biological) samples in the near-infrared (NIR) is beneficial due to reduced light scattering, absorption, phototoxicity, and autofluorescence. However, there are few NIR fluorescent materials known and suitable for biomedical applications. Here we exfoliate the layered pigment CaCuSi4O10 (Egyptian Blue, EB) via ball milling and facile tip sonication into NIR fluorescent nanosheets (EB-NS). The size of EB-NS can be tailored to diameters less then 20 nm and heights down to 1 nm. EB-NS fluoresce at 910 nm and the fluorescence intensity correlates with the number of Cu2+ ions. Furthermore, EB-NS display no bleaching and high brightness compared with other NIR fluorophores. The versatility of EB-NS is demonstrated by in-vivo single-particle tracking and microrheology measurements in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. EB-NS can be uptaken by plants and remotely detected in a low-cost stand-off detection setup. In summary, EB-NS have the potential for a wide range of bioimaging applications.Fragile quantum effects such as single electron charging in quantum dots or macroscopic coherent tunneling in superconducting junctions are the basis of modern quantum technologies. These phenomena can only be observed in devices where the characteristic spacing between energy levels exceeds the thermal energy, kBT, demanding effective refrigeration techniques for nanoscale electronic devices. Commercially available dilution refrigerators have enabled typical electron temperatures in the 10 to 100 mK regime, however indirect cooling of nanodevices becomes inefficient due to stray radiofrequency heating and weak thermal coupling of electrons to the device substrate. Here, we report on passing the millikelvin barrier for a nanoelectronic device. Using a combination of on-chip and off-chip nuclear refrigeration, we reach an ultimate electron temperature of Te = 421 ± 35 μK and a hold time exceeding 85 h below 700 μK measured by a self-calibrated Coulomb-blockade thermometer.Light-sensitive capacitance variation of Bi0.95La0.05FeO3 (BLFO) ceramics has been studied under violet to UV irradiation. The reversible capacitance enhancement up to 21% under 405 nm violet laser irradiation has been observed, suggesting a possible degree of freedom to dynamically control this in high dielectric materials for light-sensitive capacitance applications. By using ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), we show here that exposure of BLFO surfaces to UV light induces a counterintuitive shift of the O2p valence state to lower binding energy of up to 243 meV which is a direct signature of negative electronic compressibility (NEC). A decrease of BLFO electrical resistance agrees strongly with the UPS data suggesting the creation of a thin conductive layer on its insulating bulk under light irradiation. By exploiting the quantum capacitance model, we find that the negative quantum capacitance due to this NEC effect plays an important role in this capacitance enhancement.The therapeutic effects of C16, which is an inhibitor of RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), on growth of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells and tumor progression in vitro and in vivo were evaluated. Huh7 cells, a human HCC cell line, were used. link2 The effects of C16 on cell viability were evaluated with the MTT assay, and real-time RT-PCR was performed. Huh7 cells were grafted into immunodeficient mice, and the in vivo effects of C16 on tumorigenesis were examined. C16 suppressed proliferation of HCC cells in a dose-dependent manner in vitro. Mouse models with xenograft transplantation showed that the inhibitor suppressed the growth of HCC cells in vivo. Moreover, C16 decreased angiogenesis in HCC tissue in the xenograft model. Consistent with these results in mice, transcript levels of vascular endothelial growth factor-A and factor-B, platelet-derived growth factor-A and factor-B, fibroblast growth factor-2, epidermal growth factor, and hepatocyte growth factor, which are angiogenesis-related growth factors, were significantly decreased by C16 in vitro. In conclusion, the PKR inhibitor C16 blocked tumor cell growth and angiogenesis via a decrease in mRNA levels of several growth factors. C16 may be useful in the treatment of HCC.The rapid progress in mass-market applications of metal-ion batteries intensifies the development of economically feasible electrode materials based on earth-abundant elements. Here, we report on a record-breaking titanium-based positive electrode material, KTiPO4F, exhibiting a superior electrode potential of 3.6 V in a potassium-ion cell, which is extraordinarily high for titanium redox transitions. We hypothesize that such an unexpectedly major boost of the electrode potential benefits from the synergy of the cumulative inductive effect of two anions and charge/vacancy ordering. Carbon-coated electrode materials display no capacity fading when cycled at 5C rate for 100 cycles, which coupled with extremely low energy barriers for potassium-ion migration of 0.2 eV anticipates high-power applications. Our contribution shows that the titanium redox activity traditionally considered as "reducing" can be upshifted to near-4V electrode potentials thus providing a playground to design sustainable and cost-effective titanium-containing positive electrode materials with promising electrochemical characteristics.The present study evaluates the role of graphene oxide's (GO's) peroxidase-like and inherent/carbocatalytic properties in oxidising silver nitrate (AgNO3) to create graphene nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles (GO/Ag nanocomposite). Activation of peroxidase-like catalytic function of GO required hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ammonia (NH3) in pH 4.0 disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4). Carbocatalytic abilities of GO were triggered in pH 4.0 deionised distilled water (ddH2O). Transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and UV-Vis spectroscopy aided in qualitatively and quantitatively assessing GO/Ag nanocomposites. TEM and SEM analysis demonstrated the successful use of GO's peroxidase-like and carbocatalytic properties to produce GO/Ag nanocomposite. UV-Vis analysis indicated a higher yield in optical density values for GO/Ag nanocomposites created using GO's carbocatalytic ability rather than its peroxidase-like counterpart. Additionally, CV demonstrated that GO/Ag nanocomposite fabricated here is a product of an irreversible electrochemical reaction. Our study outcomes show new opportunities for GO as a standalone catalyst in biosensing. We demonstrate a sustainable approach to obtain graphene nanocomposites exclusive of harmful chemicals or physical methods.The two efficient non-doped blue emitters with hybridized local and charge transfer state namely, NDBNPIN and DBTPIN have been synthesised and characterised. These materials are employed as a host for green and red phosphorescent OLEDs. The white device based on DBTPINIr(MDQ)2(acac) (4%) exhibit maximum external quantum efficiency (ηex) -24.8%; current efficiency (ηc) -57.1 cdA-1; power efficiency (ηp) -64.8 lmW-1 with Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE0.49, 0.40) than NDBNPINIr(MDQ)2acac (4%) device [ηex - 23.1%; ηc -54.6 cd A-1; ηp- 60.0 lm W-1 with CIE (0.47, 0.42)].The low-energy edge of optical absorption spectra is critical for the performance of solar cells, but is not well understood in the case of organic solar cells (OSCs). We study the microscopic origin of exciton bands in molecular blends and investigate their role in OSCs. We simulate the temperature dependence of the excitonic density of states and low-energy absorption features, including low-frequency molecular vibrations and multi-exciton hybridisation. For model donor-acceptor blends featuring charge-transfer excitons, our simulations agree very well with temperature-dependent experimental absorption spectra. We unveil that the quantum effect of zero-point vibrations, mediated by electron-phonon interaction, causes a substantial exciton bandwidth and reduces the open-circuit voltage, which is predicted from electronic and vibronic molecular parameters. This effect is surprisingly strong at room temperature and can substantially limit the OSC's efficiency. Strategies to reduce these vibration-induced voltage losses are discussed for a larger set of systems and different heterojunction geometries.Most human cancers are aneuploid, due to a chromosomal instability (CIN) phenotype. Despite being hallmarks of cancer, however, the roles of CIN and aneuploidy in tumor formation have not unequivocally emerged from animal studies and are thus still unclear. Using a conditional mouse model for diverse degrees of CIN, we find that a particular range is sufficient to drive very early onset spontaneous adenoma formation in the intestine. In mice predisposed to intestinal cancer (ApcMin/+), moderate CIN causes a remarkable increase in adenoma burden in the entire intestinal tract and especially in the distal colon, which resembles human disease. Strikingly, a higher level of CIN promotes adenoma formation in the distal colon even more than moderate CIN does, but has no effect in the small intestine. Our results thus show that CIN can be potently oncogenic, but that certain levels of CIN can have contrasting effects in distinct tissues.The Escherichia coli transcription-repair coupling factor Mfd displaces stalled RNA polymerase and delivers the stall site to the nucleotide excision repair factors UvrAB for damage detection. Whether this handoff from RNA polymerase to UvrA occurs via the Mfd-UvrA2-UvrB complex or alternate reaction intermediates in cells remains unclear. Here, we visualise Mfd in actively growing cells and determine the catalytic requirements for faithful recruitment of nucleotide excision repair proteins. We find that ATP hydrolysis by UvrA governs formation and disassembly of the Mfd-UvrA2 complex. link3 Further, Mfd-UvrA2-UvrB complexes formed by UvrB mutants deficient in DNA loading and damage recognition are impaired in successful handoff. Our single-molecule dissection of interactions of Mfd with its partner proteins inside live cells shows that the dissociation of Mfd is tightly coupled to successful loading of UvrB, providing a mechanism via which loading of UvrB occurs in a strand-specific manner.
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